Chapter 78

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The next day: Meng Yuan, who received a message from Meng Qing, went to the county town with Meng Qing. After arriving at the county seat: The two separated: Meng Qing went to the restaurant: Meng Yuan went to the restaurant where Luo Yu met.

Meng Yuan was led to the box by Xiao Er: After a while: Luo Yu also arrived.

As soon as Meng Yuan saw Luo Yu, a gentle smile appeared on his face . He stepped forward and held Luo Yu's hand and said, "Brother Yu: You're here: I miss you so much." Meng Yuan glanced at him: "I wonder why I didn't come to the county town to find me: You will only come if I ask Qing Ge'er to pass the message to you."

Meng Yuan hugged him gently: "It's not because I just broke off the marriage, so be careful. Do you want to act?"

Referring to the divorce, Luo Yu asked excitedly: "How is it, has our plan succeeded? What is Zhou Jin like now?

" In death, the step of breaking off the marriage is omitted: if it is seriously injured, disfigured or disabled, Meng Yuan has an excuse to break off the marriage.

Rather than let Zhou Jin die directly: Luo Yu hopes that Zhou Jin will be disfigured or disabled. He had met Zhou Jin in the county town. Zhou Jin had a handsome appearance and was no less than him. He did not believe that Meng Yuan and Zhou Jin had been engaged for more than a year: they would not be tempted by such a handsome face. If this appearance is gone, or the body is mutilated, even if he once left a good trace in Meng Yuan's heart, it will be covered up by the ugly appearance now, so that Meng Yuan's heart is completely only him.

When Meng Yuan heard the words, Zhou Jin's proud appearance when he agreed to break the marriage suddenly appeared in his mind, and there was a momentary daze in his eyes, immersed in excitement, Luo Yu did not see: "He was lucky and was rescued by a hunter in our village, but After he sprained his foot and was carried down the mountain by the hunter, our family broke off the marriage on the grounds that he had a skin-to-skin relationship with other men, and the Zhou family agreed."

"Just a sprained foot?" Luo Yu asked reluctantly. Seeing Meng Yuan nod his head, he felt very resentful to the hunter who saved Zhou Jin, minding his own business! He and Meng Yuan are indeed a pair, and they even have the same idea.

Luo Yu asked: "Then did he pester you after that?"

Meng Yuan said: "No, he has been recovering at home after breaking off the marriage, and we have never seen each other again." He took him into his arms and put him close to his ear He teased, "Don't worry, even if he recovers from

his injury and then pesters me, I won't pay attention to him. I only have you in my heart, so there's no room for anyone else." , lowered his head and kissed his lips.

At this time, in the box next to the box where the two were, the two men were arguing about the ownership of the box: "I came first, why should I give this box to him."

Another man said: "How about you come first? This I reserved the box early in the morning, of course it's mine."

Xiao Er said respectfully, "This guest, although our box is gone, we still need a seat in the lobby, or you can come to the lobby today. The

man said: "I have important guests to entertain today, how can I be in the lobby and lose more. I see that the box next door has been eating for a long time. I will ask them if they have eaten." He strode to the next door, and the little Er behind him was too late to stop him.

At this time, the two people in the box were kissing me, and the door was suddenly knocked open, and a man said carelessly: "You have eaten well... eh? Are you kissing?" Because of his surprise, his voice was raised a lot, which just made the whole restaurant. can be heard by everyone.

The previous dispute between the two has attracted a lot of attention, but now his voice has made all the guests in the restaurant focus on the two people hugging and kissing in the box.

Being smashed, Luo Yu exclaimed "Ah" and quickly jumped out of Meng Yuan's arms, Meng Yuan also quickly released his hand from his embrace.

Xiao Er hurriedly stepped forward and apologized: "I'm sorry, Master Luo, I can't stop this guest if he wants to crash in."

Just now Luo Yu was in Meng Yuan's arms, and the man didn't see his appearance clearly. When he came out of Meng Yuan's arms, he could see clearly: "You are the elder brother of the county magistrate's family? I'm sorry, Mr. Luo, I didn't mean to disturb you." He bowed in fear, then hurriedly left the restaurant. The deputy was afraid of Luo Yu's investigation.

When the diners in the restaurant heard the man's words, they all looked at Luo Yu: "It's really the brother of the county magistrate's family. I saw him on the street a few days ago, and he said it himself."

"I haven't heard of the county magistrate . My brother is engaged , this is a private meeting with a wild man, tsk tsk!"

"This Luo Yu is usually so arrogant, but I didn't expect it to be like this in private..."

The voices of these people talking and they looked at them with an ambiguous meaning The sight made Luo Yu feel like sitting on pins and needles, ashamed and angered to death, he couldn't stay any longer, and rushed away.

Meng Yuan was also in a mess at this time. He didn't know what to do. He subconsciously chased Luo Yu and ran out, but he didn't realize that there were two people standing at the door at this time, one was Yan Feng and the other was a man from the village.

The man asked Yan Feng and said, "Yan Feng, do you think that is Meng Yuan?" Seeing Yan Feng nodding, he was filled with righteous indignation: "No wonder the Meng family had to force Zhou Jin to break off the marriage, but it turned out that Meng Yuan climbed up to the county magistrate's house. Brother, he still slandered you and Zhou Jin, how shameless!"

He was lucky. Yesterday, the trap he set in the mountains suddenly caught a lot of prey. Today, he planned to take it to the county to sell it. On the way, he happened to meet Yan Feng, who also came to sell prey. When I asked him, he knew that Yan Feng usually Selling the prey to a restaurant, the price is higher than what he sells on the street. A place like a restaurant is not for everyone's prey, otherwise if the diners have problems eating, who will be responsible. He tentatively asked Yan Feng if he could introduce him to the restaurant. He didn't have any hope, but Yan Feng agreed without hesitation. Not only did he earn more money than usual, but he also saved time and effort. Yan Feng was very grateful, and he naturally wanted to fight for Yan Feng at this time.

Yan Feng didn't speak. Seeing him like this, the man felt that this person was suffering because of his fierce face. He was obviously a good person with a cold face and a warm heart, but he was always misunderstood. No, when he returned to the village, he must tell the villagers what happened here, so that they could not misunderstand Yan Feng.

However, he didn't know that the appearance of the restaurant today, including the fact that he was standing here by such a coincidence, was all planned by Yan Feng, who he thought was a good person.

When no one was paying attention, Yan Feng and the shopkeeper of the restaurant exchanged glances, took the man out of the restaurant and went back to the village.

When Meng Yuan appeased Luo Yu, when he returned to the village, he found that the villagers looked at him strangely, with disdain in their ambiguity. He had a bad premonition in his heart, and when he returned home and asked, sure enough, he and Luo Yu had a relationship. Everyone in the village knew about it.

Meng Yuan's heart sank, and everyone in the village knew that the county town wasn't much better, and the academy wasn't able to hide it either.

Meng Yuan's guess was right. In the county town, under the propaganda of Wang Hu and others, the elder brother of the county magistrate's family met privately with men in the restaurant box, and they hugged and kissed each other in a short time. When the county magistrate heard it, it was too late to stop them, but they acted very cautiously.

The county magistrate was very disappointed with Luo Yu. Although this county is small, there are also some young talents from rich and noble backgrounds. He originally planned to choose a husband of good character for Luo Yu among these people. He is the county. Ling's father is here, in this county, how can he keep his food and clothing safe all his life, but he doesn't want him to be privately mixed with a farmer's scholar.

It's not that he looks down on the scholars of the rural gate, but it's just how difficult the imperial examination is. He knows better than anyone how easy it is for a rural person to get ahead. It's just money that farmers can't afford. What's more, Meng Yuan came to hook up with Luo Yu even when he had a fiancé, his character was evident, how could such a person be entrusted for life. If he didn't know that scholars cherish reputation, he would have suspected that all this was Meng Yuan's scheming.

When such a thing happened, it was impossible for him to show Luo Yuxiang another family. It was not a marriage but an enmity, so even if he didn't want to, he had to ask the Meng family to come to propose a marriage, and then set the nearest auspicious day and planned to use it. The fastest time to marry Luo Yu. Because of his disappointment and anger towards Luo Yu, even the originally scheduled dowry was reduced by 30%.

In the academy, Meng Yuan's affairs are naturally hidden. Many of his classmates and teachers know that he has a fiancé in the village who has been engaged for more than half a year. Not long ago, Meng Yuan broke off the marriage with that brother, and now he has contacted him again. In this matter, no one is stupid, and they immediately understand the tricks. People don't believe in true love. Most people think that Meng Yuan is just disgusting the poor and loving the rich.

Most of the classmates who were originally close to Meng Yuan were alienated from him, and the teachers' impression of Meng Yuan was greatly reduced. The teacher who was going to recommend him to study at Fucheng Academy also tore up the recommendation letter in disappointment.

In the original plot, after Zhou Jin's death, Meng Yuan pretended to be sad for him for a long time, and everyone around him praised him for being affectionate and righteous. Seeing that his studies were good and his character was excellent, his teacher recommended him to study at Fucheng Academy. Meng Yuan won the favor of the dean of Fucheng Academy and was accepted as a closed disciple, thus opening his road to prosperity.

Although Meng Yuan's career has not died yet, it will not be as smooth as in the original plot.

Meng Yuan naturally also felt the change, and couldn't help but feel a little angry at Luo Yu. If Luo Yu hadn't insisted on inviting him to meet, their relationship would have been broken, and how could he have fallen into such an embarrassing situation now.

And after Luo Yu got married to the Meng family, he realized that the farmer's life was so hard. The rice was mixed with coarse grains, which made his throat uncomfortable. The fried vegetables had no oil or water at all. Speaking of fruit pastries, I almost never see them. He didn't know that it was because Meng Qing made money after wearing it and the economic conditions of the Meng family improved.

Luo Yu was pampered and raised since he was a child. He was used to eating these things. He directly proposed to improve his life, but was told that he had no money at home. Luo Yu didn't believe it. He knew how good Meng Qing's restaurant business was. How could he have no money? He thought so and naturally asked.

Meng Qing felt very uncomfortable when he heard the words. He really did not hand over all the money. He was thinking of a modern person. Only when the money was placed on himself, would he have a sense of security if he was financially independent. In his opinion, it was his filial piety to hand over part of the money he earned to Meng A-Daddy and Meng A-Mei, and it would be impossible for him to hand over all of it. He also knew that in ancient times his thoughts like this must not be known, otherwise people would be accused of being unfilial.

Meng Qing said: "You also know that my restaurant business was bleak during this time, and I hardly made any money. The money I handed over to my family before was used for my brother's studies."

Luo Yu heard that the money was used on Meng Yuan. It's hard to say anything, but life must be improved, so he had to use his dowry money to make up for it. Although his dowry was reduced by 30%, it was still very expensive for the peasant family. , once, there will be countless times later, of course, Luo Yu did not realize this at this time.

Luo Yu was dissatisfied with the living conditions of the Meng family, but did not know that Meng Amei was also dissatisfied with him. He couldn't wash his clothes, he couldn't cook his meals, let alone go to the ground, he was picky about what he was eating, and he disliked this and that, and that's all. He even had Meng Yuan to serve him, and he didn't look like a husband at all. If it wasn't for Luo Yu's father being the county magistrate, how could he endure it. Although Meng Amo didn't dare to show it in front of Luo Yu, it didn't prevent him from complaining to his son. Meng Yuan listened too much, and he would leave traces in his heart. How long could his not-so-pure love stand the test?

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-08 00:00:00~2020-07-09 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 3 bottles of Taoyue Linzhi; 1 bottle of apple picking under the bayberry tree; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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