Chapter 118

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The four returned to the supermarket lobby: The survivors were still helping to pack supplies, and the others in Xiao Xiangheng's team were not idle either, filling their three or two cars' trunks.

Meng Fanze's eyes lit up when he saw this: "Brother Xiao: I'll go and help." He has no choice for the materials in the warehouse: but he can still use the materials here to help smuggle some into the space: but he forgets that he is a precious space The ability person, Xiao Xiangheng always guarded him, and did not give him this chance at all. It was something he had always dreamed of in previous lives: but this moment didn't seem so pleasant. Of course, he didn't know that Xiao Xiangheng's constant protection was actually a form of surveillance in disguise. He couldn't fully trust a person who had just joined the team, let alone a person who could cruelly abandon his loved ones.

This time Xie Jing Xing did not take care of Meng Fanze: there are so many people watching, even if it is smuggling: how much can he smuggle, he just wants to block Meng Fanze, but he will not miss his business because of this person.

Xie Jing Xing shielded himself and Qin Shuo with his spiritual ability, then dragged Qin Shuo upstairs directly. Qin Shuo found that the survivors in the supermarket did not seem to see them going upstairs at all, and did not express any curiosity about their behavior. This should also be Kitten's ability, he obediently allowed Xie Jing Xing to pull him and didn't ask anything.

After going upstairs: Qin Shuo immediately protected Xie Jing Xing behind him, but found that the zombies on the second floor seemed to have lost their sense of smell: they did not rush towards the two of them as he expected: they were still wandering aimlessly upstairs.

Before Qin Shuo could express his surprise, he found that his kitten waved, and a clothing store was empty: With another wave, a shoe store was empty, and the kitten also awakened space abilities? While he was happy, there was a sense of loss and worry in his heart. He was happy because of the kitten's trust in him. What was lost was that the kitten could live well without him, and he was worried about whether the kitten would leave him. Qin Shuo's eyes dimmed a little when he thought that the kitten would leave him.

Xie Jing Xing keenly sensed the complicated emotions, but he asked himself that he knew his lover very well, and he could not guess what was wrong with him at the moment. However, he has never been a tangled person, so he asked directly, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Shuo glanced at Xie Jing Xing, pursed his lips and said, "I feel that I am useless."

"Huh?" Xie Jing Xing was at a loss, his lover was good, and he was a fire-type superpower, even in the last days, he was a strong man, he really didn't understand where the conclusion of his lover came from.

"Your ability makes you not afraid of zombies, and you are not short of supplies. You don't seem to need me at all." Qin Shuo frowned when he said this.

Xie Jing Xing suddenly realized that his lover has always been strong, even when he was disabled, he was full of confidence. When had he ever seen him so unconfident, but he would be lost because of such a thing, his lover is really becoming more and more lovely.

Xie Jing Xing was in a bad mood and teased: "You seem to be making sense, then why don't we separate?"

"No!" Qin Shuo quickly grabbed Xie Jing Xing's arm: "You promised to go to City B with me. You can drive, cook, and watch the night. Although you are not afraid of zombies or lack of supplies, if you are alone, you have to do all these things yourself. How tiring, you can't rest well at night. Besides, it's the end of the world, it's scary. Not only zombies, but also people, what will you do if you encounter someone with bad intentions?"

Xie Jing Xing smiled and looked at the man who just thought he was useless and then listed a bunch of his uses, and finally he couldn't bear it Seeing him continue to be anxious, he stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips, leaving at the touch of a button: "Good, who said I don't need you." I resented the height difference between myself and my lover in this life.

Seeing his lover's stunned appearance, he chuckled lightly, and pulled him to continue collecting supplies, outdoor supplies, collected, padded down jacket, collected, underwear, collected, children's clothing, there are many orphans in the base, collected.

Qin Shuo's mind was constantly swiping the screen at this moment, the kitten kissed him, the kitten kissed him. Although he called Xie Jing Xing Kitten in his heart, he also knew that this was a person and a man. Now that he was kissed by a man, not only did he not feel disgusted, but he was very happy, and his heart was beating like a drum.

It turned out that he fell in love with the kitten at first sight. No wonder he wanted to adopt the kitten at the first sight. The kitten just kissed him. Does this mean that the kitten also likes him?

Qin Shuo looked at Xie Jing Xing who was calmly collecting supplies as if nothing had happened, and was a little unsure, this would not be a way for the kitten to comfort others, thinking that the kitten had comforted others in this way, he felt a little bit in his heart. Sour, he pulled Xie Jing Xing's hand tightly: "Xiao Mian, why did you kiss me just now?"

"Of course the reason for kissing you is..." Xie Jing Xing deliberately paused, and curled his lips into a smile in the man's expectant and uneasy eyes: " Like-like-you."

Qin Shuo didn't know what he was doing at this time, but he loved his cunning appearance so much, he happily raised the corner of his mouth, dragged Xie Jingxing into his arms and put it on his lips He took a sip: "Little bad cat, all the chapters are covered, but you can't go back, you will be raised by me from now on."

"Little bad cat?" What kind of strange name is this, Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows.

Qin Shuo laughed, oops, I'm so happy to call out the nickname in my heart, the kitten won't fry, it must be very cute, I want to see it.

Xie Jing Xing didn't really fret, he was very tolerant towards his lover's little hobby: "The time is limited, let's collect the supplies first."

There was a trace of regret in Qin Shuo's eyes, there was no worry, he was proud in his heart, worthy of him The kitten turned out to be a three-line ability user.

"It's not three elements, it's two elements, mental ability and water element ability." It turned out that Qin Shuo said the picture unconsciously.

"Space is... um." Just as Xie Jing Xing was about to explain the origin of space, Qin Shuo covered his mouth.

Qin Shuo looked at Xie Jing Xing softly, "You don't need to tell me, it's not surprising that there are some rare abilities in this world today, one less person who knows about you can be a little less dangerous." He could probably guess the space of the kitten. It should be derived from an item. Since it is an item, it can be robbed, so the less people know about it, the better.

Xie Jing Xing felt warm in his heart, and a thought suddenly occurred in his heart, since the jade pendant is a drop of blood to recognize the master, other people may be able to drop blood on it.

He pulled Qin Shuo's hand to reveal his fingertips, stretched out his hand and waved, a small water needle stabbed Qin Shuo's fingertips, and blood beads appeared from his fingertips. The surrounding zombies started to move when they smelled the blood, Xie Jing Xing quickly pulled down his neckline, revealing the drop-shaped mark on his collarbone, and pressed Qin Shuo's bloody fingertips up, the blood was immediately absorbed, there was no bloody smell, and the zombies returned again. calm down.

"I didn't expect it to be a success, take a look, can you sense the space?" Xie Jing Xing took Qin Shuo's hand and said happily.

Qin Shuo thought about it, and sure enough, he saw a space the size of a football field. There were a lot of supplies in it. The rows of shelves were very familiar. Isn't that what he saw in the supermarket warehouse?

"I sensed it." Qin Shuo hugged Xie Jing Xing tightly in his arms, his voice was a little hoarse, his heart seemed to be soaked in a hot spring, hot and comforting. Why is this person so stupid, they have only just met, why does he trust him so much, isn't he afraid that he is lying to him when he says he likes him? Aren't you afraid that he has malicious intentions, killing people and stealing treasures?

Feeling his lover's agitated emotions, Xie Jing Xing patted him on the back soothingly, "Didn't you say you want to support me, you will take care of this space in the future, I am the most impatient to organize things, you are just being lazy. "In Xie Jing Xing's view, this is really nothing, between him and his lover, let alone a space, even life can be given to him.

"Okay, you will be responsible for eating and drinking well in the future, and leave the rest to me." Qin Shuo vowed in his heart that even in the apocalypse, he would let his kitten live as it was before the apocalypse.

The two acted together, and it was faster to put away the supplies. In half an hour, the two of them took away everything that could be collected from the second to sixth floors. No one would come to these places in the future, and it would be a waste to leave them.

The two went back to the first floor to walk to an empty shelf, Xie Jing Xing removed the shield of mental ability and pretended to choose, no one noticed that the two had left for more than half an hour in the middle.

It happened that this shelf was filled with seasonings, which was of no use to other people, but Qin Shuo wanted Xie Jing Xing to eat well, these things were essential. I'm glad that I learned some cooking skills when I had nothing to do before, and the dishes tasted good. The enthusiastic discussion between the two was like the husband who was shopping in the supermarket before the end of the world, warm and full of fireworks.

This is what Xiao Xiangheng and Meng Fanze saw when they found them. Xiao Xiangheng was in a trance, but in just three days, it seemed that the peaceful days were far away from him.

Meng Fanze lived in the apocalypse for three years in his previous life. Although he didn't like it, he was already used to the apocalyptic life. Looking at this scene, he felt dazzling, so he opened his mouth to break the picture: "Ye Mian, what are you doing?"

"Brother Qin I'm afraid that I won't be able to eat those dry food, so I plan to cook for me in the future, we are choosing the seasonings." Xie Jing Xing said with a smile, he knew that Meng Fanze likes to compare with him the most, as long as he has a good life, Meng Fanze will feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, there was a trace of jealousy in Meng Fanze's eyes, why did Ye Mian have no space ability, and someone still treats him so well, it would be good to have enough food in the end of the world, and he was worried that he would not eat well.

"Ye Mian, it's the end of the world now, you can't be as squeamish as before, Brother Qin will be embarrassed." He said earnestly, looking at Xie Jing Xing as if he was an ignorant child, and gave Qin Shuo an apology eyes.

Xie Jing Xing looked at Qin Shuo with shame when he heard the words: "Brother Qin, am I being too squeamish and embarrassing you?"

Qin Shuo had already understood the bad temperament of Kitten Yan'er, so he naturally knew that he did it on purpose, but he still felt bad. Now, he gave Meng Fanze a cold look, turned his head to look at Xie Jing Xing but his eyes were extremely gentle: "Xiao Mian don't listen to outsiders, you are not squeamish at all, I don't feel embarrassed, these things are very difficult for me. It's simple, others can't do it because they are incompetent.

" Meng Fanze, an "outsider", heard a stumbling block in his heart. According to this person's statement, it is not that most people in the last days are incompetent.

Xie Jing Xing revealed a bright smile upon hearing this: "Brother Qin is the most powerful, I believe in Brother Qin."

Qin Shuo rubbed Xie Jing Xing's head dotingly: "Dear, that's right, don't listen to people who are

irrelevant." Meng Fanze, who was "irrelevant", heard the words again.

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