Chapter 22

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As for Xie Jing Xing, unless necessary, he basically reads books at home and rarely shows up. Although he no longer steals chickens and dogs like the original owner, everyone just thinks he has the long-term meal ticket of Shen Zhan, and his impression of him is still the original gangster. son. Now that he is going to take the college entrance examination, no one in the village believes that he can pass the entrance examination.

No matter how they looked or thought, the two of them didn't care, but Zhao Yan, an educated youth, nodded kindly to the two of them.

Xia An'an was very hostile to Zhao Yan, the wife of Shen Jianguo in his previous life. It happened that Zhao Yan was rescued by the two when he was in danger by Xia An'an's design. Xie Jing Xing reminded her out of good intentions, so that she had a good relationship with Xia An'an. Be prepared, and later avoided Xia An'an's calculations many times. Zhao Yan was very grateful to the two of them, but she was a single woman after all, so she usually didn't dare to get too close to the two men.

At this moment, the bell rang, Xie Jing Xing walked into the examination room calmly after bidding farewell to Shen Zhan.

A month later, with the issuance of university admission notices, several families were happy and others were sad.

A total of five people in Hongqi Village received the admission notice, Zhao Yan was among the three educated youths, and the two villagers, one was Shen Jianguo, he was admitted to a specialized school, what made everyone unbelievable was that the other was Xie Jingxing, What I got was the admission letter from Capital Medical University.

When Xie Jing Xing faced everyone with envy, jealousy, scrutiny, or questioning eyes, his attitude was calm and he did not show pride or pride on his face. For Xie Jingxing, who got his doctorate at the age of eighteen, the subject of the college entrance examination was very simple. If he didn't want to be too conspicuous, it would not be a problem to get a national champion.

Xie Jing Xing has been well raised by Shen Zhan this year, he has grown a lot taller, he is nearly 1.8 meters tall, his complexion is ruddy and his complexion is fair. He stood there, tall and straight, with bright eyes and a calm expression, wearing simple white clothes and black trousers, clean and elegant.

Everyone discovered that before they knew it, the boy had grown to such a degree that they couldn't connect the boy in front of him with the bastard in their memory. Looking at such a young man, those doubtful words can no longer be said.

Xie Jing Xing looked at Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an in the crowd, his eyes flickered, and there was a bit of bad taste in his heart, so he told everyone that the reason why he was able to enter the university was because Shen Zhan gave him tutoring.

The villagers suddenly realized that Shen Zhan was number one every year when he was studying, and now it seems that it is not impossible for Xie Jing Xing to be admitted to university.

When Shen Jianguo heard this, the joy of just getting the admission notice faded a lot. Shen Zhan was his eldest brother, if he didn't break away from the family, then he would definitely be no worse than a bastard with his guidance.

Xia An'an felt very complicated at this time. She didn't expect that she did not pass the exam, but Shen Jianguo did. She didn't even care about Xie Jing Xing and Zhao Yan getting into university, she was thinking about how to convince Shen Jianguo to give up going to university and go into business instead.

She knew that it might be difficult. People at this time attached great importance to going to university, but she was afraid that she would miss the opportunity she should have had in her previous life when she waited for Shen Jianguo to go into business after graduating. Why did she suddenly pass the exam in her life, she obviously didn't do anything, how many things are different from the previous life.

What Xia Anan didn't know was that the series of events caused by the 800 yuan in this life made Shen Jianguo strong desire to stand out, and the resumption of the college entrance examination gave him hope, so this time he studied very seriously and finally passed the test. a specialized college.

After Xie Jing Xing and Shen Zhan returned home, they started to prepare for the capital. The cooperation between Xie Jing Xing and Zhong Aimin may not be able to continue in the future, and the business in Shen Zhan's black market will also be stopped, these must be explained clearly to the people, and with Uncle Zhang, Xie Jing Xing will give all the food from the family to Uncle Zhang and the others. Please Uncle Zhang take care of his house. This house was left by the original owner's parents. Although he may not return to the village much in the future, he still wants to keep it for the original owner.

Xie Jing Xing originally wanted to leave some money for Uncle Zhang, but Uncle Zhang would not accept it anyway, so he had to leave him the address of the school. If Uncle Zhang's family needed any help from him, he could write a letter or go to the school to find him.

Shen Zhan also sent a letter to his comrades in the capital, asking him to help him find a house. He used to be notoriously desperate on the battlefield, and Feng Weimin was not the only one he had saved.

On the Shen family's side, Shen Jianguo and Xia An'an quarreled for the first time since their marriage because of Shen Jianguo going to college.

Since the two got married, Shen Jianguo felt that he wronged Xia An'an when they got married, because he was the girl he loved, so after the marriage he could be said to be obedient to Xia An'an, and it hurt to the core.

Xia Anan only needs to cook at home, wash and do laundry, unlike Zhao Yan in her previous life who has to work in the fields. Although Wang Guihua has some criticisms about this, she is always protected by Shen Jianguo. What grievances have you suffered. After the two got married, they were sweet and sweet, and they never quarreled.

This time was different. Even if Shen Jianguo liked Xia An'an again, he felt that she was a little unreasonable this time. He was clearly admitted to university, which is what many people dreamed of, but she told him not to go, and let him do business. You must know that doing business is a speculative one, and if you are caught, you will be imprisoned.

He doesn't know the future like Xia An'an. He can't help thinking of her mother's words. Is Xia An'an not wanting to go because he didn't pass the exam? He is afraid that the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger, and he is worried that he will abandon him. he. So he had to repeatedly assure Xia An'an that he only had her in his heart, that he would not fall in love with others, and would not abandon her just because he went to college.

Xia An'an was not worried about this. She was afraid that if Shen Jianguo didn't follow the trajectory of his previous life, he would not be able to reach the height of his previous life in this life. What's the point of her rebirth and marrying Shen Jianguo, and she didn't dare to tell Shen Jianguo that she was reborn, He could only keep persuading Shen Jianguo.

After many times, Shen Jianguo also felt bored in his heart. In the end, Xia An'an failed to make Shen Jianguo change his mind. Until Shen Jianguo left home, the two were still arguing about this matter, and finally broke up unhappily. The originally loving couple also broke up because of this There was a rift.


With the help of Shen Zhan's comrades-in-arms, Xie Jing Xing and Shen Zhan spent 8,000 yuan to buy a second-class courtyard. The original owner of the yard had just returned from rehab, and he still had lingering fears about what happened during that special period, so he planned to dispose of the property under his name and go abroad, and now it is just two people cheaper.

After the two settled down, Xie Jingxing's school also opened. Because the courtyard was not far from the school, it was only a ten-minute ride away by bicycle. Xie Jingxing did not live in the school. For his convenience, Shen Zhan bought another bicycle. , As for the original car at home, it was left to Mr. He.

After Xie Jingxing started school, Shen Zhan began to look for ways to make money. He found that there were already many private transactions in the capital. Although he did not dare to blatantly, it was not as strictly regulated as before.

After wandering around the black market and major supply and marketing agencies and department stores for a week, he found that most of these places are women. These women dress up beautifully and are especially willing to spend money on some fashionable clothes and decorations. He eventually set his sights on women's clothing.

He told Xie Jing Xing this idea, Xie Jing Xing thought about it, took out a pen and paper and took a few drawings to Shen Zhan, Shen Zhan saw that it was the design drawing of the clothes. After observing a lot these days, he still has some aesthetics. He found that every piece painted by his lover is very beautiful. The whole is simple and elegant, which is in line with the current aesthetics. Some details are very ingenious. On the other hand, it is no worse than those sold by department stores.

Although Xie Jing Xing had not studied professional design, he could draw, and his aesthetic vision was there, drawing a few design drawings that fit the aesthetics of this era was nothing to him at all. Shen Zhan felt that his lover was like a treasure that could not be dug out cleanly and could surprise him every moment.

Shen Zhan originally planned to go to Guangzhou to get some clothes and sell them back like those black market tyrants. Although it was a bit risky, it was profitable, but now that he has the design of his lover, Shen Zhan changed his mind. He is going to ask someone to make the clothes on these design drawings, and then he will directly take the clothes and go to the black market to negotiate business with the poor man.

Apart from occasionally providing a few design drawings, Xie Jing Xing focused on his studies and never interfered in Shen Zhan's business. As the invisible boss in the original plot, Xie Jing Xing believed very much in Shen Zhan's ability.

After being busy for a while, Shen Zhan's business finally got on track, so he planned to pick up his lover to celebrate today.

He was waiting at the gate of the school, and when he saw his lover pushing a bicycle out, he was about to call out to him, but he found a girl stopped in front of the boy and said something shyly. Shen Zhan was so far apart that he couldn't hear what she said, but he could guess with his toes that his lover was so good, it was normal for a girl to confess.

Over the past year, the relationship between the two has deepened. Now Shen Zhan is no longer worried about gains and losses as he did at the beginning. He knows that although his lover is young, he is a person with a very firm mind.

Even so, he still felt sour in his heart, and felt that such a picture was extremely annoying. His lover belonged to him, but he couldn't swear sovereignty to anyone, and he had to watch other women covet his lover, which was extremely aggrieved.

He strode in front of the two of them, just in time to hear his lover say, "I'm sorry, I already have someone I like, and I can't accept your wishes."

With a sweetness in his heart, he took his lover's shoulder and was ready to leave. He would only think that the two had a good relationship and would not think too much, but as long as Xie Jing Xing felt his palm rubbing on his shoulder vaguely.

The girl wanted to say something, but he was frozen in place by his cold eyes.

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