Chapter 46

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Although the emperor's words were polite: but the words were full of chasing people: The Duke of Zhen had to bow and retire. He walked out of the door and looked back worriedly: I saw the younger son approached the emperor very unruly and said something: The always indifferent emperor's mouth turned up slightly: There was a smile in his eyes. The Marquis of Zhenguo was relieved a little, and he found that the emperor was very indulgent towards the younger son. With this indulgence: Even if the younger son did not say anything wrong or made any mistakes in front of the emperor: the emperor should not blame too much. However, as the saying goes, accompany the king is like accompany the tiger: Marquis of Zhen Guo still could not be completely relieved: he left Xie Jing Xing's yard with a trace of worry in his heart.

Xie Jing Xing approached Emperor Jing Xuan with one hand on his arm and the other hand on his pulse as if casually, like a child sharing a secret, he said excitedly, "Fourth brother, I plan to After researching the medicinal diet, I will invite the fourth brother to eat it together, and the fourth brother must eat it when the time comes: maybe it will be good for the fourth brother's body?" He also found that Emperor Jingxuan seemed to be somewhat indulgent towards him. Only then did he dare to make such an intimate action to give Emperor Jingxuan his pulse.

The sudden intimacy of Xie Jingxing surprised Emperor Jingxuan: not only let him eat medicated meals, even if the teenager wanted his life, he would not hesitate to give it to him, besides, why Xie Jingxing would suddenly study medicated meals must have been what he showed yesterday Weakness worries him. Because he lied to Xie Jingxing: Emperor Jingxuan was a little guilty, and at the same time there was a kind of sweetness in his heart, Xie Jingxing's mind was very useful to him, he didn't care if the medicinal diet had any effect, he happily raised the corners of his mouth: "Okay, four Brother must eat."

Xie Jing Xing finished taking the pulse, frowning slightly, Emperor Jingxuan was suffering from a deficiency, his body would indeed be weaker than the average person, but judging from his current pulse condition, his body was indeed in good condition as he said, according to the situation, as long as Take good care of it and live to the end of your life with no problem at all. Why did Emperor Jingxuan die young in the original plot? Did he not die of illness, but was killed by someone? As soon as Emperor Jingxuan died, King An ascended the throne. As the last beneficiary, it was hard for Xie Jing Xing not to doubt King An.

There was an icy touch between his brows, Xie Jing Xing recovered from his meditation, and found that Emperor Jingxuan was rubbing his fingers between his brows and coaxed softly, "Didn't the fourth brother promise you that you will definitely eat it, why are you frowning? You Ziyan will definitely get better in fourth brother's body." In fact, this is not to coax him, since he found his lover, he feels that his whole person is completely different.

Xie Jing Xing burst into laughter when he heard the words, what was the reason for the tone of coaxing the child, thinking in his heart to find an opportunity to remind the man that Emperor Jingxuan would never have an accident if he was there.

He released Emperor Jingxuan from his hand and asked, "What is the fourth brother coming to see me today?"

Emperor Jingxuan looked at Xie Jingxing's retracted hand, his heart was lost, but his face remained calm, he would secretly guard him yesterday. The investigation told Xie Jingxing in detail, and finally asked: "Jiang's sisters intend to plot against Ziyan, what does Ziyan want to do?"

He said while observing Xie Jingxing's face, he did not forget Xie Jingxing's attention to Jiang Yuwan yesterday, the reason why I would tell Xie Jing Xing about this, firstly to dispel his goodwill towards Jiang Yuwan, and secondly to make him take precautions against this kind of thing so as not to be tricked next time.

Xie Jing Xing did not expect that Jing Xuan would go to investigate this matter, just because he found out that there was something tricky about him appearing on that path, if he didn't really care about a person, how could he be so careful?

He was a little moved. Although this man was an emperor, he had never treated him like an emperor since he met him. Instead, he treated him like a friend as an equal. If it was said that he wanted to save Emperor Jingxuan in the first place to prevent the heroine from succeeding, then now he sincerely hopes that the man will be well.

"Since they are plotting against me to marry Prince An, I thought it would be better to let them go and let their sisters fight in Prince An's backyard for the rest of their lives, what does the fourth brother think of my proposal?" Xie Jing Xing curled his lips with a mischievous look in his eyes. sly.

When Emperor Jingxuan saw that he didn't care that he wanted Jiang Yuwan to marry Prince An, it could be seen that Jiang Yuwan didn't have the slightest bit of love between men and women. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and tilted his head slightly towards him, with an ambiguous tone: "Ziyan really has a

good relationship with the fourth brother, and the fourth brother originally planned to do the same." It was as if he was hugged into his arms, this embrace was really too comfortable, and it had a familiar aura that made Xie Jing Xing relax his body subconsciously, without struggling, even though he did not recognize the man's soul, his body was already long ago. One step accepted the man.

Xie Jing Xing did not hear the ambiguity in Emperor Jing Xuan's words, and continued, "Since they are sisters, the fourth brother might as well let them get married together. As we happen to have a partner, we should not be nervous."

This idea is really detrimental enough, Jing Xing Emperor Xuan couldn't help laughing: "It's still Ziyan who thought it through, just do it like this!" After being calculated, he would naturally return it, Xie Jing Xing's approach not only did not think it was too much, but he felt that he would take revenge if he had such a revenge. His temperament was very much to his liking.

Emperor Jingxuan thought about what happened yesterday, and said in a negotiating tone, "Ziyan, will the fourth brother arrange two secret guards for you? Yesterday, you managed to escape the Jiang sisters' plan by making a temporary move, and the fourth brother is worried about you. If you will encounter this kind of thing in the future, you can rest assured if you have a secret guard by your side to protect your fourth brother, and you can arrange for two secret guards to do it if you have anything in the future."

It was really drowsy and came to send the pillow, Xie Jing Xing was worried about what to do . Every day, the medicinal food was safely delivered to Emperor Jingxuan, and Emperor Jingxuan sent him two dark guards, which just came in handy. The emperor's dark guards are easier and less noticeable than his servants to enter and leave the palace, and they don't have to worry about medicated meals being dropped by people with ulterior motives, which is much safer.

"Okay, then thank you fourth brother."

Seeing that Xie Jing Xing agreed without any hesitation, Emperor Jing Xuan did not doubt his intention to arrange the secret guard at all. He was delighted and at the same time he couldn't help worrying. He was delighted that Xie Jing Xing treated himself. Trust, worry is that the young man in front of him is too simple, and he is so defenseless against a person he just met, which is really worrying. Forget it, with him looking after him in the future, Xie Jing Xing would not be in trouble.

Emperor Jingxuan clapped his hands, the two figures flickered and knelt in front of Xie Jingxing and Emperor Jingxing: "Master."

Emperor Jingxuan pointed at the two and said to Xie Jingxing, "This is the three and the four, Ziyan has something to do in the future. Even if you tell them to do it."

"This is the second son of the Lu family, Lu Ziyan, and you will be responsible for protecting his safety from now on. There must be no mistakes. Whatever the son of Lu has instructed, no matter how big or small, must not be neglected!"

"Yes!" People have long known from An Yi that Young Master Lu is the top of the master's heart, and even if Emperor Jingxuan did not emphasize it, they would not dare to neglect him.

The next day, the Prime Minister's Mansion received the imperial edict for marriage.

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said: Jiang Yuwan, the daughter of the prime minister, is skillful and generous, gentle and respectful, and is hereby bestowed on King An as the concubine." After the

prime minister and Jiang Yuwan were overjoyed, they were about to express their gratitude, and Fuquan smiled and took out another imperial decree: "Master Prime Minister, don't worry, there is another imperial edict."

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said: Jiang Yuyao, the concubine of the prime minister, is skillful and generous, gentle and respectful, and is hereby bestowed on King An as his concubine." The

two imperial decrees were almost identical, only the name and the position of the concubine were changed. It can be seen that Emperor Jingxuan How careless when writing these two imperial edicts.

After reading Fuquan, after thanking the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he glanced at Jiang's sisters who dared to plot against Young Master Lu, Jiang Yuwan's face was dazed at this time. Although Jiang Yuyao tried her best to cover it up, she could see between her brows. Out of joy. Fuquan shook his head in his heart, bewildered or happy, he was on the emperor's blacklist, and the two of them would not be better off in the future.

Fuquan suppressed the sigh in his heart and said to the Prime Minister: "Congratulations to the Prime Minister, the two sisters serving a king together can be considered a good talk. The emperor has asked Qintian to monitor the day, and the eighth day of the next month will be a good day. Yan: Since they are sisters, let's get married together on that day, or have a company."

The eighth day of the next month is the latest auspicious day given by Qin Tianjian. It is now twenty-three, but the two will get married in half a month. You must know that the best life is when the girl is in the boudoir. The emperor does not want to let it go. The two sisters had a good day. The two sisters got married at the same time. No matter which girl Jiang An went to for the bridal chamber, the other would not be happy. This feud was forged on the first day of the marriage, and it would be a life-and-death fight in the future.

What Fuquan could think of, how could the prime minister not think of it, he responded with a forced smile, and he was terrified. He didn't think that his two daughters had provoked someone who shouldn't have provoked him. He just thought that it was the emperor who knew that he was standing in the line of An Wang, and deliberately used it. Hit him this way.

After Fuquan left, the Prime Minister sighed deeply, and then asked his wife to quickly prepare the dowry for the two daughters, while he went to the study himself, he wanted to think about what to do next.

After Jiang Yuwan returned to the yard, she rejected all the servants and locked herself in the room alone. After she was reborn, she made up her mind to marry King An. She knew that as the daughter of the prime minister, she was definitely the concubine, but now that her wish was fulfilled, she was not happy at all.

She didn't understand how Emperor Jingxuan would suddenly order a marriage in this life. It was obvious that Emperor Jingxuan had never paid attention to the marriages of several princes in his previous life. The difference in the past and present made her panic. If there are more differences in the future, will her rebirth still have an advantage?

If you want to ask who she hates the most, it is definitely Jiang Yuyao, but now she wants to serve the same husband with Jiang Yuyao, and she will have to face the person she hates the most in the future. The only thing that is fortunate is that she is on the side of Zheng Jiang Yuyao, and she is still ahead of Jiang Yuyao in terms of identity.

Jiang Yuyao was very happy here. After the eldest princess failed to calculate Jiang Yuwan on the day of the flower viewing banquet, she found that Jiang Yuwan was very wary of her, and occasionally looked at her with hatred in her eyes. Originally, she had no hope of marrying King An, but she didn't want to turn around, and the emperor even ordered the marriage.

As for Jiang Yuwan being the concubine, she is only a side concubine, she doesn't care at all, let alone her status as a concubine, even without Jiang Yuwan, she can't be a concubine, and besides, where a man's heart is is not determined by his identity. At times, a weak position can arouse more pity from men. Isn't that what her aunt is like? Besides, she had learned from her concubine that it was not a way to please men, and she couldn't hold a place in King An's heart if she didn't believe it. If Jiang Yuwan made things difficult for her because of her status as a concubine, it would be even better. She could just take the opportunity to win pity in front of King An, and take the opportunity to apply eye drops to Jiang Yuwan.

Jiang Yuyao was very sober from the beginning, and I have to say that this kind of mentality is very suitable for backyard battles.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-02 00:00:58~2020-06-02 20:09:42~

Thank you for casting mines Little Angel: Really fragrant 1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of soup bags; 6 bottles of Mi Qianfo;

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