Chapter 89

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Chi Xiao: The school bully of No. 3 Middle School: As long as he is a member of No. 3 Middle School, it is impossible not to have heard of his name. Not just three high schools: His name is echoed in other high schools in the district.

There are many children from wealthy families in the Three Middle Kingdoms: There are many people who are rebellious and disobedient: But no one dares to challenge Chi Xiao's status as a schoolmaster: To convince such a group of rebellious and bearish teenagers, Chi Xiao must be convinced Has his brilliance.

It is said that when Chi Xiao first entered the third middle school, he offended the school bully of the original third middle school: He was besieged by him with more than 20 gangsters: The other party still had a guy in his hand: As a result, he just took the other party more than 20 people by himself. Beating to the point of crying: Each of these gangsters had one hand broken by him, but he himself was unscathed. These gangsters were frightened by his beatings, and every time they saw him in the future, they would take a detour carefully, and they could not avoid being respectful to him, and the school bully of No.

Since Chi Xiao became the school bully of No. 3 Middle School, the students of No. 3 Middle School have rarely been blackmailed by these gangsters outside: This is one of the reasons why Chi Xiao is so popular in No. 3 Middle School.

Being able to play this is not the most dreaded thing, the most dreadful thing is that he is cruel enough.

What do ordinary people do on their 16th birthday, maybe to celebrate with their family: maybe to have a party with a bunch of friends, maybe to confess to his crush, but what Chi Xiao did that day was to talk to his own father and The stepmother was sent to prison.

It is said that Chi Xiao's father cheated at the beginning, and Lianhe San, who is also Chi Xiao's stepmother, killed his own mother: Although it was to avenge his own mother, but this kind of thing that a son sent his own father to prison by himself, if it wasn't for his heart Ruthless, how can ordinary people do it? And Chi Xiao was only thirteen years old when his mother died, and other children were still coquettish in their parents' arms, but he had collected evidence quietly and secretly. For three years, he did not let his father and stepmother find out. Both were said to be shocked when they were caught. At such a young age, he can be so impeccable, how can he not be afraid of the depth of his scheming. There were also people who tried to provoke Chi Xiao because of their wealth or power. Although they didn't know what Chi Xiao did, all of these people were obedient to him afterward, and they all said respectfully when they saw him. He said "Brother Xiao".

Chi Xiao rarely comes to school, and no one knows what he is doing outside. Some people say that he is working to make money. After all, he is an orphan now, and he has to rely on himself for all expenses; Black, some people say that he is starting a business, and now he is quite wealthy, anyway, there are different opinions. However, he would go back to school to take the monthly exam every month. Those who didn't attend much of the class were actually the first in the exam every time. Facing such a student, the teachers of No. 3 Middle School also loved and hated him, and they often skipped classes for him. Behavior can only open one eye and close one eye.

He is good-looking, and he can fight and read. Chi Xiao is very popular in No. 3 Middle School. There are many men and women who like him, and there are many people who confess to him, but he always refuses mercilessly and does not give people anything. Leaving the slightest thought, extremely indifferent.

Every student entering the third middle school will receive a warning from the senior and senior sister: Don't mess with Chi Xiao!

The person who is the least to be provoked in the whole school is now standing in front of him, and he was sued just now, how can Li Qiang not tremble. He quickly retracted the finger pointing at Chi Xiao, for fear that Chi Xiao would take out a knife and cut off his finger in the next second.

"Teacher, you can't just wrong anyone. I didn't bully my junior. I came back for the exam today and happened to be passing by. I didn't expect to see someone bullying my classmate. As a good student, how can I stand by? Of course, I want to be brave." Chi Xiao ruffian is authentic.

Hearing the word "good student" from the wildest person in the school, everyone in the classroom couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths.

Hearing this, the teacher glanced at Li Qiang whose eyes were flickering, and then at Xie Jing Xing who was blocked by Chi Xiao, his eyes flashed and his expression became solemn: "Li Qiang, you bullied Lin Yuran again?

" "The word made Chi Xiao's eyes a little colder, it turned out that his little cutie was often bullied.

If Xie Jing Xing knew that Chi Xiao called him cute in his heart, he would have rolled his eyes to the sky.

"I don't!" Li Qiang blurted out. He used to answer every time the teacher asked him. Anyway, the classmates in the class wouldn't testify for Lin Yuran, and Lin Yuran didn't dare to say it. The teacher didn't have any evidence to take him. Method. But he realized that this time was different from before. With Chi Xiao on Lin Yuran's side, the classmates in the class might not be on his side, and Chi Xiao would not reason with him like the teacher did. No evidence is needed to deal with him.

The teacher could not see that he was lying and gave him a disappointed look, he was about to ask the other students when Xie Jing Xing took out his mobile phone and the video above was showing what had just happened. When Li Qiang was approaching, Xie Jing Xing knew that there would be a conflict between the two, he knew Li Qiang's personality and made preparations in advance. The teacher glanced at Lin Yuran in surprise, and then saw Lin Yuran's performance in the video, he was very pleased. Lin Yuran was finally brave once, he would fight back if he was bullied, and he was smart enough to leave evidence, avoiding the opportunity for the wicked to sue first. He couldn't do anything to help. As a teacher, he certainly does not want conflicts between students, but if conflicts do arise, he hopes that every student can learn to protect himself, and even fight back when necessary, instead of resigning. Li Qiang saw that Xie Jingxing had actually recorded the video, the facts could not allow him to quibble, and with Chi Xiao looking at him coldly, he did not dare to quibble any more: "Teacher, I was wrong." The teacher said, "You should apologize. The person I met is Lin Yuran." "Lin Yuran, I'm sorry." Li Qiang said to Xie Jingxing, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his lowered eyes, how could he be willing to bow to a person he was used to bullying on weekdays, But he was more afraid of Chi Xiao than his teacher. If an apology could make Chi Xiao let him go, he would bow his head. How could Xie Jing Xing not be able to see his reluctance, he knew that if Chi Xiao was not present, Li Qiang's reluctant apology would not have been possible, he did not speak because he did not know whether the original owner was really hurt. will forgive him.

Seeing that Xie Jing Xing ignored Li Qiang, the teacher did not force him to forgive, Li Qiang bullied Lin Yuran not once or twice, such a light and unwilling apology wanted to be forgiven, but he might not be able to accept it.

He ignored Li Qiang, pointed to the broken table and said to Chi Xiao: "It's a good thing to be brave in seeing righteousness, but isn't it too much?"

Chi Xiao spread his hands: "The school desk is in disrepair for a long time, this is not mine. Guo, I didn't use much force with that kick, if you don't believe me, ask this classmate." He turned to Li Qiang and said with a half-smile, "Is that so, this classmate?"

Li Qiang looked at his cold eyes without a hint of a smile, After a shudder, he dared to refute, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes." The

teacher couldn't see his threatening eyes towards Li Qiang, but this was considered a wicked person's own grind, and he did not intend to go into it. He waved his hand: "Okay, don't you want to take an exam, why don't you hurry up!"

"Let's go now." Chi Xiao took the mobile phone in Xie Jing Xing's hand, quickly entered his number, and dialed , When he felt the phone vibrate in his trousers, he hung up and returned the phone to Xie Jing Xing: "This is my phone, if someone bullies you in the future, you can call me." When he said this He also gave Li Qiang a meaningful look.

"Okay." Xie Jing Xing took the phone, saw the number on it, a smile crossed his eyes, he was more sure of the guess in his heart and saved it.

Seeing that he had saved the number, Chi Xiao left the classroom with confidence.

After Chi Xiao left, the classmates in the class looked at Xie Jing Xing with inquiring eyes, they all listened to Chi Xiao's words just now, Chi Xiao's words clearly meant to protect Xie Jing Xing. From the situation just now, it can be seen that the two did not know each other before. What's so special about Lin Yuran, so that Chi Xiao can say that he wants to protect him when they meet for the first time?

"Okay, it's time to go to class, everyone will go back to their positions."

Chi Xiao was a man of influence in No. 3 Middle School. He said that he wanted to protect Lin Yuran and was quickly posted on the school forum.

In the first class of senior year, Lin Yuan's deskmate was secretly brushing his mobile phone under the table, he suddenly turned his head and asked Lin Yuan quietly: "Dude, isn't Lin Yuran your brother?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said: " Yes, what's the matter?"

"Then look here, your brother was bullied and happened to be bumped into by Chi Xiao. He not only kicked someone, but also said he wanted to protect your brother."

"What? Bullied?" Lin Yu'an quickly stood up and was about to walk outside the classroom, completely forgetting that he was still in class at this time.

"Lin Yu'an, what are you doing?" The teacher who was in class saw him stand up suddenly and asked. Given that Lin Yu'an's grades have always been good, his tone was not too severe.

The same table hurriedly grabbed his arm and said, "Dude, after you listen, the person who bullied your brother has already been dealt with by Chi Xiao. It's no use rushing over now, and you have to disturb your brother's class." The last sentence It worked, and Lin Yuan calmed down: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I studied a little late last night, and now I feel a little sleepy and can't listen to the class well, so I want to stand and listen to stay awake." The teacher clicked with satisfaction after hearing this . Nodding: "Then you can stand and listen. You can sit down when you feel sober." Lin Yuan said: "Thank you, teacher." The same table gave Lin Yuan a thumbs up. Teachers are more satisfied. Lin Yu'an stretched out his hand to him and handed him the phone knowingly at the same table. Lin Yu'an quickly browsed the post to confirm that his brother was not injured, and then he was relieved. However, the younger brother was bullied, and he didn't take the lead for the younger brother in the first place, and he needed an outsider to help him. Lin Yuan blamed himself very much. As for Chi Xiao, who is protecting his younger brother, Lin Yuan has heard a lot about him from others before, good and bad, but he never took it to heart. After all, the two have never met, and now they have He had a good impression of him in this matter. In his heart, his younger brother is so cute, but he also knows that his younger brother's size is indeed not easy to be welcomed by others. In this case, Chi Xiao is still willing to protect him, which at least shows that he is not a superficial person who judges people by appearances.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-07-17 00:00:00~2020-07-20 00:00:00~

Thank you for throwing the grenade Little angel: 2 meows;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Shengsheng and Changning; 3 bottles of Sunset and Sunset; 1 bottle of Mufeng Xiaoxiao; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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