Chapter 25

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Xie Jing Xing felt strong self-blame and remorse from this body, he promised to the person in the mirror, "Don't worry, I will protect Cheng Keke on your behalf and let her live a happy life." After saying this, Xie Jing Xing said I felt that the original owner's consciousness completely dissipated.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the person in the mirror. He was 1.8 meters tall, with broad shoulders and long legs. He had a handsome face, fair skin, warm temperament, and a bookish air. The most striking thing was the pair of peach blossom eyes. Picking, Xie Jing Xing smiled slightly, like being drunk but not intoxicated, like smiling but not smiling, very seductive. There are no scars on the face, and it is in full bloom. Xie Jing Xing was very satisfied with this appearance, especially the pair of eyes that were similar to him.

There was a knock on the door, and a clear and pleasant female voice came from outside the door: "Brother, it's time to eat."

"Okay, come right away." Xie Jing Xing simply tidied up his clothes and opened the door and walked out.

Cheng's mother was busy in the kitchen at this time, Cheng's father was helping with the dishes, and Cheng Keke was setting the tableware, Cheng Ke could see that he came out and asked, "Brother, why are you up late today, did you study too late yesterday? "She had obvious concern on her face, clearly caring about her brother.

Cheng Keke's face is bright and beautiful. Although he looks childish because of his young age, there is still some baby fat on his face, but it can already be seen that he is a beautiful embryo.

At this time, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother just came out of the kitchen. Upon hearing this, Cheng's mother said quickly: "Nuo Nuo, although studying is important, you must also pay attention to your body. Don't study so late at night."

Although Cheng's father did not speak, But the face is in agreement.

As a teacher, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother are also very good at educating their children. The two brothers and sisters are usually very self-conscious about their studies and their grades are also good. Basically, they don't worry about them. body.

"I see." Xie Jingxing said, then turned his head to Cheng Keke and said, "Coco, your grades still have a lot of room for improvement, I plan to use this winter vacation to give you some supplementary lessons, and try to get into the first high school, just in time with My brother is an alumni."

This body just turned eighteen years old, the original owner is in the third year of high school, and now it is winter vacation, and the original owner and Cheng Keke are three years apart. Cheng Keke is in the third year of junior high school and has not met Ji Xin yet.

Cheng Keke's grades are considered to be above average in the class. In the original plot, the third high school she was admitted to was not the best high school in the city. Xie Jing Xing planned to give Cheng Keke some tuition during this time, so as to try to get her to be admitted to the best high school in the city. One Middle School, so that he can temporarily avoid Ji Xin, and he also has more time to prepare. The original owner is currently studying in No. 1 Middle School. His grades are basically maintained in the top 100 every time he takes the test. There is basically no problem in getting admitted to a key university. He said that, his family will not have any doubts.

"Isn't my brother preparing for the college entrance examination? Do you have time to teach me?" Cheng Keke asked, she naturally wanted to go to the same high school as her brother, for fear of delaying her study.

"I'm almost done reviewing, so it's good to teach you to rest."

"That's great, I've always felt that I haven't made much progress in my review recently, and I'm worried." Cheng Keke said happily, she smiled, and her cheeks were still light. dimples, very cute.

When Xie Jing Xing saw her smiling brightly and without haze, he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, rubbed her head, and said softly, "If there is any problem in the future, if you are wronged outside, you can tell my brother, my brother is fine. Help you solve it, don't worry about it alone, you know?" In the original plot, Cheng Keke was a character who reported good news but not bad news. Although this kind of character is sensible and considerate, it is easy to make himself wronged.

"Got it~" Cheng Keke stuck out his tongue playfully, and was very happy. Today's brother is so gentle.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother are very relieved to see that the two brothers and sisters are in a good relationship. The family was eating breakfast, and occasionally said that the parents were short-sighted, which was very warm. Without Ji Xin, this should have been a very happy family, but it was all ruined because of her selfishness and greed and vanity.

Xie Jing Xing used the winter vacation to check and fill in the vacancies for Cheng Keke, and also gave her some key points and gave her some study methods. After a few tests, her grades improved a lot.

After getting along for a winter vacation, Xie Jing Xing had already treated her as his younger sister with sincere love, not because of the responsibility of occupying this body.

In order to improve her study, Xie Jing Xing was very strict with her, but she always worked hard to complete it and never complained. As the little princess in the family, Cheng's father and Cheng's mother dote on her very much, but she has not become arrogant. She always helps with the housework within her ability. She is well-behaved and sensible. How can such a sister be disliked.

Taking advantage of the winter vacation, Xie Jing Xing not only helped Cheng Keke with tutoring, but also sold a few small software online to make a fortune, and then directly invested the money in the stock market. In the 22nd century, holographic online games have initially developed, and their Xie family happened to be involved in the development. He has been interested in this since he was a child, and he is also a hacker. The technology of this era is far from the era he used to live in. A few small softwares are not easy for him, and their Xie family's children study in college no matter what. Majors and finance must be taken as elective majors. When Xie's children become adults, they will get a start-up fund from Xie's family to start their own businesses. Although he died in a car accident just as an adult, he hasn't had time to start a business, but his studies have been completed. As a trainee, I have also speculated in stocks. Ji Xin can deal with Cheng Keke unscrupulously, but it is because of the wealth of the Ji family, so he will create a Cheng family that can compete with the Ji family. In the future, whether Cheng Keke returns to the Ji family or not, the Cheng family will be her backer. Xie Jing Xing never thought about making the Ji family go bankrupt. Although Cheng Keke's tragedy in the original plot was inseparable from Ji Jiare's negligence, they were all Cheng Keke's relatives after all. If they were too cruel to them, Cheng Keke would be afraid will be unbearable. As for Ji Xin, he specially hacked her computer, and through the chat records, found that she was flirting with several boys, and she was very skillful in flirting. There was also a hidden folder on her computer, which contained the sex of many girls. These girls had one thing in common, that is, they were beautiful. Xie Jing Xing guessed that either these girls offended Ji Xin, or she was jealous of these girls. She looks prettier than her, and hired a gangster to take pictures of these girls to threaten them or destroy them. In the original plot, that's how she dealt with Cheng Keke.

Even though Ji Xin was the sister of this body, not to mention that the original owner did not have any brother-sister relationship with her, but that she was so vicious, Xie Jing Xing was naturally even less likely to have a brother-sister relationship with her.

Xie Jing Xing was not polite either, he directly deleted all the dicks in Ji Xin's computer and left a sentence: "Don't do bad things~ I've been watching you~" and then eliminated all traces, he believed that in this era With his advanced computer skills, no one can find him, and Ji Xin may not dare to let Ji's family know that her computer was hacked. After all, she has always been gentle and kind in front of Ji's family. This is a small warning to Ji Xin, lest she always think about harming people all day long.

Ji family.

"Ah!" A scream came from Ji Xin's room.

When the servant heard this, she hurried to her door, and she didn't dare to go in directly. Don't look at the lady's gentleness and kindness, but if they make the lady dissatisfied, the lady will cry in front of the wife, and they will only be driven out. portion. The servant asked loudly outside, "Miss, are you alright?"

Ji Xin hurriedly turned off the computer, adjusted her facial expression, and opened the door: "I'm fine, I just watched a movie I'm afraid I was scared. The servant breathed a sigh of relief. The lady is the treasure in the palm of the wife's hand. If something goes wrong, the wife must not peel off her skin: "Then I will pour a glass of milk for the young lady, and I will shock the young lady." Ji Xin posed. He waved his hands and said, "No, I want to sleep for a while, so don't disturb me." The servant respectfully said, "Yes, miss." Ji Xin closed the door and locked it, then sat at the computer desk and carefully turned on the computer. She found that the line of words had disappeared, but Ji Xin did not relax. She opened her hidden folder and found that everything inside was gone. Ji Xin's pupils shrank, fear flashed across her eyes, what should I do? Her computer was really hacked! So are all the things she did before known to others? who is it? She must find this man!

Ji Xin was walking around the house. She couldn't tell her parents and Ji Huan about this. If her parents asked someone to check her computer, who knows if those photos could be recovered. Then how would she explain what was inside her computer? There are so many girls' sex, it can't be said that she used it to appreciate it.

She knew that she had put these photos in Wei Ge's place at the beginning and would not take them back. Anyway, she was going to threaten someone with the photos, and in the end she didn't want to ask Wei Ge to do it. By the way, she can go to Wei Ge for help. She has money and can ask Wei Ge to ask someone to help him find the hacker.

Wei Ge is a gangster with a dozen gangsters under him. Once Wei Ge was injured and fainted in front of her car. In order to maintain her gentle and kind personality, she had to send people to the hospital and leave after paying the money. Now, she didn't want to have anything to do with the little gangster, but Wei Ge thought she was a kindness and didn't want to repay her.

Later, brother Wei approached her and said that he wanted to repay her kindness. If someone bullied her, she would look for him. She knew from the look in Brother Wei's eyes that he fell in love with her. She pretended not to know, but she usually kept in touch with him.

I didn't expect that Wei Ge was surprisingly easy to use. As long as she didn't like anyone, she just cried in front of him, pretending to be wronged, and vaguely implying that who was bullying her, Wei Ge would find someone to clean it up. , and after another seemingly unintentional hint from her, Wei Ge learned to make threats to people.

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