Chapter 18

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Xia An'an shook her head, no, it's just a trivial matter, she knew who the mastermind was, even if there was no Feng Weimin, she could remind Shen Jianguo to help him avoid losses, and Shen Jianguo would value her even more, Thinking of this, Xia Anan calmed down again.

However, Xia An'an still regretted it. She knew that Shen Zhan had such connections, why did she offend Shen Zhan for such a small betrothal gift. Seeing that Shen Jianguo's face was not good, she sighed in her heart. Shen Jianguo wouldn't blame her, she bit her lip and blamed herself: "It's all my fault, why don't we return the money and tell you brother that we started He was just going to go through the motions, he didn't really plan to use the money, he should forgive us."

Shen Jianguo originally blamed Xia An'an, but when she said that, she felt wronged. At the beginning, An An said that the money was for going through the motions. Originally, An An would get nothing. There is no decent wedding, and the girls in the village are not so shabby when they get married, not to mention An An is good-looking, literate, and from the city, how can she be so wronged.

At this moment, Shen Jianguo had a strong desire to make money. He took Xia An'an into his arms and promised, "Don't worry, I will make a lot of money for you in the future, and I will never let you be wronged because of money again."

Xia An'an didn't expect to get Shen Jianguo's promise, and was pleasantly surprised. The little bird nestled in Shen Jianguo's arms, looked at him with confidence and said, "I believe in you." Ann's lips.

After the two became intimate, they finally decided to call Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua when they paid back the money. After all, Shen Zhan was the son of the two, so why should they give them a little face.

The two returned to Shen's house together. At this time, Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua had just returned from Shen Zhan, and their fear of Shen Zhan had not dissipated. When they heard that Shen Jianguo was going to find Shen Zhan, Wang Guiwen hurriedly stopped him: "Don't go, in the future you will You are not allowed to go to him." If you listen carefully, you will find that her voice is trembling.

"Why? Everything in the past was caused by the 800 yuan. As long as the money is returned, the eldest brother will definitely not be angry again, and the mother doesn't have to be afraid every day, afraid that the police will come and arrest you." Shen Jianguo persuaded.

Now in Wang Guihua's heart, Shen Zhan is more terrifying than the police, she shouted: "I can't go if I say I'm not allowed to go."

When did Shen Jianguo get yelled at by Wang Guihua like this, she felt that his mother was very unreasonable today, and if she wanted to speak, she was arrested Xia Anan stopped: "Jianguo, let's forget it today, I think my aunt was scared today."

Wang Guihua heard this, not only did not ease, but looked a little crazy: "You are not allowed to go today, and you are not allowed to go in the future. , you are never allowed to find that murderer..."

"Shut up!" As soon as Shen Daniu heard her almost uttering the word "murderer", he interrupted sharply: "Please wake me up, don't talk nonsense." He was afraid that this stupid woman would offend Shen Zhan with her nonsense. Even more ruthlessly, he was also frightened by Shen Zhan, and now he just wants to stay far away from Shen Zhan, so as not to break into the river.

He said to Shen Jianguo: "Listen to your mother, don't go to your eldest brother, and don't mess with him in the future." He was afraid that the son would be wiped by Shen Zhan as soon as he left, but he didn't think Shen Zhan was frightening them. He could clearly see the killing intent in Zhan's eyes.

Shen Jianguo saw that his father said the same thing. Although he didn't know why, he still listened to it. He believed that his parents would not harm him.

"Then my marriage with An An?" Shen Jianguo thought that since the money doesn't need to be returned, then there is no need to grieve An An.

Shen Daniu waved his hands wearily and said, "Just do what you want." In fact, according to what he meant, the daughter-in-law here has done so many things before entering the door. It is better not to marry, but now the whole village knows them. The family offended the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. How can ordinary people dare to marry them? If they don't marry Xia An'an, they may not be able to marry a daughter-in-law in the future.

Xia An'an was overjoyed when she heard the words, and let go of her worries. After all, this matter all started because of her. She was afraid that Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua would object to their marriage. No matter what, she would marry Shen Jianguo in her life.

When he woke up the next morning, Xie Jing Xing accepted the toothpaste and toothbrush handed over by Shen Zhan in a daze, Shen Zhan washed his face as usual and then had breakfast. All this is no different from normal days, but it gave him a strange feeling. If it weren't for the undisguised love of God in Shen Zhan's eyes, he would have thought that what happened yesterday was his own imagination.

After the meal, the two of them sat in the yard reading a book as usual, Shen Zhan deliberately took out the sweets and pastries and placed them within Xie Jing Xing's reach, and thoughtfully made him a cup of malted milk.

Xie Jing Xing casually took a piece of cake and put it in his mouth, took another sip of wheat milk essence, and leaned comfortably on the reclining chair and read the medical book. Shen Zhan sat aside, and seeing that he was looking attentively, he picked up a piece of cake and handed it to his mouth.

Xie Jing Xing saw the food beside his mouth and took a bite subconsciously before he reacted. He looked away from the book to look at Shen Zhan and found that he was putting the pastry he had bitten into his mouth.

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "Don't you like sweets?"

Being caught, Shen Zhan felt embarrassed at the same time, his face was a little red, but he He was always tense, and said solemnly, "What you have eaten is not disgusting, it is delicious." He also glanced at Xie Jing Xing's lips, his eyes were burning, he had eaten there yesterday, and it was fragrant, soft and sweet. He hurriedly looked away, not daring to look again, for fear that he could not help offending the young man.

Xie Jing Xing saw all his actions in his eyes, guessed his thoughts, and was happy, this man is really cute and innocent.

Although Xie Jing Xing felt that a kiss between lovers was nothing, his cherishing attitude towards him was very useful, he was wicked and did not satisfy a man's desire, he just wanted to see how long he could endure it.

Shen Zhan didn't know what the young man was thinking. He sat on the side and devoted himself to feeding the young man. From time to time, he put the cakes that the young man wanted to bite into his mouth, with contentment in his eyes.

Xie Jing Xing enjoyed Shen Zhan's feeding while reading and felt that it was really a fairy life.

Looking at the pastry that was handed to his lips again, Xie Jing Xing felt that this person was quite tolerant, although he was reading, he could feel the man's scorching gaze occasionally staring at his lips, but the man really did not have it from the beginning to the end. The extra action, on the contrary, he himself was a little impatient because of the man's gaze.

Xie Jing Xing felt unhappy, he grabbed the man's fingertips and rubbed his teeth before letting go, raised his head and looked at the man provocatively.

The boy's action made Shen Zhan's body go numb, he stared blankly at his wet fingertips, put his fingers in his mouth and sucked: "It's so sweet." After speaking, he licked his own. lips.

On weekdays, Bingshan's abstinence man's unintentional movements were sexy and sultry, Xie Jing Xing admitted that he was picked up by a man, just when he was thinking about whether to just kiss him like this, the man put his arms into his arms and stared at him covetedly. Touching Xie Jing Xing's lips, he said in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Yuan, I want to kiss you."

Of course Xie Jing Xing answered this kind of question directly with his own lips.

Because of his inexperience, Shen Zhan's kiss was still the same as yesterday, licking and sucking, as if he was tasting some delicious food. His movements were light, as if he was afraid of breaking the boy.

Although Xie Jing Xing was rich in theoretical knowledge, he was as inexperienced as Shen Zhan. He tentatively stuck out his tongue, but did not want to touch the tip of the man's tongue. Xie Jing Xing felt the man's tongue flicker, and then it was as if he had flipped a switch, and he moved quickly. Putting his tongue into his mouth, he chased and sucked with his tongue without a teacher.

As a man, Xie Jing Xing did not want to be outdone and kissed back, which caused the man's movements to become more intense, the two kept fighting with their tongues, their strong learning ability also made their movements from jerky to skilled, and the extremely ambiguous tsk tsk sound echoed from the two of them. The tightly pressed lips overflowed and the two of them were breathing more and more until Xie Jing Xing was unable to breathe smoothly and was defeated first.

Shen Zhan looked at the boy who was leaning against his arms, flushed, with blurred eyes, slightly swollen lips, and panting. Reluctantly, he completely let go of the unease in his heart.

The anxiety disappeared, Shen Zhan hugged the boy's body and kissed the boy's lips, his expression relaxed and happy.

Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes when he saw him so inwardly, this person just loves to think too much, could he still force himself to be with someone he doesn't like?

The previous cautiousness was gone, the two of them got along sweetly and harmoniously, but Shen Zhan was like a kissing madman incarnate, he hugged Xie Jing Xing and kissed non-stop as soon as he caught the gap, and Xie Jing Xing who was reading was interrupted by the man's kiss again. He slapped his head away, which was close enough to him, thinking that a man really shouldn't be too good-natured, he was too knowledgeable.

Shen Zhan was not angry when he was pushed away by the young man, and after a while, he leaned in again. The young man rolled his eyes helplessly, but did not refuse his kiss. Shen Zhan chuckled lightly, happy and satisfied, he enjoyed the young man's indulgent appearance to him very much.

After taking a shower in the evening, Xie Jing Xing massaged Shen Zhan and pressed Shen was hard. A few days ago, Shen Zhan kept suppressing his body's reaction because he didn't express his heart. Song just forgot to cover up.

"Cough, this is a normal physiological reaction of mine." Shen Zhan glanced at the young man. Seeing his expressionless face, he could not see his emotions. He felt a little nervous. The two had just established a relationship. He was indeed suspected of being a hooligan, and the young man was afraid I still don't understand what the two men should do together, so Shen Zhan really has no other intentions at this time.

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