Chapter 141

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While the debate on the Internet was endless: Xie Jing Xing had already encountered insects and beasts. With the high-level spiritual abilities brought from the end of the world, even a thousand miles away, Xie Jing Xing's spiritual power detection could not be concealed: "Be alert and prepare your weapons: There are thousands of giant scorpions heading towards us at eleven o'clock. Attack, pay attention to the ground!" The same as Yan Xun: his voice was not loud but clear into the ears of the three thousand soldiers, making them subconsciously obey his orders.

Three thousand soldiers are forbidden: Armed with arms: Serious look on alert: In the silent desert, only the sound of flying yellow sand can be heard.

After a short and long wait of a few minutes, just when everyone suspected whether Xie Jing Xing had made a mistake in his judgment, there were sudden violent ups and downs on the sand surface: This picture does not require Xie Jing Xing to remind the fool to know that there is a problem under the sand.

The crowd was ready to wait, but Xie Jing Xing did not intend to wait any longer: He transformed his mental energy into an invisible stab at the sand: Directly at the black giant scorpion at the head, a sharp and shrill cry came from the ground: Then the black giant scorpion rushed out of the sand. out.

Xie Jing Xing kicked his feet and rose into the air: Then he stepped heavily on the head of the black giant scorpion, the 3s powerhouse's forceful kick was comparable to a heavy road roller, and directly crushed the black giant scorpion's head. Green brains spurted out, Xie Jing Xing quickly erected a mental barrier in front of him. When he landed, he was clean, not even a single bit of dirt on his shoes.

Everyone looked at the black giant scorpion at his feet, which was terribly dead, and then looked at Xie Jing Xing's undisturbed appearance: If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed that he just stomped on the head of the black giant scorpion.

Although Xie Jing Xing is an omega, they never doubted his double 3s strength, and imagined his graceful and agile posture on the battlefield, but they never imagined that he would be so violent and intimidating when he made a move At the same time, it makes people's blood boil, this omega is so exciting!

Xie Jing Xing's agile and violent killing attitude made everyone stunned for a moment, and in this stunned moment, thousands of brown giant scorpions sprang out of the sand.

The habits of a giant scorpion are equivalent to the size of five adults. Thousands of giant scorpions are densely arranged together, which looks very shocking. Just the shadows they cast can cover three thousand soldiers. The huge gap brought by this size can easily make people retreat, but this time, everyone saw the slender body of a giant scorpion standing in front of them, but their hearts were full of fighting spirit.

"Kill! Don't leave one!" The

Zerg side lost the black giant scorpion, while the 3,000 soldiers on Xie Jing Xing's side were like a rainbow, and they had Xie Jing Xing's great killer, the scene was almost one-sided.

"Ah~~~~~~ Xiaoyu'er is too strong..."

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck! But I don't have any culture, I'll go around the world with one word!"

"Upstairs, I understand your point very well. My mood, I really have no words to describe the shock in my heart at this time."

"It's so strong and violent, I like it!"

"I've never underestimated Xiaoyuer, but now I realize that I still underestimate his strength."

"Looking at Xiaoyuer, I realized that violence is also a kind of unlearned, so handsome!"

"How can there be such a beautiful and powerful creature in this world!"

"Xiaoyuer and His Royal Highness the Prince are a perfect match, The strongest omega and the strongest alpha, I decided to call them the strongest husband in the future!"

"The strongest husband, I love you!"

"Weakly ask, is this really a military exercise, those No matter how you look at the insects, they don't look like simulations."

"I really didn't find them unless I said that upstairs. It's just that Xiaoyu'er is so shocking."

"It's not a simulation, could it be a real insect beast? God!"

"It stands to reason that I should be nervous and afraid, but when I saw Xiaoyu'er stomping on one, I felt pity for these worms."

"When I met Xiaoyu, these worms were really miserable, but I don't pity them at all."

"Estan has never had a Zerg invasion. If it weren't for the fact that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Xiaoyu'er came to spend their honeymoon, if His Royal Highness did not even forget to parade during the honeymoon, the consequences would be unimaginable." Extreme Fear.jpg]"

"I used to live in the outer city, and today I came to the central square of Four Seasons City to watch the military exercise. It was very dangerous, and I almost walked around the gate of hell. Thank you, His Royal Highness, and Xiaoyuer!"

"Lou You are not alone, thank you +1."

"Thank you +2."


Yan Lai and Qiao Zhiyan, who are far away from the main star, are also following the live broadcast of the military exercise.

During the battle, Xie Jing Xing was calm and light, he was violent, powerful, and at the same time beautiful, Yan Lai only felt his heart beating like a drum, he looked at Xie Jing Xing with burning eyes, and he did not move away from him until the end of the live broadcast.

He raised his hand and touched his chest, where the violent beating still did not subside, he knew that his heart was beating, and along with this heartbeat came the bitterness, guilt, and regret that spread to all the limbs. It turned out that he had missed such a person in his past and present life.

He regretted why he didn't check the truth in his previous life, and why he believed Qiao Zhiyan's words so easily. In such a long time, he obviously had many opportunities to get to know Gu Ziyu and discover his advantages, but he ignored him every time.

At this time, Yan Lai's mind clearly showed Gu Ziyu's shy and bright eyes when they were newly married. Every time he was treated indifferently by him, his eyes became more and more dim. Finally, the eyes that looked at him like a stranger, and his life Xie Jing Xing looked at Yan Xun's eyes full of love.

Yan Lai only felt that his heart was twisted by a knife. He didn't blame Gu Ziyu for not revealing his aptitude and strength in his previous life. For such a powerful person, his pride would not allow him to use these to bind someone who didn't love him.

Gu Ziyu in his previous life should have liked him at first. If he could treat him well, would he also look at him with such loving eyes, and how deeply he hurt him, so that he could show that His eyes, he must have driven the Gu family out of the main star in the end, making Gu Ziyu completely disappointed in him will make him completely cold. Even so, Gu Ziyu has never hurt him, obviously he has that kind of strength.

Suddenly, Yan Lai's eyes lit up, he still has a chance, he has never hurt Gu Ziyu in his life, although Gu Ziyu is married to his eldest brother, but the eldest brother will soon die on the battlefield, then he will comfort and accompany Gu Ziyu, Gu Ziyu will definitely fall in love with him. In this life, Gu Ziyu will still be his queen, but he will be very good to him and will not hurt his heart like he did in his previous life.

As for Qiao Zhiyan, Yan Lai's eyes flashed fiercely. Since he couldn't get a divorce, he would be widowed. He was an emperor for a lifetime, and he still had many ways to make a person die without knowing it.

Qiao Zhiyan didn't know that his husband was thinking about how to let him die at this time, he looked at Xie Jing Xing, his eyes were red with jealousy, but he was powerless, the gap in strength was too strong for him to even conspiracy.

He resented that God was too unfair. Since he was reborn, why didn't he give himself better qualifications. He believed that if he had the same double 3s qualification as Gu Ziyu, he would definitely be able to do better than Gu Ziyu. He can only comfort himself that His Royal Highness will soon die on the battlefield, and no matter how strong Gu Ziyu is, he will still be a widow.

Xie Jing Xing naturally did not know what this scumbag husband thought, otherwise he would be disgusting.

With Xie Jing Xing and Yan Xun present, the time of the Estan Zerg invasion that caused countless casualties in the original plot was easily resolved and no one died.

"The Strongest Husband!"

"The Strongest Husband!"

"The Strongest Husband!"

A burst of cheers erupted in the central square of Four Seasons City, for the victory of Estan Star and for himself lucky to escape. , and also to thank Yan Xun and Xie Jing Xing.

After the Estan Star Zerg invasion incident, the video of Xie Jing Xing stepping on a giant scorpion was circulated on the star network. While people were shocked and worshipped, their inherent impression of omega also changed. It turns out that omegas don't only exist as reproductive tools, they can also be strong.

The omega group itself has also changed. It turns out that omega does not have to be delicate to be likeable. Although they do not have Xie Jing Xing's aptitude, they can still realize the value of life through their own efforts.

These changes are not obvious at this time, but they are changing silently.

The author has something to say: The new article is pre-received, please little cuties to collect a lot, love you~~

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