Chapter 15

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Shen Daniu is usually a clumsy tongue, and he doesn't even know how to defend Wang Guihua. Yes, in his opinion, it is Wang Guihua's behalf, because whether it is insulting Shen Zhan, forcing him to give money, or even proposing to cut off the relationship, Wang Guihua did it. , he didn't commit a crime, otherwise the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau didn't say that he was going to be arrested.

Wang Guihua could never have imagined that her husband, who was obedient to him on weekdays, would not save him or plead for her at the first time, but to take himself out.

Feng Weimin originally wanted to frighten them, not really arresting Wang Guihua: "Okay, don't cry, this time I think you are the first offender, and Shen Zhan himself didn't report you, so I'll let you go for the time being, but what you did What you have done has already been recorded with me, if you commit it again in the future, you will be punished for both crimes, don't take a chance because Shen Zhan didn't report it this time, if you do it again, anyone can come and report it." Then He glanced at the surrounding villagers and said, "The villagers present can act as supervisors. If Wang Guihua commits a crime again, they can report to the police. Of course, they can't report randomly because of personal grievances. All the police will investigate."

After his remarks, the audience was silent. Feng Weimin saw that the effect of shock and deterrence was good, so he politely said to the village chief: "Village chief, please take me to Shen Zhan's current residence." The

village chief quickly waved his hand: "No trouble, No trouble."

Feng Weimin said to the young policeman again: "Go and take out the condolences I brought to Shen Zhan." The

young policeman raised his back and gave a military salute, with a loud voice: "Yes, Deputy Director." Everyone present was stunned, and Feng Weimin wanted to laugh a little.

The young police officer opened the trunk, took out a bulging military backpack and carried it on his back. He also carried a full sack in his hand. Feng Weimin took the sack in his hand and said, "Let's go. "

In normal times, the villagers would have followed closely to watch the fun, but now they dare not. When the three of them walked away, a sigh of relief sounded.

"Mom, it's too scary."

"No, as expected of the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, this is too powerful."

"Bullying soldiers turned out to be so serious, but fortunately I didn't scold Shen Zhan before."

"Of course it's serious. How many soldiers in the country who have retired due to injuries, if they are bullied casually, won't it chill the hearts of other soldiers?"

"You It makes sense, and the director just said that Shen Zhan has not been discharged from the army, so will he return to the army, so that his leg is cured."

"It's possible, Shen Zhan didn't go to the county town to treat his leg two days ago . Have you gone? If it can't be cured, why would they put so much effort into it?"

"This time Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua are at a loss. They lost a filial son and offended the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. I'm afraid they will regret it now.

" They all tacitly ignored Shen Daniu and Wang Guihua who were collapsed on the ground. These two people have obviously offended the deputy director just now, and they also know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

regret! How can you not regret it! Shen Daniu now regrets that he can't wait to beat Wang Guihua.

"Shen Zhan doesn't seem to be married yet, how about you introduce my niece to him?" Someone suddenly said this in the crowd.

After this person said this, everyone is considering whether there is a relative and a suitable-age daughter to introduce to Shen Zhan. If so, there will be a deputy director of the Public Security Bureau as the backing, how majestic.

Shen Zhan didn't know that Feng Weimin's actions made him a sweet treat. At this time, the young police officer was vividly describing what had just happened to him, and his eccentric appearance was completely different from his previous serious appearance.

Xie Jing Xing laughed while watching it, and felt that this little police officer was too funny and it would be a waste not to talk about cross talk. Most of the time the young man smiled lightly, and Shen Zhan had never seen him laugh so loudly. He watched quietly, with a drowning tenderness in his eyes.

Feng Weimin frowned when he saw his eyes, and always felt something was wrong. When he looked at it again, Shen Zhan had already restrained the emotions in his eyes and returned to his stern look. Feng Weimin was a rough man if he didn't come. He thought he had read it wrong, and immediately forgot about it.

Shen Zhan's eyes were deep and deep. He almost couldn't control his eyes because of the young man's smile and leaked his thoughts. It seemed that the young man had more and more influence on him.

Feng Weimin left after not long, and he specially thanked Xie Jing Xing before leaving.

After the two left, Xie Jing Xing opened the two large bags under Shen Zhan's gesture and took out the contents, three cans of malted milk essence, four bags of Big White Rabbit Toffee, three bags of fruit candy, and two boxes of premium biscuits. Two catties of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, two catties of mung bean cake, four cans of canned fruit, fifty catties of rice, thirty catties of white flour, five catties of pork, and ten catties of rapeseed oil.

Xie Jing Xing, who had seen the world, was shocked by so many things, and sighed, "Brother Shen, Comrade Feng Weimin is really generous."

Shen Zhan twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Xie Jing Xing's words: "Cough, this is not actually true . Feng Weimin sent it, and I sent it to him because I was afraid of trouble." He is actually not very good at doing things that are equivalent to showing merit, but now that he wants to improve his favorability as a teenager, he will naturally not let it go. any chance.

Xie Jing Xing glanced at the sweets and pastries that occupied more than half of the table, and looked at Shen Zhan in amazement. He didn't expect that Shen Zhan looked like a tough guy and actually liked sweets.

Shen Zhan seemed to understand the boy's eyes, and explained: "These are all bought for you to eat, when it is the accommodation and food expenses I live here, when you are still healthy, eat more good food. You can grow taller." After getting along for a long time, Shen Zhan naturally knew that the young man was very dissatisfied with his height and envied him very much.

Hehe, Xie Jing Xing, who was still a little moved at first, heard the last sentence but felt that it was not without reason that Shen Zhan could not find a daughter-in-law yet, it was because of his strength that he was single.

Xie Jing Xing glared at Shen Zhan angrily, and finally put away all the food and left a can of malted milk essence to taste, this was the most popular nutritional supplement in the 1970s.

Xie Jing Xing opened the jar and made a bowl for both himself and Shen Zhan, he took a sip, the aroma of wheat was very strong, there was a bit of milk, it was very sweet, overall the taste was okay. He didn't resist sweets either, so he drank the bowl.

After drinking, seeing Shen Zhan holding the bowl and not drinking, he asked strangely, "Why don't you drink?"

Shen Zhan took a sip after hearing this, then frowned and said, "This is too sweet, I don't like it, you drink it Come on." Then he handed the bowl to Xie Jing Xing.

Xie Jing Xing took the bowl subconsciously and looked at Shen Zhan who was frowning with a tangled expression. How to do this? He never had the habit of using the same bowl with others, but if he didn't drink it and throw it away, it would be such a waste and a sense of crime, which would probably embarrass Shen Zhan. In the end Xie Jing Xing gritted his teeth and drank the whole bowl of malted milk.

Seeing this, Shen Zhan's eyes flashed a quick light. People can't even eat enough these days, and sugar is even more precious. Who would hate it? He just behaved like that to test the boy's acceptance of him, and secondly, If you want to leave these to teenagers, not liking sweets is a good excuse.

Shen Daniu helped Wang Guihua, who looked terrified, to return home, and slapped her back with a slap. Wang Guihua was stunned by his slap. He reacted violently: "Shen Daniu, you dare to hit me." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Shen Daniu's face.

How could Shen Daniu let her beat, and slapped her in the past again, but Wang Guihua is not a vegetarian, and she is used to doing farm work. The two couples who are still affectionate on weekdays are just like this. In the end, Wang Guihua was beaten until her nose was bruised and her face was bruised. , There are scratches on Shen Daniu's face and neck.

Wang Guihua was frightened today, and when she came back, she was beaten by Shen Daniu again. She felt aggrieved and scared, and cried out with a "wow".

Wang Guihua was really good-looking when she was young. You can tell from Shen Zhan and Shen Jianguo. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shen Daniu to marry her against the wishes of the Shen family's grandmother, and she would be obedient to her after marriage. But now Wang Guihua is in her 40s, her body is very bloated because of her fatness, and her temperament has grown into a mean face. Now her nose is bruised and her face is swollen. She is crying with snot and tears. It's some hot eyes that make Shen Daniu very disgusted.

Shen Daniu said impatiently: "Why are you crying? If you didn't wait to see Shen Zhan all day long, and you insisted on forcing him to take money and cut ties with him, we would now offend the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau."

Wang Guihua cried: " How could you blame it all on me, didn't you object at that time, and how did I know that the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau was his comrade-in-arms, he was a traitor, and he didn't tell us on purpose."

Shen Daniu: "Okay, that's all. It's time, you dare to scold him, if others hear it and report it to you to see what you will do."

Wang Guihua shook her body, but she didn't dare to scold him even though she had a stomach full of swearing.

Shen Daniu said: "Go and apologize to Shen Zhan and ask him to forgive you, how can we say that we are his parents, and he is filial, you care more about him and bring him back, as long as Shen Zhan accepts us, then the police will The deputy director of the bureau will not only not trouble us in the future, but will also be our backer."

Wang Guihua said, "But didn't we all sign the severance letter? Will he still recognize us?"

Shen Daniu frowned and thought for a moment: "If he doesn't recognize you, you kneel down for him. I still don't believe that he really dares to be kneeled by you. If his reputation spreads out, it won't be good."

Wang Guihua nodded, At this time, she can also give up, as long as she can't go to jail, she doesn't care about any shame.

Shen Daniu looked at Wang Guihua and said, "Go now, he might even feel distressed when he sees you like this."

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