Chapter 93

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 The next month: Chi Xiao came to school on time every day, and came to Xie Jing Xing after class: He prepared various fruits for him every day, fearing that he would lose weight too hard and his body would be damaged, he also prepared various nutritional tablets for him , Seeing Xie Jing Xing accept them one by one, his heart is full of joy. The two eat together, run together, and study together: Except for class and bedtime at night: The two are almost inseparable.

This made many people in the school who liked Chi Xiao very jealous of Xie Jing Xing: But everyone could see that Chi Xiao cared about Xie Jing Xing: Because of the fear of Chi Xiao: No one dared to do anything to Xie Jing Xing openly: Privately These people said sour words: Xie Jing Xing did not take it to heart at all.

During this month: The first week: Xie Jing Xing ran several times almost every night. He said: Every day, the weight will drop by one to two kilograms: After the toxins from the body are eliminated, diet and exercise will be combined, and then the average daily weight loss can be reduced by one or two kilograms. Jin: In one month, Xie Jing Xing lost 40 pounds. Although he still has 260 pounds, he is still a fat man, but the whole person has lost a lot of weight with the naked eye: the effect is very significant.

The weight loss so fast was really worrying, Xie Jing Xing knew that this was because the large amount of toxins and rubbish remaining in the body had been excreted, and with the addition of his traditional Chinese medicine, not only would it not affect his body, but he was healthier than before. A lot, now he feels that the whole person is a lot more relaxed, and he is a very flexible fat man.

Chi Xiao and the Lin family were not at ease. In order to appease them, Xie Jing Xing had to go to the hospital again with their company. After the examination, even the doctor was amazed. It was the first time he had seen such an intense weight loss, not only did it not affect his body, On the contrary, it was healthier, and Chi Xiao and the Lin family were relieved after hearing the words.

Xu Mo naturally knew about Lin Yuran's weight loss. He thought that Lin Yuran would give up after a few days of persistence as before, so he didn't care about it at all, but he didn't think that this time Lin Yuran would persist for a month. Moreover, the weight loss effect is exceptionally good. Lin Yuran, who has been effective in losing weight, seems to have gradually regained his self-confidence. He is not as inferior as before. Seeing that the relationship between Lin Yuan and Lin Yuran is getting better and better, the expression on Lin Yuan's face With more and more smiles, Xu Mo felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

One morning a few days later, as soon as Xie Jingxing walked into the classroom, Li Qiang looked at him mockingly and said, "Lin Anran, you don't know yet, Chi Xiao actually has ulterior motives in approaching you, I'll just say, a fat man like you. , how could someone like you and think you are cute, only you will believe it, I will die laughing when I hear it, haha."

Since Li Qiang was taught by Chi Xiao last time, he has been like a quail and dare not stand in front of Xie Jing Xing again. Xie Jing Xing was very curious about where he had the courage to say such a thing today, "Oh, you don't have motives, then tell me, what is Chi Xiao's motives?"

Li Qiang said, "The one in the school The forums have spread all over the forum, Chi Xiao is actually being so kind to you because he pursues your brother Lin Yu'an, don't think that you are so special."

Xie Jing Xing looked at Li Qiang as if he was mentally handicapped: "The brain is a good thing, it's a pity for you It seems not."

Li Qiang said angrily, "What did you say?"

Xie Jingxing said, "Even if what you said is true, Chi Xiao approached me only to pursue my brother, then if he wants to pursue my brother, he will keep going. Be nice to me, no one in the school knows that my brother is a brother accuser, if you say this to me now, you are not afraid that I will tell my brother if I am unhappy."

Xie Jing Xing sat down when he saw Li Qiang being speechless by his words , took out his mobile phone, entered the forum on campus, found the post mentioned by Li Qiang and quickly browsed it. The landlord posted a lot of photos of Chi Xiao and Lin Yu'an in the same frame. In the photos, Chi Xiao's eyes were filled with suppressed and restrained love, looking in the direction of Lin Yu'an.

Xie Jing Xing has an amazing memory, he can relate to the scene at a glance through these photos, he clearly remembers where he was standing at that time, he knew that Chi Xiao was looking at him, and he would never doubt his lover's feelings for him, naturally I wouldn't believe these photos, but what if the original owner saw them at this time? With these photos as strong evidence, the post kept emphasizing that Chi Xiao was nice to Lin Yuran in order to pursue Lin Yu'an, with the original owner's inferiority and sensitive character, most likely would believe it, thinking of this, Xie Jing Xing frowned .

The person who posted the post obviously had ulterior motives. On the bright side, they were two famous figures in the gossip school, and they were also under the banner of CP fans of Chi Xiao and Lin Yu'an, but their purpose was to provoke his relationship with Lin Yu'an. Mo, Xie Jing Xing did not make any other guesses. During this time, he focused on losing weight and ignored Xu Mo. He didn't expect him to take the initiative to provoke him.

On the other hand, as soon as Chi Xiao entered the classroom, Gao Chengpeng hurriedly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Chi Xiao: "Brother Xiao, look at this?" This month, he knew better than anyone how Brother Xiao treated Lin Yuran. I don't know who has the guts to pluck the hair on the tiger's mouth. Could it be that Brother Xiao has been too gentle around Lin Yuran recently, and these people have forgotten Brother Xiao's great achievements in the past.

Chi Xiao took the phone and looked at it, his eyes were cold, at this time he didn't care about rectifying the people behind him and ran to Xie Jing Xing's classroom.

Gao Chengpeng also ran out behind Chi Xiao. If Lin Yuran didn't believe it, he could also explain to Brother Xiao.

Chi Xiao's speed was extremely fast, when he came to Xie Jing Xing's classroom, he happened to see Xie Jing Xing frowning at his phone, he stunned, strode into the classroom, walked in front of Xie Jing Xing, glanced at Xie Jing Xing's phone, and sure enough the screen Above is that sticker.

When he thought that Xie Jing Xing believed the content of the post, he might ignore him in the future, and he didn't care about the crowd in the classroom, so he explained anxiously, "Of course, you believe me, I am not approaching you for your brother, What I like is... uh."

Xie Jing Xing covered Chi Xiao's mouth before he finished speaking, his lover looked at him with such burning eyes recently, how could he not see that he was enlightened, but he still Don't forget that I am still a student. If Chi Xiao confesses in front of so many people, I am afraid that the teacher will find them because of puppy love in a while, and Lin's parents and Lin's mother will probably strongly object to it. Although he wasn't afraid of trouble, he didn't need to ask for trouble.

Chi Xiao was covered by Xie Jing Xing, he pulled down Xie Jing Xing's hand and wanted to say more, but Xie Jing Xing glared at him, and then he calmed down obediently.

He was obviously a school tyrant who couldn't be dragged, but Lin Yuran glared at him and calmed down. Brother Xiao was really planted on Lin Yuran, and Gao Chengpeng, who was following behind, thought to himself.

Seeing that Xie Jingxing did not let Brother Xiao speak, Gao Chengpeng thought he didn't want to hear Brother Xiao's explanation, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help and explained, "Lin Yuran, I can testify for Brother Xiao, before I knew you, Brother Xiao could at most I've only heard your brother's name, and I don't mean anything to your brother at all, he never approached you for your brother's sake." But for you, Gao Chengpeng didn't say it, it's up to the person to confess this kind of thing. to do it.

However, Xie Jing Xing could hear Gao Chengpeng's unfinished meaning, he nodded to Gao Chengpeng and said, "Thank you, I want to talk to Chi Xiao alone." Chi Xiao walked out of the classroom.

Gao Chengpeng didn't follow up. It seemed that Lin Yuran didn't believe the words on the post, otherwise he would only hate him and his brother Xiao's friend, how could he thank him.

Xie Jing Xing dragged Chi Xiao to a secluded corner before stopping. He turned around and was about to speak, but this time, Chi Xiao covered his mouth again: "Of course, don't break up with me."

Xie Jing Xing looked at his red eyes and anxious expression, both distressed and funny, lover Everything is good, but I love Naobu too much, and I always like to think in a negative direction. This time, Naobu wants to break up with him.

Xie Jing Xing pulled away his hand covering his mouth, then kissed his palm and said in his shocked eyes, "It's too late to like you, how can we break up with you."

Chi Xiao held his hand back, his eyes penetrating. Excited: "Little Cutie, you just kissed me, and you said that you like me, is that the kind of like I understand?" He was so excited that he blurted out the nickname for Xie Jing Xing in his heart.

cute? What the hell is this called, Chi Xiao of his size can actually call him such a nickname without his conscience, and love really makes people blind.

Xie Jing Xing rolled his eyes and pretended to be ignorant: "What kind of liking, isn't that the kind of liking that the younger brother has for the older brother? Didn't you tell my parents that you treat me as your younger brother? You even asked me to call you older brother!"

"Fuck my brother!" Chi Xiao scolded irritably when he heard the words: "Could it be that you kiss Lin Yu'an like this?" His tone was full of jealousy, and a storm seemed to be brewing in his eyes.

Xie Jing Xing was not afraid of him: "Kiss? How could it be considered a kiss just now?"

"How could it not be... um." Before he finished speaking, Xie Jing Xing put his lips on his lips and left as soon as he touched it.

Xie Jing Xing looked at him with slyness in his eyes: "This is the kiss, Chi—xiao—brother—brother—" He deliberately dragged the last word of the elder brother very long.

Chi Xiao looked at his eyes full of sly, he didn't know that he was being tricked, he took Xie Jing Xing's chubby body into his arms and rubbed it, then he lightly pecked on his lips with extreme restraint With a sip, his eyes doted on: "Little rascal, you did it on purpose."

Xie Jing Xing looked at him with a half-smile but said, "Chi—xiao—brother—brother—how can you kiss your own brother?"

Chi Xiao heard him call "Brother Chi Xiao" again, his eyes were deep and deep, he leaned into his ear, and said in a low and ambiguous voice: "Little villain, you have to keep calling "Brother Chi Xiao" in the future.

" The driver, Xie Jingxing understood in seconds, he glared at Chi Xiao: "If you want to hear me call my brother, first ask my brother if he agrees."

Speaking of Lin Yu'an, Chi Xiao immediately thought of the post and explained, "Of course , that post is not true, I like you, even if I have ulterior motives in approaching you, it is also you who is drawing, and it has nothing to do with your brother."

"So you saw me at first sight . , just have ulterior motives for me, I am very curious, what did I look like in your eyes at that time, I was much fatter than now, it can really be described as fat and ugly, the filter under your eyes How thick does it have to be to think I look cute?" Xie Jingxing said.

Chi Xiao's eyes flickered, "I said it, don't be angry."

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows, Chi Xiao said this, he became more curious: "Okay, I promise not to be angry."

"I passed by you at that time . I took a look inside the classroom unintentionally, and I felt that you were white and fat like a big white steamed bun. I wanted to take a bite when I saw it. It's super cute. In fact, I really want to bite you now to see if it really looks like It's fragrant, sweet and soft like big white steamed buns."

Xie Jing Xing was glad that he was not drinking water at this time, otherwise he would definitely be choked by Chi Xiao's words. No wonder his lover looked like he was going to eat him every time he saw him. The only thing is to simply eat, forgive him, he is too dirty. Also, the lover in this world is still young! What he didn't know was that Chi Xiao, who was pure in his heart, had staggered all kinds of stuff in his countless colorful dreams.

Xie Jing Xing, who consciously misunderstood his lover, stretched out his hand to Chi Xiao's mouth and said in his doubtful eyes, "Didn't you say you want to take a bite?"

Chi Xiao laughed when he heard this and hugged Xie Jing Xing for another meal. Kneading: "Why are you so cute!" After speaking, he really held Xie Jing Xing's fleshy hand and took a bite, leaving two rows of shallow teeth marks: "It is really fragrant, sweet and soft."

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