Chapter 54

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"Stand up?!" Prince An's mansion: Jiang Yuwan stood up abruptly, and threw the teacup in her hand.

How could Emperor Jingxuan stand up? There was clearly no such thing in the previous life: Isn't he in bad health? And it was Lu Ziyan who stood up: Her husband in her previous life?

The emperor wants to make her previous husband the queen? ! What exactly is going on? Jiang Yuwan felt a little confused in her head.

Jiang Yuwan tried to force herself to calm down: All the important events that had happened since the rebirth were sorted out in her mind one by one. She found: From the beginning of the princess's flower viewing banquet, some things were different from the previous life. Lu Ziyan did not pass through the pond as in the previous life. Emperor Jingxuan ordered her and Jiang Yuyao to marry Prince An at the same time: Emperor Jingxuan ordered several princes to take their mothers and concubines back to the mansion to raise them: Lu Ziyan grew potatoes And sweet potatoes: Emperor Jingxuan made Lu Ziyan the Marquis of Jinxi: Emperor Jingxuan made Lu Ziyan his empress.

Jiang Yuwan suddenly realized that these things seemed to be more or less related to Emperor Jingxuan. She had always guessed that Lu Ziyan was reborn, thinking that these differences were caused by Lu Ziyan. Now that she thinks about it, even if Lu Ziyan is reborn, he can avoid the first thing at most, and the latter things are not his ability to do. Looking at it this way, Emperor Jingxuan is more like the reborn person.

Jiang Yuwan couldn't help guessing: Emperor Jingxuan met Lu Ziyan at some point in his previous life, and he has been obsessed with Lu Ziyan since then. This is not surprising, after all, Lu Ziyan's appearance is really good. It's just that Lu Ziyan was probably married to her at that time: Even if Emperor Jingxuan was the emperor, it was impossible for him to take action against a married man, so he could only pay attention secretly, and then investigate the reason why Lu Ziyan married her. It's just that he was in poor health and died of illness within a few years: Maybe there may be a reason for the lovesickness. After all, Emperor Jingxuan's decree for the title of the marquis stated that "lovesickness must be cured."

Emperor Jingxuan should have been reborn before the eldest princess' flower viewing banquet. After his rebirth, he helped Lu Ziyan avoid Jiang Yuyao's calculations. In order to prevent Lu Ziyan from marrying her, he simply ordered her marriage and married her to Prince An. Lu Ziyan didn't understand agriculture at all in his previous life, and how could he grow potatoes and sweet potatoes? This is probably because Emperor Jingxuan paved the way for him in advance to save him meritorious deeds. It is also logical.

When you think about it, everything works out. Now what she wants to know most is how is Emperor Jingxuan's body?

Emperor Jingxuan was an emperor in his previous life. He had the best doctor and the best medicinal materials in the world, but he still didn't live for a few years, which means that his illness was not curable. The illness has only aggravated his condition. If he has Lu Ziyan in this life, will he be able to live longer? Besides, when he is about to stand up, doesn't that mean that his health has improved? If this is the case, is it possible for King An to become the emperor like in his previous life? Even if his health is still not good, will he still pass the throne to King An like in his previous life? After such an analysis, Jiang Yuwan increasingly felt that the possibility of King An's succession to the throne was really slim.

Jiang Yuwan was suddenly a little confused. If King An couldn't be the emperor, what was the point of her rebirth and marrying King An? That's right, even marrying Prince An was also the will of Emperor Jingxuan. She seemed to have changed everything, but in fact, she was under the control of others.

Now, although she is in the position of a princess, she has to serve as a husband with Jiang Yuyao, whom she hates the most, and compete with a group of women in the backyard for favor. Her only son is ill. The status seems to be high, and the life is not as comfortable as the previous life.

Although she knew that her current situation was probably caused by Emperor Jingxuan, Jiang Yuwan did not dare to be dissatisfied at all, let alone question Emperor Jingxuan. If Emperor Jingxuan was reborn as she guessed, he should be extremely disgusted with her, Lu Ziyan's wife in his previous life. Now that he didn't kill her, it was already extremely kind. How could she dare to go to Emperor Jingxuan's place? Go to confront him in front of you?

If Xie Jing Xing knew what Jiang Yuwan was thinking, he would definitely give him the title - Brain Buffing Emperor.

No matter what other people think, Emperor Jingxuan will never let anyone talk about the matter that he wants to make Xie Jing act.

Under his urging, Qin Tianjian had already measured the latest auspicious day. Just a month later, although he still felt that it was too long, but there were no other auspicious days before that, so the emperor's wedding was finally set at a months later.

In the Dajing Dynasty, there was a custom of not being able to meet before marriage. It was said to be unlucky. Emperor Jingxuan was not a superstitious person, but as long as it was about his lover, he would not dare to be negligent in the slightest. Endured not secretly running to see him. Fortunately, it's still possible to write letters, so dark one dark three became the postman between the two.

If he couldn't meet his lover, Emperor Jingxuan asked people from the Ministry of Rites to supervise him. He and his lover's wedding must not be sloppy.

The Dajing Dynasty had an example of marrying a male queen. People from the Ministry of Rites originally thought that everything could be done according to the old rules. In fact, whether the queen is a man or a woman has no effect on the wedding process. It's just that the phoenix robes of men and women are different. Not satisfied.

Although the phoenix robe is new, the design was used by the founding queen. His lover is unique, how can he use a design that others have used? Moreover, the founding queen and the founding emperor were not the same couple in their entire lives, and they would not be happy if they wanted to, it was too unlucky! change! Must change! So he personally designed a phoenix robe and made it work overtime.

The empress wedding process is cumbersome, especially for the empress. After a complete set of procedures, the whole person will be exhausted, and there are too many places to kneel. Emperor Jingxuan knew that his lover could not tolerate this, and he was even more reluctant to suffer because of himself. He tried to simplify these sufferings as much as possible. He simply borrowed the folk marriage process so that his lover would not be too tired.

A month later, the emperor got married.

The entire capital was decorated with lanterns, filled with a cheerful atmosphere. The people spontaneously put on their latest clothes and stood on both sides of the street to watch the emperor marry.

When the people saw the emperor wearing a red dragon robe and riding a high-headed horse waiting outside the Marquis of Zhenguo's mansion, they were all shocked. The emperor actually greeted the relatives in person, which was unprecedented. Loved it very much later.

Soon Xie Jing Xing walked over in a red phoenix robe surrounded by a group of people, the two of them met their eyes and couldn't help raising the corners of their mouths.

Because he is a man, he does not need to cover his head, and his appearance is directly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

There was a sound of inhalation from the crowd. Emperor Jingxuan's post-decree, like a love letter, has long been known to the people. At this time, when they saw the real person, they finally knew what a modest gentleman was. , Zhilan Yushu, outstanding, such a talent, no wonder the emperor never forgets it, thinks like crazy, and loves the most.

The people didn't know how to describe it, they just thought that the emperor and the queen were good-looking like gods, and they were a perfect match.

Emperor Jingxuan dismounted neatly, picked up his lover who had been thinking about it for a month, and got on the horse again. , Anyone can see that he is happy from the heart.

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and the people felt that the emperor, who was as eager and excited as a hairy boy, was more real and closer to them.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, a hundred years of harmony!" Immediately after the ups and downs of congratulations sounded, it finally became uniform.

"The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, a century of harmony!"

"Dragon and phoenix are auspicious, and a hundred years of harmony!"

"Dragon and phoenix are auspicious, and a hundred years of harmony!"

Emperor Jingxuan and Xie Jingxing did not expect the people to be so warm and lovely, they were stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, the people saw the emperor and the queen Laughing happily, he couldn't help shouting louder.

The two rode their horses and entered the palace gate amid the congratulations of the people, followed by a long welcome line behind them.

The two of them rode all the way to the Tai Chi Hall, the emperor's bedroom. Xie Jing Xing lived here when he was in the palace, so he was no stranger to this place, but the Tai Chi Hall at this time was very festive and not as cold as before.

Emperor Jingxuan rolled over and dismounted, and then slapped his lover into his arms again. Whether the eunuchs and palace maids around were mentally prepared or shocked, they all bowed their heads well-trained and knelt down to greet him.

Emperor Jingxuan carried his lover to the wedding bed all the way, and waved away the palace maids and eunuchs around him, his forehead pressed against his lover, and his low voice carried bone-crashing thoughts: "Baby, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. "Xie Jing Xing stretched out his hand to hug his waist.

The lips of the two were naturally glued together, and they used their lips and tongues to let each other feel their yearning for a month.

After the kiss ended, the two were very emotional. Thinking that the Heshi wine had not been drunk, Emperor Jingxuan had to let go of his lover a little and said, "Baby, let's drink the Heshi bar." The

two raised the glasses and put the wine in their mouths , the eyes of the two never left each other, the fiery affection in their eyes seemed to melt each other, Emperor Jing Xuan threw Xie Jing Xing onto the bed, and then took his lips to kiss.

The hibiscus warmed the tent, the room was charming, and the dragon and phoenix candles in the hall burned all night.

A month after the two got married, the courtiers saw that the emperor's face was ruddy, and it was obvious that the sexual intercourse did not affect his health, so they all petitioned the emperor for drafts and continued to be a descendant of the royal family.

Emperor Jingxuan directly took out the original imperial edict and pointed it out to them, "There are only three thousand people in the harem!" Then he asked, "You have no joke, you want me to be an emperor who goes back on his word!"

What else did the ministers dare to say, if the emperor went back on his word and changed the order at night, they would really cry: "But the heir..."

"What happened to the problem of the heir before, and how will it be in the future." Emperor Jingxuan said.

This means that the emperor will not have heirs, and the succession to the throne in the future will either adopt a child from the clan, or pass the throne to a younger brother of the emperor.

King Cheng, King An, and King Qian in the hall breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, which meant that they or their sons still had hope of taking that seat.

The emperor has said this, how can the ministers object.

These words quickly spread to the people, and the people lamented the emperor's devotion to the queen. This is really because the family has the throne to inherit, but the emperor still has no heirs. It is equivalent to handing over the family's throne to others. Mere wealth is unlikely to be handed over to a brother or nephew, let alone the throne.

So the folk books based on the emperor and queen became popular again, and each book is a lifetime for a lifetime.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-16 00:00:00~2020-06-19 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mine Little Angel: Radish Head, 1 Fenglin Remnant; Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Fenglin Remnant; 5 Bottles of No Name; 3 Bottles of Firefly Grass; 1 Bottle of Water Source; Thank you very much for your support, I Will continue to work hard!

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