Chapter 110

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As soon as Xie Jing Xing said these words, the expressions of the other two people present changed.

No matter how stupid Qi Yue was, she still understood what Xie Jingxing meant. Her first reaction was not to believe it. In her mind, her brother had always been a person with a bright and beautiful moon: How could such a person be able to prescribe medicine?

Although he persuaded himself like this: But looking at Xie Jing Xing's indifferent and determined eyes, his expression was frank and he didn't seem to be provoking at all. Qi Yue couldn't help but wonder: Could it be true that what Xie Jing Xing said was true? After all, such a lie can be broken as soon as it is poked? Then she was also caught in the glass of wine she drank? It's just that my brother gave Qi You medicine. Why did he hurt her? Didn't he love her sister the most? Huo Yu would never doubt Xie Jing Xing's words, his eyes suddenly turned cold: He looked at Qi Yue with a biting chill in his eyes, even if Qi Yue didn't know it: even if she herself might have been caught, this glass of wine was borrowed from her The hand handed over is an indisputable fact. When it comes to his lover, he can't calmly keep himself from expressing his anger. Although I don't know what was put into the wine, since Qi Ze wants to harm people, it will never be a good thing. It was just a little bit short, if Xie Jing Xing was not vigilant and capable, then he would have been caught at this time: As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't help but be afraid: At the same time, he blamed himself: His lover almost had an accident right under his nose, He was too careless. Aware of Huo Yu's fear and self-blame, Xie Jing Xing no longer looked at Qi Yue's surprised expression: He stretched out his hand to hold Huo Yu's hand, inserted his fingers between his fingers, intertwined with his ten fingers, comforting him. He kissed his lips: "Don't be afraid, I'm fine." Huo Yu clasped his hand tightly to calm down the fear in his heart, but when his eyes touched the glass of wine in his hand, he frowned fiercely , looking at the wine in the wine glass is like looking at a mortal enemy: "What's in it?" Xie Jing Xing said coldly, "Drugs, the amount is enough to make people addicted." After rebirth, Qi Ze was indeed ruthless, if this is the case The ruthless target is Ji Mohan, Xie Jing Xing can still look at him, but he prefers to face innocent relatives.

Qi Yue's face turned pale when she heard the words. At this moment, she didn't care to doubt the truth of Xie Jing's words, she turned around and ran to the bathroom. Spit out the wine now! Huo Yu ignored Qi Yue, his attitude was unusually tough: "Baby, no matter what I do for a while, don't interfere, even if it's your brother, I will never let him go." Playing a little trouble, this time Qi Ze touched his back. Xie Jing Xing nodded with the suppressed anger between his brows and the killing intent in his eyes, "Okay, I have never regarded Qi Ze as a big brother." Qi Ze has been observing the situation here secretly, seeing that Xie Jing Xing just took the wine glass and said to Qi Yue After a few words, Qi Yue ran away like this, only when Xie Jing Xing said something ugly, Qi Yue couldn't take it anymore. It was useless to scold Qi Yue in her heart, but she still chased after her. This younger sister still has value. Qi Yue came out of the bathroom, her face was pale, her eyes and nose were red, as if she had cried fiercely. "Yueyue, are you okay, why are you crying? Is your second brother still unwilling to accept your apology? He didn't drink that glass of wine?" Qi Ze asked with concern. If the previous Qi Yue would take this as a brother's concern for his sister, but I don't know if it was Xie Jing Xing's words that played a role, or because she just threw up in the bathroom, her whole person seemed to have become much clearer, at this time she was able to She could clearly feel the indifference in Qi Ze's eyes, what he really cared about was whether the glass of wine was drunk by Xie Jing Xing, which made her believe Xie Jing Xing's words even more. A flash of fear flashed across Qi Yue's eyes, how cruel and scheming this person must be, to appear in front of her as if nothing had happened after harming her, and to act like a good brother. Qi Yue didn't answer Qi Ze's words, and ran away directly. At this time, she only felt that Qi Ze was too scary, and she just wanted to stay away from him. She also went to check, what if she didn't spit up just now. Qi Ze only thought that Xie Jing Xing had hurt her face, but did not notice her abnormality.

"Ozawa, what happened to her Yueyue?" Qi's father also paid attention to Huo Yu's side, even though Huo Yu was likely to be his son-in-law in the future, he didn't dare to neglect.

"I don't know. I just asked Yueyue to apologize to Xiaoyou, but she ran away crying for some reason. Maybe Xiaoyou refused to forgive her and said something unpleasant."

Father Qi frowned. Frowning, when Qi Ze thought he would express his dissatisfaction with Xie Jing Xing, he heard him say, "She did something wrong, she should apologize, his second brother just said a few words to her and then lost his temper and walked away, really spoiled It's gone." He said so, as if he was not the one who indulged Qi Yue's temper in the past.

"Okay, leave her alone, go and say hello to Mr. Huo, just based on the relationship between your brother and Mr. Huo, there will definitely be a lot of cooperation with Mr. Huo in the future. If Huo Yu is willing, the Qi family wants to go further. It's difficult, don't worry about losing the bet before, you know?" Father Qi's tone was tough.

"I know, Dad."

Seeing Qi's father bringing Qi Ze over, Huo Yu's eyes flashed a cold light. He was about to find this person, but unexpectedly, he brought him to the door himself.

Father Qi said with a smile, "Mr. Huo, this is my eldest son Qi Ze. I heard that you guys have been betting before, so it is considered that you don't know each other."

Qi Ze glanced at the empty wine glass in Xie Jing Xing's hand and his Red lips wet with wine, a malicious excitement flashed across his eyes, did you drink? There is a new type of drug that he specially found for Qi You. It can be addicted once, and it is difficult to quit once you get it. As long as Qi You is addicted to drugs, how could the Huo family let an addict come in? Without Huo Yu. Backing the mountain, Qi You can't let him flatten and round.

All kinds of vicious thoughts flashed through his mind, but his face became softer: "Xiaoyou, my brother didn't think carefully about what happened before, and I almost made you feel wronged." Then he said to Huo Yu: "Mr. Huo, Xiaoyou just came back, and many don't understand it, so I'll ask you to take more care in the future."

Huo Yu never picked up a glass of wine from the tray in the hands of the waiter standing beside him and handed it to Qi Ze, and picked up a glass himself: "Don't worry, Master Qi, Youyou is the best in my heart no matter what. I will definitely take good care of him." After speaking, he drank the wine glass.

Qi Ze said with a smile: "Xiaoyou is so lucky to meet Mr. Huo." Then he drank the wine in his glass, but thought maliciously in his heart, I hope to see Qi You's drug addiction in the future, you Can still say that.

Hearing this, Huo Yu shook his head: "You are wrong. It is my luck to meet Youyou. He is my life. If someone dares to hurt him, I will definitely not let him go."

Qi Ze wondered if it was his own delusion. , I always felt that when Huo Yu said this, the eyes he looked at him were like an abyss, as if he was going to devour people, and it made people's back chills for no reason. In the past, Huo Yu had turned his head and whispered something to Xie Jing Xing, his eyebrows were gentle, the two were head to head, and a sweet atmosphere lingered around them.

Qi Ze felt relieved, it really was his delusion, it was because he was too sensitive that Huo Yu's words had a lot of meaning, but now it seemed that they were just sweet words to Xie Jing Xing. If the two of them really found something, Huo Yu would be fine, Qi You would never be able to hide it at all.

"Dad, Xiaoyou is also a shareholder of Qi's family now, so you can't be ignorant about the company's affairs. It just happened that I was discussing cooperation with the Han family these days, why not let him learn from me." tied Xie Jingxing It is convenient for him to be by his side.

Father Qi was originally worried that Qi Ze was dissatisfied with the issue of the shares, but he did not expect that he would take the initiative to let Xie Jing Xing contact the company's affairs. He himself was a person who put his interests first, but he hoped that his children, brothers and sisters, would be more satisfied with Qi Ze. , nodded and said, "Okay, just do as you said." The

two decided without asking Xie Jing Xing's opinion, Huo Yu frowned and said, "No need, Youyou promised me to go to my company to be my assistant before. "Qi Ze has great malice towards his lover, how can he rest assured that Xie Jing Xing and Qi Ze are staying together.

Xie Jing Xing was able to guess what Qi Ze's plan was. He just wanted to find an opportunity to tie him and Han Ziwen together as in the original plot. Although he was not afraid of Qi Ze's use of any means, he did not want to face Qi Ze's face all the time. The hypocritical face, and the scumbag Han Ziwen.

Xie Jingxing went to the Huo family, he wanted to calculate how much more difficult it was for Xie Jingxing, how willing Qi Ze was, so he persuaded: "Xiaoyou, you don't know anything yet, you don't want to cause trouble to Mr. Huo, right? It's better to stay with your brother and study for a while, and when you've learned it, it's not too late to be an assistant to Mr. Huo." It's just that it's too late for Huo Yu to hate you.

Xie Jing Xing's face loosened a little when he heard the words, Huo Yu said softly, "Baby, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, I will teach you. Besides, I want to see you all the time, don't you want to see me all the time?"

Xie Jing Xing A slight blush appeared on his face, and then he nodded shyly.

Seeing this, Qi Ze choked in his heart, what was going on with these two people?

Father Qi said with a smile, "Haha, it's nice to be young, I can rest assured that you two are in a good relationship, then Xiaoyou, you can go to Huo's head office to study with him." He didn't expect Xie Jing Xing to go to the company at first, but now Xie Jing Xing can If Huo Yu couldn't be separated from him, he was naturally happy to see it happen, how could he stop it.

With Father Qi's words, Qi Ze couldn't persuade him any more, the plan didn't work out, he was angry but couldn't get angry, he really didn't expect Xie Jing Xing to refuse, after all, in his opinion, how could a man not want to have his own career. At the same time, he was extremely contemptuous of Xie Jing Xing, a man who only wanted to depend on others was really useless!

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support during 2020-09-21 00:00:00~2020-09-22 00:00:00 The little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Wuwei, :) 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 70 bottles of Mo Yier; 30 bottles of Xiamu; 28 bottles of Bihai and Blue Sky; 20 bottles of Chen lost; 10 bottles of Heguang Tongchen; 8 bottles of Master Qilue; Bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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