Chapter 155

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One month later: Outside the secret realm of Cangyun, many monks are waiting at the entrance, waiting for the secret realm to open.

From Qingyunzong's side: Fu Linyuan took out a Qiankun bag and handed it to Xie Jingxing: "You don't like to eat bigu pills, here I have prepared your favorite food for you, this month you want to endure in the secret realm: I will cook something delicious for you when you come out. There is also a tent made by me, which can isolate the detection of consciousness during the Mahayana period: take it out when you want to rest." Xie Jing Xing has space and his clothes are also his. It was specially refined to withstand a blow from a Mahayana cultivator, and he had confidence in Xie Jing Xing's strength: he was not worried about what danger he would encounter in the secret realm, but he was very worried that Xie Jing Xing would not be able to eat or sleep well in the secret realm.

Fu Linyuan changed his taciturnity in the past, and his earnest exhortation surprised everyone in Qingyunzong.

Xie Jing Xing took the Qiankun bag and asked curiously, "When did you prepare these?" Even though they both stayed together every day, he didn't find out.

Fu Linyuan gave Xie Jing Xing a playful look: Xie Jing Xing understood immediately. Returning to Qingyunzong this month: This guy used the excuse that the two would be separated for a month: He was pestering him every day for double cultivation, and his physical strength in the Jindan period was an opponent of the Mahayana period, and it was common for him to faint: These things It should have been prepared during the time when he passed out.

Thinking of how he begged for mercy the previous month, this fellow refused to let him go, Xie Jing Xing lost all his emotions, he glared at Fu Linyuan fiercely and became annoyed: "Got it: it really is old, it's really long-winded."

Fu Linyuan glanced at Xie Jing Xing meaningfully after hearing the words, the dark look in his eyes made Xie Jing Xing stun for a while, no, he really touched the tiger's beard this time, and he had a bad premonition that he would not be the same when he came out of the secret realm. Can't get out of bed for years? But...

Xie Jing Xing gave Fu Linyuan a provocative look, would he be afraid?

"Senior Brother Wei, the real person Linyuan also cares about you, how can you think that he is long-winded?" The

sudden words interrupted the eyes of the two, and the two looked at the sound, it turned out to be Xu Baijing. Although his appearance has not changed at this time, his temperament is quite different from that of three years ago. His whole person is delicate and delicate, his eyebrows are charming, and his eyes look like a hook. Although he said these words to Xie Jing Xing, he looked straight at Fu Linyuan, his brows were affectionate, as if he was looking at the person he loved deeply.

In the past three years, he has been doing double cultivation every day, and Xu Baijing's cultivation has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, so he will naturally not miss the opening of the Cangyun Mystery Realm. Along with him were Wei Yichen from the late stage of Jindan and Chu Zhan from the early stage of Jindan.

Xu Baijing was standing in the ranks of the Qingyun Sect and had seen Fu Linyuan long ago. Seeing that he cared so much about Xie Jingxing, he was extremely jealous. Since then, he has been obsessed with this powerful and handsome man.

Seeing that Xie Jing Xing was impatient with his concern, he couldn't help but speak his grievances for him, but more wanted to attract Fu Linyuan's attention, and the three of Chu Haotian had been concerned about his body every day and night for the past three years. Ask him to be extremely confident in his own charm.

Compared with Xie Jing Xing's arrogance and arrogance, he is definitely more likable for a person who is considerate, delicate and charming, not to mention that he is a unique transmigrator, Fu Linyuan used to like Xie Jing Xing but he didn't know him, as long as he knew him, Having discovered his special features, Fu Linyuan will definitely fall in love with him madly like Chu Haotian and the other three.

Xu Baijing was immersed in the dream of the protagonist of his heartthrob, but did not find that everyone in the Qingyun Sect took a step back and moved away from him, looking at him with surprise and disdain. How come this is a strange thing, to seduce the real person Linyuan so brightly, he is really brave, doesn't he know what happened to those who seduced the real person Linyuan in the past? Or did he think he was more attractive than Xie Jing Xing?

Everyone looked at Xie Jing Xing standing proudly beside Fu Linyuan, and looked at Xu Baijing who was pretentious and kitsch, and shook their heads, there was no comparison at all.

Fu Linyuan's reaction was beyond the expectations of everyone in the Qingyun Sect. The moment he saw Xu Baijing, he quickly covered Xie Jing Xing's eyes: "Don't look at it, it's dirty!" Xie Jing Xing has always looked at Xu Baijing through space for the past three years. In the picture, Fu Linyuan will do this action, and now a conditioned reflex has been formed.

This reaction is more hurtful than any punishment. It also pulled out Xu Baijing, who was immersed in a beautiful dream. His face turned pale, as if he couldn't stand the blow. He was shaky and looked at Fu Linyuan with sad eyes. Those who don't know will think that Fu Linyuan is a heartless man when they see this scene.

"Ugly people are at fault!" Fu Linyuan dropped these words and hugged Xie Jing Xing and turned away from Xu Baijing, his unavoidable appearance was exactly what he said before, he thought he was dirty.

"Pfft!" Someone in the crowd laughed, followed by one after another of laughter. Most people have a moral bottom line, so they are naturally very disdainful of Xu Baijing's behavior of blatantly seducing a husband. great.

Hearing everyone's laughter, Xu Baijing bit her lip and stood on the spot, hating Xie Jing Xing very much in her heart. Since crossing into the cultivation world, all the grievances he has suffered were caused by Xie Jing Xing, if he hadn't saved him and ignored him, how could he have been bullied in the first place, and if it wasn't because of him this time, what happened to Fu Linyuan would do that to him. Xu Baijing had an intuition that Xie Jing Xing was his nemesis, and only by removing him could his life be smooth sailing.

"The secret realm is open!" There were cheers from the crowd, and everyone in Qingyunzong couldn't care less about Xu Baijing and entered the secret realm one after another.

"I'm in, don't worry." Xie Jing Xing also entered the secret realm after speaking to Fu Linyuan.

The entrance to the Cangyun Secret Realm is a non-directional teleportation array. People who pass through the teleportation array will be randomly teleported to any place in the secret area. If you are lucky, you may be directly teleported to the treasures of heaven and earth. If you are unlucky, there are May be teleported to the monster's lair.

Xie Jing Xing's luck was obviously not very good, as soon as he entered the secret realm, he was keenly aware of an attack coming towards him, he quickly avoided the opponent's attack, and at the same time locked the opponent with his spiritual sense, and found out that it was a giant python at the peak of Jindan, something like this The cultivation base is already considered a top expert in the Cangyun Mystery Realm, but it is also a misfortune when it encounters Xie Jing Xing.

After a while, the giant python that was still majestic just now turned into a corpse. The skin of the giant python is a good material for refining. Xie Jing Xing was about to put it into the space when he found that the space had changed a lot. A Wang Lingquan, and Lingquan's rich aura doubled the space.

In the original plot, Xu Baijing found the spiritual spring in the secret realm of Cangyun and put it into the whole space. I did not expect that the plot has changed so much now that Xu Baijing still found the spiritual spring. Xie Jing Xing didn't know whether to sigh Xu Baijing's good luck or not. It is time to mourn for Xu Baijing's hard work but doing white labor.

Xie Jing Xing put the python's body into the space and continued on the road. Some people have his restrictions, Xu Baijing could not find it at all, and he did not deliberately search for the treasure. After all, Xu Baijing was there, I believe that with Xu Baijing's luck, eventually all these things would enter him. In space, he just needs to sit back and enjoy his achievements.

Xu Baijing naturally did not know that everything he did now was to make wedding clothes for Xie Jing Xing, he only felt that his luck was very good after entering the Cangyun Secret Realm.

As soon as he came in, he was teleported to the spiritual spring. He has always regretted that there is no spiritual spring in his space. You must know that this is a must for the protagonist's space, and now it has finally been filled.

Later, he saw in a cave that he had found Zhu Guo that could increase his cultivation. He used the spiritual spring to lead the guardian away and put the Zhu Guo into the space, but the guardian came back too fast, if it wasn't for him. If you accidentally step on a teleportation array while dodging, you may die under the claws of the guardian beast.

Just when he was still terrified, he found that the place he was teleported to was actually a large field of medicine, and all rare spiritual plants were planted in it. He spent a lot of energy to transplant all the species into his space .

This series of experiences made him more and more certain that he was the protagonist, and he no longer cared about the setbacks he had suffered in Fu Linyuan before. He decided that after Fu Linyuan fell in love with him in the future, he must abuse Fu Linyuan well.

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