Chapter 143(Arc 10: Cannon Fodder Cultivation Genius)

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Xie Jing Xing just regained consciousness: A purple thunderbolt as thick as an arm fell mercilessly from the sky and landed straight on him. Xie Jing Xing only felt that his limbs and bones were numb from the electricity, he even smelled the flesh being scorched.

He was struck by thunder at the very beginning: Xie Jing Xing had a lot of experience and he was a little confused, but the situation at this time obviously did not allow him to think too much and his body could not move: he instinctively released his mental power to erect a mental barrier. Obviously, his decision was correct because another thunderbolt struck him immediately, but this time the thunderbolt hit the mental barrier and Xie Jing Xing was not directly attacked. Moments later: A golden light shone down from the sky, the thick dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun were penetrated by the golden light and cracked open countless cracks: In an instant, the clouds disappeared, the sky was clear and the golden light was scattered on Xie Jing Xing's body, which complemented his extraordinary handsomeness. His face was like a mansion. The golden light was scattered on his body and turned into tiny particles of light into Xie Jing Xing's body. Xie Jing Xing felt countless tiny warm currents flowing through his limbs and bones: Finally, it flowed into his dantian: It made his body numb from being split by lightning come back to life. Burnt skin also heals at a speed visible to the naked eye: it becomes white and smooth. "Brother Wei succeeded in forming an elixir. Eighteen-year-old Jindan cultivator: How can we live like this with this talent ! " Golden Light of Merit: Senior Brother Wei, what kind of great merit did Senior Brother Wei do?" "Based on Senior Brother Wei's cultivation speed and the protection of his merits, he might be a real Linyuan in a hundred years." "Senior Brother Wei is so beautiful!" Xie Jing Xing It was because he had read a lot of cultivating novels, plus the few words that came into his ears, he had guesses about the world he was in now. Taking advantage of the time when his body was recovering, Xie Jing Xing quickly accepted the plot of this world and this character. body memory. The plot of this world can be simply summed up as the modern otaku Xu Baijing crosses over to the waste material in the world of self-cultivation, opens up Lingbao, subdues cute pets, and falls in love with many high-quality small attack, all the way to counterattack and slap the face of Su Shuangwen.

Yes. Respect and love him, so many people love him, but he is reluctant to hurt any one of them, a few people couldn't bear him embarrassed, and finally decided to have him together.

Xie Jing Xing always believed that loyalty was the most basic of feelings, so he really could not understand such a view of love.

Although the main line of the plot is a counter-attack, two-thirds of the story is that the protagonist is harassed by different attacks, loves lingering, or the protagonists are jealous because of the protagonist. Skip directly and receive the memory of the original owner.

The original owner's name is Wei Xiuning. Linggen is a rare mutant ice root with excellent talent. After entering the sect, he established the foundation within a year, and succeeded in forming a pill within three years. He was a well-deserved genius. Some people even foresee that if he If he doesn't fall in the middle, he will definitely be a person like the real Linyuan in a hundred years. Linyuan's real name is Fu Linyuan, and he is the first genius since the founding of Qingyunzong's sect. The speed of cultivation, let alone Qingyunzong, is unprecedented in the entire cultivation world. At that time, there were rumors that Fu Linyuan was carrying a top-quality fairy weapon, so he could advance so quickly, attracting many people to covet, many sects came together to force him to hand over the treasure, but he was blocked with just one sword. Outside the gate of Qingyunzong, that piece contains his ultimate sword intent. As long as anyone who has malicious intentions towards him, once approached, he will be injured by his fierce sword intent, and even the gate of Qingyunzong cannot enter. Since then, people in the cultivation world have become jealous of him, and they no longer have the courage to covet that immortal artifact that does not exist or not. And with such a person in charge, Qingyunzong has also become the first sect in the cultivation world. The stone that left the sword intent of Linyuan Zhenren still stands outside the door of Qingyunzong after a thousand years. To be able to compare the original owner with a character like the real person Linyuan shows that he is extremely talented. Even if he can't compare with the real person Linyuan, it is only a matter of time before he can ascend. But with the protagonist Shou Xu Baijing there, no matter how talented the original protagonist is, he is just a cannon fodder, destined to become a stepping stone for the protagonist Shou.

The protagonist Shou Xu Baijing was originally an otaku in the modern world. After playing games for three days and three nights in a row, he died suddenly in front of the computer. After his death, he crossed over to Xu Baijing, who has the same name and surname in this world. The original Xu Baijing was a peasant boy. The village he was in was attacked by a demon cultivator. The entire village, including his parents, were slaughtered by the demon cultivator. Just when the demon cultivator was about to kill him, the original owner who happened to go out for training passed by. He was rescued and brought back to Qingyunzong, becoming the outer disciple of Qingyunzong. Xu Baijing is a miscellaneous root of the four elements of gold, wood, water and soil, and even among the outer disciples, his talent is not outstanding. Outer sect disciples have limited cultivation resources, so robbing resources is not uncommon among outer sect disciples. When he was robbed of the spirit stone by a fellow student, the other party hit him too hard and accidentally killed him. After waking up, his soul was replaced by Xu Baijing from modern times. At the beginning, Xu Baijing's situation was not much better than the original body. When he was bullied by the outer disciples again, he happened to be seen by the original owner. The original owner still had an impression of the people he had saved. Seeing that he was bullied so far, I can't help but feel more responsible for him, and take care of him on weekdays. After all, this is a beautiful world. Men basically like men, and the original owner is no exception. In the realm of self-cultivation, it is also very common for men and men to be together. If the original owner was an attacker, with the appearance and talent of the original owner, Xu Baijing would never let it go, but the original owner was a sufferer, perhaps because of the repelling, Xu Baijing only had jealousy and hatred for the original owner. Jealousy is naturally due to the original owner's talent, while hatred is because he thinks that the original owner's indifference caused the death of the original Xu Baijing and the situation where he was bullied just after crossing over. He felt that the original owner was a very hypocritical person. Since he saved people, he should be responsible to the end, instead of leaving the original owner outside the door and letting him be bullied by his peers. Even if he was jealous of the original owner, it did not prevent Xu Baijing from accepting Wei Xiuning's care. Instead, he felt that the original owner owed him this, and he felt more at ease.

With Wei Xiuning's care, Xu Baijing's life in the outer door was much easier, but his roots of gold, wood, water, soil and four elements remained unchanged, and the speed of cultivation was still very slow. Xu Baijing was always very depressed about this. But how could the protagonist be immersed in this? In order to relieve the anxiety caused by the slow cultivation, Xu Baijing went out to relax, and saw an inconspicuous black stone in a small stall in the town under Qingyunzong Mountain. The moment he saw the black stone, there was a voice in his heart telling him that this stone was very important to him, and he bought this unremarkable stone without hesitation.

Xu Baijing's intuition was right. He recognized the master by dripping blood as in the novel, and opened up the space. There are several acres of medicine fields and a wooden house in the space. The medicine field is still unplanted. He walked into the wooden house and there was a bookcase in the wooden house. There are two scrolls of bamboo slips on the table. He probed his divine sense into one of the bamboo slips, and found that it was a practice called "Chaos Jue", but at this time his spiritual roots could not be cultivated at all. So he probed his consciousness into another scroll of bamboo slips, which turned out to be an inheritance of medicine refining, and he also got a way to change his spiritual roots from this inheritance.

The inheritance mentioned a kind of medicinal pill, called Fire Spirit Pill, which is made from fire spirit grass as the main material. Spiritual roots, such spiritual roots are generally called waste spiritual roots, but there is also a very small chance of becoming a one-of-a-kind chaotic spiritual root. This probability is very small, even the monks with the four elements of gold, wood, water, soil and mixed spiritual roots will not risk becoming a waste spiritual root to try, and the fire spirit pill is useless to other monks with spiritual roots, so Most cultivators have hardly heard of the fire elixir.

However, Xu Baijing was not worried at all that he would become a waste spirit root after taking the Fire Spirit Pill. As an otaku, Xu Baijing has read a lot of novels about counter-attacks by waste materials. Since unimaginable things like time-travel happened to him, he must be the protagonist of this world. As the protagonist, his luck is against the sky. Said that the probability of being extremely small is 100% for him, doesn't the appearance of the black stone just illustrate this point?

In order to refine the Fire Spirit Pill, one must first have the Fire Spirit Grass. The Qingyun Sect's spiritual field has Fire Spirit Grass, but it needs to be replaced by contribution points. Xu Baijing's contribution value is limited, so he had to ask Wei Xiuning for help. It's just some contribution points, and it's nothing to Wei Xiuning. He didn't even ask him what the contribution points should be exchanged for, so he directly assigned the contribution points to him.

The refining of Fire Spirit Pill is not complicated. With the Fire Spirit Grass, Xu Baijing quickly refined the Fire Spirit Pill. After taking it, his Spiritual Root also turned into a Chaos Spiritual Root as he wished. The "Chaos Judgment" in the bamboo slips simply thought that it was a top-quality exercise that was tailored for him.

With top-quality spiritual roots and top-quality exercises, Xu Baijing's road to self-cultivation can be said to be smooth, and the original owner has become an eyesore in his eyes. The name of genius should be his, and the praise of everyone should be his, so In a secret realm experience, he led the misfortune to the east, making the demon cultivator think that the original owner had obtained a giant treasure, and the original owner finally died under the group attack of the demon cultivator.

The author has something to say: The stupid author is back, the little cuties have been waiting for a long time, love you~

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