Chapter 40

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Ji's father hurriedly called Ji Huan: He didn't spare Wanzi: He asked straight to the point: "Is what the Internet said about you and Cheng Nuo true?"

Ji Huan was ready early in the morning: Nodding: "It's true. Yes ."

Because of psychological preparation: Father Ji was lucky not to have a brain hemorrhage due to anger: He took a deep breath and asked with a hint of hope, "You don't have any feelings for women at all?"

"Except Cheng Nuo, I don't have feelings for anyone, if I can't be with him: I can only end up alone in my life." When he said this: Ji Huan's eyes were filled with deep love: people couldn't question his words at all.

Unpredictable: Father Ji had the feeling that his son was fed a mouthful of dog food. He didn't expect his son to have such a deep affection for Cheng Nuo. If he wanted to forcibly separate the two, let's not say whether he could succeed with his son's ability. Even if he succeeds, does he really want to watch his son die alone: ​​Forcing his son to marry a woman, his conscience makes him unable to do such a thing of letting his son cheat on the marriage. Isn't this harming his life?

Father Ji sighed: In the end, his love for his son prevailed: "When will you bring Cheng Nuo to show me?" Although he had seen Cheng Nuo before, his attention was on Coco at that time. Cheng Nuo was not impressed, only that he loved Coco very much.

"Dad: You don't object?" Ji Huan was really surprised this time. He was ready to be kicked out of the house by Ji's father, but he didn't want Ji's father to accept it so easily.

Ji's father glared at Ji Huan angrily: "You said that, can I, a father, really have the heart to watch you grow old alone?"

Ji Huan laughed when he heard this, and said sincerely, "Dad, thank you."

Said When he got up, this son had a cold personality since he was a child, his face had no expression, and he didn't have a smile on his family. Or because of other men, I can't help but feel a little sad, it's a big mistake! At the same time, he was even more curious about Xie Jing Xing, what kind of person could make his indifferent son so determined.

So he couldn't help but ask: "It's true that Cheng Nuo was the No. 1 scholar in the college entrance examination two years ago on the Internet?"

Ji Huan nodded and said, "It's true, Nuonuo is relatively low-key, although he accepted it because of the school's requirements. In the interviews with the media, no one was allowed to take pictures, but a photo was left on the honor column of his alma mater."

Ji's father nodded inwardly, at that time Cheng Nuo was only eighteen years old, so he was able to be unassuming, which showed that he was mature and introverted. Being a low-key person shows that you are not greedy for fame and fortune.

Ji Huan asked: "Dad should have heard of Shengyuan Group, right?"

Ji's father of Shengyuan Group has naturally heard of it. Although it has only been established for more than a year, the development momentum is very strong, and there is national support behind it. The prospects should not be underestimated. It's just that the son will not mention an unrelated company for no reason. Could it be...

"What does Cheng Nuo have to do with Shengyuan? He seems to be studying computers. Does Shengyuan Technology have his technology as a stake?" Ji's father guessed.

Ji Huan said proudly: "Shengyuan was founded by Nuonuo. At the beginning, several 3D online games launched by Shengyuan Technology were designed by him. Later, smart home appliances were also designed and produced by him, and finally put into production. He even participated in the experiments of many drugs in Shengyuan Pharmaceutical." He said, the obsession in his eyes was undisguised.

Father Ji thought that his previous guesses had overestimated Cheng Nuo, but he didn't want Cheng Nuo to be much better than he thought. Watching his son count Cheng Nuo's advantages one by one like a child who presents treasures to his parents, some of them understand why his son falls in love with Cheng Nuo. Such an excellent and almost almighty person, it is difficult for people not to be tempted by him.

Xie Jing Xing's side also came out in front of Cheng's father and Cheng's mother. The second old man was as he thought, although he was a little surprised, his love for his son finally prevailed and he accepted the fact.

After learning about Father Ji's attitude from Ji Huan, Xie Jing Xing couldn't help but sigh that parents who truly love their children are the same all over the world, they are always more concerned about their children's happiness than their reputation.

On the same day, Ji's Group and Shengyuan Group announced at the same time that they would hold a press conference three days later to answer the news on the Internet.

Netizens are a little confused. They can understand Ji's press conference, but why is Sheng Yuan coming to join in the fun? Netizens flocked to Shengyuan's official website one after another, only to find that there was more of the chairman of Shengyuan Group in the profile, and Cheng Nuo's photo was hanging on it. After looking at the profile again, the netizens were silent for a while.

Sure enough, excellent people are excellent no matter where they go. The original science champion was actually the chairman of Shengyuan. At the age of eighteen, he founded Shengyuan Technology from scratch and developed into today's Shengyuan Group in less than two years. It turns out that people are not unknown, but too low-key. Where does such a person need to be supported by others, he is a wealthy family himself, and those who attacked him before have been severely slapped in the face at this time.

There are also homophobic people who know Cheng Nuo's identity and claim that if Sheng Yuan really publicly admits that Cheng Nuo is gay after three days, they will quit all games of Sheng Yuan and boycott Sheng Yuan.

Ji Xin didn't expect Xie Jing Xing to be so powerful, but she didn't feel that she did something wrong, instead she resented that Xie Jing Xing didn't reveal her identity from the beginning, if she had known earlier, she would have returned to Cheng's house obediently, she could not be the eldest Miss Ji family, she could As the eldest lady of the Cheng family, why do you still need to calculate so much and fall into the situation that everyone hates now.

Three days later, Ji Huan and Xie Jing Xing appeared at the press conference together, the two sat together and put their hands together on the table without hesitation.

When the reporter saw this, he was so excited that he kept taking pictures of the two of them. This was obviously the rhythm of the two coming out in front of the people of the whole country. This kind of news was much more eye-catching than when they found a bunch of rhetoric and put aside their relationship.

"Mr. Ji, Mr. Cheng, did you admit that you were a couple before?" The

two looked at each other and Ji Huan said, "I and Cheng Nuo are indeed a couple, and it is premised on marriage." He shook the two of them. The hands nestled together, the same rings on both hands shone under countless flashes.

"Mr. Cheng, some netizens speculated that you were taken care of by Mr. Ji, how would you respond to this?"

Xie Jing Xing showed a sweet smile to the camera: "Speaking of which, I have indeed been cared for by Ji Huan. After we met, he immediately He feeds me three meals a day, and not long ago, he also transferred all his property to my name, do you think this counts as me being taken care of by him?"

Netizens who watched the live broadcast immediately swiped the screen when they heard this, and kept going. shouted: Count it! Give me a dozen of such care!

The reporters at the scene were caught off guard by being fed a mouthful of dog food by Xie Jing Xing, and they had an intuition that this press conference would be a large-scale show of affection between the two.

Even Ji Huan didn't expect his always introverted lover to suddenly show his affection, but he saw his lover turned his head and whispered in his ear: "You are not the only one who wants the world to know that I am yours, I am the same."

Ji Huan was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly laughed happily, and put the hands of the two of them on his lips and kissed gently. It turned out that they had the same desire for each other.

Netizen 1: Mr. Ji laughed so well, I really want to know what Mr. Cheng told him.

Netizen 2: Mr. Cheng is really black-bellied, and he feels that Mr. Ji was eaten by him.

Netizen 3: I'm ready to eat dog food until I can.

Although the reporters at the scene were a little supportive and didn't want to give them another chance to produce dog food, they still had to ask: "Mr. Cheng, some netizens said they would quit Shengyuan's game forever and boycott Shengyuan, what do you think about this? ?"

Xie Jing Xing faced the camera, and the corner of his mouth raised a slightly provocative arc: "One week later, Shengyuan Technology will launch the world's first holographic game, and players are welcome to come and experience it." Although he did not directly answer the reporter's question problem, but everyone heard his subtext: don't play holographic if you can. Confident enough! Arrogant enough! A week passed quickly, the Shengyuan Holographic Game Live Experience Conference was held as scheduled, one thousand players entered the venue, after Xie Jing Xing gave a brief introduction on the stage, the players put on specially made holographic helmets and entered the game under the explanation of the staff. .

Netizen 1: Ah~~ Mr. Cheng has exploded, and he has become a fan!

Netizen 2: President Cheng's smile, I'm going to bend, I'm a straight man!

Netizen 3: Pay attention to the key points! Holographic, that is the ultimate fantasy of all game lovers.

The influence of the word holography is huge, the scene is full of excitement and many want to get more information, but Xie Jing Xing does not say more: "Thank you, today's press conference is here." Ji Huan protected him after saying that. Left the scene in his arms.

On that day, there was a heated discussion about Shengyuan's upcoming holographic game. Many people believed that the current technology was not enough to support holographic games. Xie Jingxing's holographic games were probably just selling dog meat. A very small part of Shengyuan's loyal players expressed their belief in Shengyuan's credibility.

No matter how the Internet speculates, Shengyuan officials have not responded except for an announcement on the official website of the holographic game live experience conference.

Two hours later, a thousand players took off their helmets, their faces were full of amazement and reluctance, and they were still immersed in the real experience just now.

"Fuck, it's really holographic!" A voice suddenly made a sound, breaking the silence of the scene. Only then did the players come back to their senses, and the entire venue immediately boiled.

The reporters hurriedly stepped forward to interview, but the players didn't care, and hurriedly asked Shengyuan's staff how to buy the holographic helmet, and only after they got the holographic helmet that could be purchased on the official website did they turn around to answer the reporter's question and answered with satisfaction. Home, share today's experience online.

With the real experience of these 1,000 players, no one doubts the authenticity of holographic helmets. 48,888 holographic helmets are in short supply. Global technology leader.

When Sheng Yuan's technicians were asked about holography in an interview, he said with admiration that 90% of the game was independently completed by Xie Jing Xing.

Xie Jing Xing is not yet 20 years old now, but he has achieved something that no one else can achieve in a lifetime. He is amazingly good, and the younger generation regards him as an idol. Netizens lamented that Ji Huan saved the world in his last life. Only to have such an excellent lover as Xie Jing Xing.

Those homophobic people on the Internet who said they would quit Shengyuan Games forever apologized online.

When everyone was amazed, Xie Jing Xing made a new move, he handed over the core technology of holography to the country.

Soon after, the country passed the Gay Marriage Act, allowing same-sex couples to marry. On the day the Act was implemented, Xie Jingxing and Ji Huan went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register and became the first legal same-sex couple in China.

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