Chapter 56(Arc 4: Cannon Fodder Eighteen Line Stars)

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When Xie Jing Xing regained consciousness again: He found himself in a small room: The room was only about 30 square meters visually: Very simple: The walls were simply washed with a layer of white paint: Some parts had peeled off: In the room, except for the necessary Old furniture, without any frills, like a cheap rental house. He was the only one in the room at this time: Xie Jing Xing began to receive the plot and the memory of this body.

This is the story of a protagonist who was reborn in the entertainment industry and eventually became an actor: and he was supported by the president of his entertainment company in the early stage: the story of falling in love in the later stage.

The protagonist Shou Lin Yan died in an accident in a car accident in his thirties in his previous life: He was only a third-tier actor until his death. After his rebirth, he was determined to be an actor and become a top actor. With the Prophet of Rebirth, he knew which dramas would be popular in the future, so he auditioned for these dramas and got the roles: Accumulated fame step by step.

In the process, Lin Yan caught the attention of Fu Shichen, the president of his entertainment company and the protagonist. At this time, Fu Shichen was calculated and drugged: The two had a relationship by accident. Fu Shichen was already interested in Lin Yan at this time, and Lin Yan's body made him extremely satisfied, so he offered to support Lin Yan. .

Lin Yan also accepted unspoken rules in his previous life: However, he was not well-known at the time, and the people who took care of him were some fat, big-eared, ugly and old upstarts, and the resources they could provide him were limited. Fu Shichen was young, handsome and rich, and Lin Yan was naturally willing, so he agreed with a half push.

Lin Yan is very smart. Even if he is supported, he is still neither humble nor arrogant in the face of Fu Shichen. He will never take the initiative to please him, and he will never take the initiative to ask Fu Shichen for resources. His method is more clever. He knew which drama would be popular, and then he concentrated on studying the script in front of Fu Shichen, preparing for the audition.

Fu Shichen didn't take it personally, but admired his hard work, self-improvement and self-reliance, and secretly helped him get a lot of roles. With these resources, Lin Yan became more and more popular, and Fu Shichen's appreciation for Lin Yan gradually turned into love.

During this period, there was another popular young student. The former actor expressed a good impression of Lin Yan, which stimulated Fu Shichen. Fu Shichen felt the crisis and took the initiative to confess to Lin Yan.

With Fu Shichen's escort, Lin Yan's star path went smoother, and he eventually became an actor and went international.

The original client, Gu Jiu, was an orphan. In his previous life, he became an instant hit after starring in a costume drama. Later, he signed with Shengshi Entertainment. He has a good appearance and is quite talented in acting. Star Road went quite smoothly. When Lin Yan died, the original owner was in the red.

Lin Yan also participated in the audition for the fourth male role of the original owner in this life. Because of more than ten years of acting experience in the previous life, Lin Yan's acting skills are not comparable to the original owner's young and cute newcomer. The supporting roles in previous dramas gained some fame, and finally that role was obtained by Lin Yan.

If this is the case, then the original master's skills are inferior to others, and there is nothing to say, but Lin Yan did not let the original master go.

After the audition, Lin Yan asked his agent to sign the original owner to his entertainment company, Starlight Entertainment. On the surface, he was very kind to him and introduced him a lot of resources. In fact, these crews were all exposed to various scandals in their previous lives. crew. Because the original owner was implicated every time, he also won the title of a crew broom star. People in the entertainment industry are quite superstitious, and over time no crew dared to ask him to film.

Afterwards, Lin Yan invited the original owner out in the name of introducing resources to the original owner, and introduced the nouveau riche in his previous life to the original owner. Although the original owner refused on the spot, the reporters arranged by Lin Yan in advance took the opportunity to photograph some scenes with ambiguous angles. Photo.

Soon after, it was revealed on the Internet that the original owner was being taken care of, and after that, drug use, role robbing, fraudulent donations, unspoken rules, and various specious scandals about the original owner followed. The original owner was hacked by the whole network, and his reputation fell to the bottom. Finally, the original owner was disfigured by being splashed with sulfuric acid by a radical illegitimate meal. Since then, he has been completely silent in the entertainment industry.

The reason why Lin Yan treated the original owner like this was because when he had a car accident in his previous life, the billboard on the roadside was displaying the advertising poster endorsed by the original owner. What he saw at the last moment before his death left a deep impression on Lin Yan after his rebirth, and it also became a nightmare in his heart. He was afraid that after the original owner became popular like the previous life, he would repeat the scene before his death in the previous life.

Xie Jing Xing sneered, the original owner and Lin Yan had nothing to do with each other in the previous life, no grievances or hatred, but Lin Yan easily ruined other people's lives for such a bizarre reason, the original owner was also shot while lying down. Since Lin Yan was so afraid of seeing that scene, he let Lin Yan avoid that scene.

Xie Jing Xing got up and went to the bathroom to look at the appearance of this body. No wonder the original owner can become a first-line star in his previous life, this face is really beautiful. Lu Ziyan's appearance in the previous world was already excellent, and Gu Jiu's appearance was even worse. His face was like peach petals, his eyes were like autumn waves, his eyebrows were like ink paintings, his facial features were exquisite, and his skin was as white as jade. What was even better was that he had a long eye. A mole of tears, when he is not smiling, he has a three-pointed melancholy, which makes people feel distressed. When he is smiling, he is charming and affectionate, with an unconscious seduction, and because of Xie Jing Xing's arrival, his gestures are a little more elegant and extravagant.

At this time, the fourth male role of the original owner who made him a hit has been snatched away by Lin Yan. Lin Yan's agent has not called, and the original owner has not signed a contract with Starlight Entertainment. Xie Jing Xing breathed a sigh of relief, although he had a solution even if he signed the contract, the big deal was to pay the liquidated damages, but now it saved him a lot of trouble.

Xie Jing Xing sorted out the property of the original owner. The original owner had a passbook with 30,000 yuan in it, and more than 200 yuan in cash, an old mobile phone, and a few sets of old clothes. This was the property of the original owner, including this house. They were all rented by the original owner, 800 yuan a month. For this price, the landlord gave him a hundred yuan less because he looked good.

The original owner was an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage. He came out of the orphanage when he was 18 years old. Because of his low education, he couldn't find a good job. However, he had a good image. a sum of money.

The reason why the original owner went to the crew to audition was because a staff member of the crew happened to be shopping at a convenience store and found that he had a good image. He gave the original owner an address to try it out, and the original owner went with the thought of giving it a try. join.

This time it failed, and the original owner was not too disappointed, but he was a little interested in acting, so when Lin Yan's agent called and said he wanted to sign him, he knew that Xingguang was a big entertainment company. agreed. From the original owner's point of view, he had nothing, and it was impossible for a big company to deceive him, but who knew that someone had calculated him.

Xie Jing Xing planned to be an actor just like the original owner, revenge on Lin Yan was second, and more for the original owner's dream, he occupied the original owner's body and naturally wanted to realize his dream for him.

Xie Jing Xing took the original owner's passbook and went out the door, then took out all the money in it, first went to the computer city and spent 10,000 yuan to assemble a laptop, then replaced it with a smart phone that cost more than 5,000 yuan, then I went to buy a few clothes and daily necessities, and finally went to buy some medicinal materials and some pharmaceutical tools. The 30,000 yuan was spent.

With only over two hundred dollars left on his body, Xie Jing Xing did not panic at all, and went back to the small rental house after eating a bowl of beef noodles outside.

Hearing the noise coming from the next door, Xie Jing Xing frowned slightly, the sound insulation of the house here is too poor, he just observed, the surrounding environment is not very good and messy. Several worlds were used to being pampered, especially the last world, where there were servants to serve, Xie Jing Xing was not used to it and decided to make money and move out of here early, he was not the one who wronged himself.

Xie Jingxing turned on the computer, browsed around, and chose Shengshi Technology, a technology company with the best reputation in China, and started to attack the other party's firewall. After the breach, he did nothing, just left a sentence on it and backed out.

Shengshi Technology, all the company's computers have a black screen at the same time, and then a paragraph appears on the screen: "Hello, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to help your company improve the firewall, if you are interested in cooperation, please follow the channel I left to contact me. , Excuse me! X"

Although these words are polite, their own behavior is arrogant enough. The technical staff of Shengshi Technology are all elites in this industry, and they consider themselves to be very skilled. Faced with such a challenge, how can they be convinced, their fingers are constantly tapping on the keyboard, and they vow to show the other party's color.

An hour later, these people were trapped in the maze set up by Xie Jing Xing, but they were not depressed at all, their faces were full of excitement and admiration, even the most stable technical manager of the company excitedly said to the man behind him, "Boss , This X is too powerful. As long as you don't go through the passage he deliberately left and try to find him through other traces, you will be trapped in the maze set up by him. Boss, you must recruit him to our company." The

man Dao: "Contact him through the channel left by the other party, tell him that we intend to cooperate, see what he has requirements, and then ask the other party if he is interested in working in Shengshi Technology."

"Okay, boss."

Xie Jing Xing was a little surprised when he received the news that the other party was seeking cooperation two hours later, he originally thought that the other party would be angry with his arrogant behavior, how could they find him, if they couldn't solve it by themselves, they went to foreign aid, this process He originally expected to wait at least several days, but he did not expect the other party to make a decision so quickly. It seems that the president of this company is a very decisive person, and he likes to work with such people.

Xie Jing Xing quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard, if anyone was here, they would find that his hands were so fast that afterimages could almost be seen.

Fifteen minutes later, a bank account number appeared on the computer screen of Shengshi Technology, followed by a line of words: "Thank you for your invitation, but unfortunately, hacking is just my sideline. The firewall has been perfected, please refer to your satisfaction. Make money, thank you for your patronage :). X"

"Damn it, such a bull is just a sideline, let us people live." A group of people wailed.

The man looked at the last smiling face on the computer, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, but the other party's rejection was expected.

Others rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and found that Boss was as expressionless as usual. That's right, how could Boss smile.

The man ignored the convulsions of a group of tech nerds and said, "Test the new firewall first to see how well it defends."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of crackling on the keyboard in the office, and a group of people started to test their new firewall. Fancy attack.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-19 00:00:00~2020-06-21 00:00:00~

Thank you for casting mine Little Angel: Monk Hua draws water and drinks 2; Mu Yiyang and Sanshiyi 1; Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: . 30 bottles; 5 bottles for Xiaoxiao; 1 bottle for Yanyan; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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