Chapter 153

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Apart from playing games when Xu Baijing stayed at home before crossing, his favorite is to read all kinds of waste wood counterattacks. He always likes to substitute himself into the protagonist, imagining that he counterattacks and slaps his face like the protagonist.

Traversing into a body with four elements of miscellaneous spiritual roots: Xu Baijing is very happy, his qualifications are useless, and he is bullied by his classmates: Isn't this an official useless counterattack before the rise of the protagonist?

On the way of the protagonist's growth, he usually encounters a genius, and no matter how outstanding the genius is in the early stage, he will be slapped in the face by the reborn protagonist in the later stage, setting off the protagonist's excellence: becoming the cannon fodder on the protagonist's counterattack. Didn't Xie Jing Xing just exist like this?

The protagonist will meet all kinds of high-quality beautiful men on the way to grow up, some domineering, indifferent: gentle, charming, arrogant, no matter who they liked before, they will be attracted by the protagonist after meeting the protagonist, and eventually fall in love with them main character. Aren't Fu Linyuan and Chu Haotian just like that?

Although Fu Linyuan and Xie Jingxing are now a Taoist partner, he firmly believes that Fu Linyuan will fall in love with him sooner or later: but then he must abuse Fu Linyuan and punish him for having formed a Taoist partner with others.

The original Xu Baijing had just started cultivating not long ago: he didn't know many things in the comprehension world: Xu Baijing's understanding of the comprehension world after passing through was not as good as the original owner: he didn't even know that the soul oath could not be lifted, and once violated, the soul would fly away. Maybe even knowing him, he is confident that he is the protagonist and has enough charm to make people willing to love him at the risk of losing his mind.

Leng Yueyao, who injured him and Chu Haotian: Isn't she just like those men who like the protagonist, and the vicious female partner who specifically opposes the protagonist?

So many situations are consistent, Xu Baijing is more and more certain that he is the protagonist of this world, and the rise of the protagonist is usually after some kind of opportunity, so Xu Baijing plans to go to the market at the foot of Qingyunzong Mountain to try his luck.

Xie Jing Xing never let go of his surveillance of Xu Baijing, he has a strong spiritual sense, he can cover the Qingyun Sect under his consciousness without anyone noticing, any troubles of the Qingyun Sect cannot be concealed from his spiritual consciousness, even He knew everything that Leng Yueyao had done on Cangyun Peak before, and he just wanted to praise Leng Yueyao's scumbag behavior "good job".

Seeing that Xu Baijing was going out to find a chance, Xie Jingxing and Fu Linyuan also followed out of the Qingyun Sect. The two took the top-grade Yi Rong Dan refined by Xie Jingxing, and the cultivation level below the Mahayana period could not see their true appearance.

Xu Baijing didn't dare to go far in the Qi refining period, he only dared to stroll around the market at the foot of Qingyunzong Mountain. When he walked to a small booth, the inconspicuous black stone caught his attention. The moment he saw the black stone, there was a voice in his heart telling him that this stone was very important to him.

Could this be his chance? Xu Baijing's heart was beating wildly, but he tried his best to maintain a calm face, not wanting others to find out that he cared about the black stone.

He moved his eyes away from the black stone, then picked up a spirit sword next to him and scrutinized it for a while before asking, "I want this spirit sword."

"A high-quality spirit stone." Xie Jing Xing, who was pretending to be the stall owner, looked at it. He glanced at the low-grade spirit sword in Xu Baijing's hand that he had taken out of the original owner's Qiankun bag, and quoted a price at will. Of course, this sword is not worth a high-grade spirit stone, but Xu Baijing's drunkenness does not mean to drink.

"Why is this sword worth a high-grade spirit stone?" Xu Baijing pretended to pick up the black stone casually, "If you don't add this, just use it to carve a sword spike to match this sword."

Xie Jing Xing swept it away indifferently. The black stone glanced at it: "Deal!" He mainly wanted to dig a hole for Xu Baijing. As for the spiritual stone, he really didn't lack it, but he didn't know how much was in the betrothal gift Fu Linyuan gave him.

If Xu Baijing knew what Xie Jing Xing was thinking at this time, his jealousy towards him would probably increase by another point. You must know that he is a miscellaneous disciple in the qi refining stage. Originally, there were not many spiritual stones. He was robbed of them all the time. He only had some savings in Cangyun Peak in the past few months, but he was killed by Leng Yueyao because of Chu Haotian. Injured and robbed of the Qiankun bag again, in order to gain Chu Haotian's favor, he gave all the spirit stones to Chu Haotian. Today, this high-grade spirit stone was specially sold to a Cangyun Peak disciple who had a good impression of him, and the other party took pity on him and gave it to him.

Xu Baijing had already thought about it. The spirit sword was useless to him. When he went back, he gave the spirit sword to the other party, saying that it was a gift for him. The other party would definitely be very moved. How could he refuse his spirit stone flower.

Xu Baijing took out the spirit stone and handed it to the stall owner, even if he tried his best to restrain himself, he could see the urgency in his actions, Xie Jing Xing accepted the spirit stone while pretending not to see anything.

When the black stone finally arrived, Xu Baijing was so excited that even his eyes lit up a little, he carefully put it in his arms, left the booth without stopping, and hurried in the direction of Qingyunzong. He couldn't wait to know what kind of treasure this was, and was annoyed that his cultivation was too low to be able to use his sword.

After he left, Xie Jing Xing put away the booth with a wave of his hand, and said to Fu Linyuan who was sitting by the side without any sense of existence: "Okay, close the booth!" If Xu Baijing saw this scene, he would definitely be surprised, because he didn't even have it from the beginning to the end. I noticed that there was a man sitting next to the stall owner.

Fu Linyuan pinched Xie Jing Xing's face dotingly: "Why are there so many ghost ideas."

Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows proudly and accepted his compliment calmly.

The black stone that Xu Baijing bought was the one that Xie Jing Xing bought in advance, so Xu Baijing was attracted to it when he saw it.

That black stone has long been refined by Xie Jing Xing and now it is bound to Xie Jing Xing's soul, in other words, no matter which world Xie Jing Xing travels to in the future, the space will follow him and no one can take it away.

Now the black stone is just the carrier of the space, even without him, Xie Jing Xing can still control everything in the space. Xu Baijing recognized the black stone as his master, and he only had the right to use the space, and the scope of his activities in the space and the right to use it were controlled by Xie Jing Xing, the real master, if Xie Jing Xing wanted to take it back, he could take it back at any time.

If Xu Baijing wanted a chance, then he would give him a chance, but it was up to him to decide when to take it back. Getting it and losing it was more painful than not getting it.

After Xu Baijing returned to Qingyunzong, he returned to his residence as soon as possible, locked the door, and confessed to the black stone by dripping blood as in the novel. Unexpectedly, the space was opened. There are several acres of medicine fields and a wooden house in the space. Xu Baijing only knew a few common ones.

He walked into the wooden house, and there was a book case in the log house, on which were placed a scroll of bamboo slips and a jade bottle. He picked up the jade bottle and opened it. Inside was an elixir, which turned out to be a top-quality elixir. Although he was sure that the things in the space were harmless to him, he didn't take it directly without knowing the effect of the medicine pill.

Then he picked up the bamboo slips on the side, and probed his spiritual sense into one of the bamboo slips, and found that it was an introduction to the medicinal herbs in the jade bottle. The elixir is called Spirit Washing Pill. If it is taken by a person with a single spiritual root, it can wash away the impurities in the spiritual root, making the spiritual root more pure, and the purity of the spiritual root will affect the absorption speed of the spiritual energy. If a person with many kinds of mixed spiritual roots takes it to the point where one or two spiritual roots can be eliminated, as long as a cultivator knows that, except for chaos spiritual roots, which are incomparable spiritual roots, the smaller the number of spiritual roots, the better the talent. .

Xu Baijing felt that this cleansing pill was tailor-made for him, and at the same time he was pleasantly surprised and felt that he was indeed the protagonist of this world.

He took the Lingxing Pill without any hesitation, and the severe pain hit him instantly. The feeling that the bell meridian was broken inch by inch made him cry out in agony, but his consciousness became more and more sober, and he couldn't even faint if he wanted to. In the past, he could only keep comforting himself that this was eliminating spiritual roots, and the more painful it was, the better the effect.

Xie Jing Xing saw Xu Baijing who was rolling on the ground in pain and was very satisfied with the effect of the medicinal pill that he had specially refined for Xu Baijing. Some improvements were made on the basis of , and the pain of removing the spiritual meridian was magnified tenfold. How can there be a pie in the sky, if you want to get something, you will naturally have to pay a price.

A quarter of an hour later, just when Xu Baijing suspected that he was going to die, the pain in his body finally subsided, and he tested his spiritual root - Shuimu Shuangling Root for the first time! The removal of the two spiritual roots shows that the Spirit Cleansing Pill had the best effect on him. Xu Baijing was happy but had some regrets. He was happy that the spiritual roots had been improved. Unfortunately, there was only one Spirit Cleansing Pill. Otherwise, if he can use another one, he can become a single spiritual root.

Xie Jing Xing was also very satisfied with this, it was impossible for Shuimu Shuangling Roots to become Chaos Spiritual Roots. In Xie Jing Xing's opinion, the space that can be planted and entered is indeed precious, but in the original plot, Xu Baijing's most important opportunity was not the space brought by the black stone, but the inheritance of medicine refining and "Chaos Judgment" in the space, an improvement One of his spiritual roots enhances his strength. In the realm of self-cultivation, only strength is king. Without these two things, space to Xu Baijing is just a storage device that can be hidden when it is in danger, and there is not much difference between it and the Qiankun bag.

Naturally, Xie Jing Xing would not kindly leave the inheritance of medicine refining and the "Chaos Judgment" to Xu Baijing, instead he directly used the Spirit Cleansing Pill to cut off the possibility of him becoming the root of chaos forever.

At this time, Xu Baijing didn't know anything, and was still complacent that he was indeed the protagonist.

The author has something to say: I worked overtime yesterday and fell asleep without typing a few words. I only made it up when I came back today. The little cuties have been waiting for a long time. It seems that the update tomorrow morning will not be able to catch up. It will be suspended for a day. Please forgive me, little cuties, I love you~~

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