Chapter 3

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Shen Zhan can be said to be very unfamiliar with bastards. He used to be in the army for many years. He has not returned home for several years, and has never seen bastards. I also heard about the bastard from other people's mouths this time. Of course, the most talked about is that he saved Xia Zhiqing recently, and some people even maliciously speculated that the bastard saved people was his plan to marry Xia Zhiqing. .

No matter who he heard from, at least the image of the bastard was not positive, at least he didn't have a good impression of the bastard before meeting the bastard. If it wasn't for the other people in the bullock calling the boy in front of him, Shen Zhan would have no way to connect the boy in front of him with the boy in front of him.

The ox cart quickly arrived at the county seat, Xie Jing Xing was very interested in the county seat of this era, and his eyes were full of curiosity when he looked around, when he reacted, the people on the ox cart had already got off the car and left, and finally, except for the uncle who was driving the car, Only he and Shen Zhan with inconvenient legs and feet were left.

Xie Jing Xing looked at the uncle who was busy feeding the ox, then looked at Shen Zhan who was calm and calm, looked at the wheelchair in the corner of the ox cart, and suddenly understood why he didn't get out of the car.

Although Xie Jing Xing did not mean to hug his thighs, the education he had received did not allow him to turn a blind eye to the difficulties of a disabled person, not to mention that this disabled person was a soldier he admired.

Xie Jing Xing got up and got out of the car, then took the wheelchair down and unfolded it and placed it on the ground close to Shen Zhan, so that Shen Zhan could sit on the wheelchair as soon as possible. After doing this, Xie Jing Xing motioned for Shen Zhan to get out of the car, but he did not take the initiative to help Shen Zhan. First, he believed that Shen Zhan could get off on his own, and second, he felt that a person like Shen Zhan could do what he could even if he was physically disabled. I'm afraid he doesn't want to bother others. From the fact that he didn't let his family accompany him, but came to the county alone, you can see one or two.

After seeing Shen Zhan sitting steadily in the wheelchair, Xie Jing Xing asked the uncle driver about the time when the ox cart returned to the village. After thanking him, he turned around and left, not realizing that Shen Zhan had been looking at his back with deep thought in his eyes.

Shen Zhan can be sure that the series of actions the boy just made were subconscious behaviors, and it was precisely because of this that he could better reflect a person's character. Shen Zhan once again confirmed that the real young man is by no means as bad as he heard. The young man is clearly a polite and helpful person, and a person who understands the sense of proportion. As expected, seeing is believing. And ashamed.

"Uncle, what's the name of the bastard?" Because of his good first impression of the boy, Shen Zhan was reluctant to call the boy "the bastard", so he asked the boy's name.

"You said the bastard's name, I know that, it took several years for his parents to get such a son after they got married. When he was born, his father was so happy that he specially invited the teacher in the village to give him the name Wang Zhiyuan. , Said to have high ambitions, and it is a good name to hear it. But unfortunately, no one has called this name since his parents passed away. Hey, this baby is also pitiful. He lost his parents at the age of eight. "

Knowing the boy's name, Shen Zhan did not continue to inquire. Because of the rumors, he had a biased understanding of the boy. Shen Zhan had already decided that the boy in the mouths of others was not true. Reality.

Xie Jing Xing didn't know that after just one encounter, the boss would change his opinion, at this time he was being scorned by the salesman in the supply and marketing cooperative.

The reason why Xie Jing Xing came to the supply and marketing agency at the first stop was because he was really curious about the supply and marketing agency of this era, and secondly because he desperately needed soap, toothpaste and toothbrush.

The original owner lived a life of not having the next meal every day, and he had to take care of the hygiene conditions. He usually simply rinsed with water when taking a bath, and the time interval was also long. Not to mention the original owner, it was normal for most people in the village, but Xie Jing Xing could not stand it. He washed his body well yesterday, but because there was no soap, he always had a feeling that he hadn't washed it clean. As for brushing his teeth, Xie Jing Xing rummaged through the original owner's memory and couldn't find it. Could it be that the original owner never brushed his teeth, thinking about it like this, Xie Jing Xing felt disgusting.

Xie Jing Xing thought that the money in his hand would be enough to buy a bar of soap, so when he came to the supply and marketing agency, he asked the salesman to take a bar of soap, but he forgot that he needed a ticket for everything he bought at this time, so he couldn't take it out at the checkout. Xie Jing Xing who came with the ticket was unceremoniously despised by the salesman.

Xie Jing Xing was born rich, and he was excellent. He had never been looked down upon by others, and now he was despised because of a piece of soap, but he did not have any feelings of inferiority or embarrassment, he just thought this experience was very novel.

Fortunately, there was no ticket for toothpaste and toothbrush. After buying something good, Xie Jing Xing was going to leave, but he heard a quarrel coming from the other side of the supply and marketing agency.

"I bought this radio from you two weeks ago. Suddenly I can't hear any sound today. It won't work in less than half a month. There must be something wrong with your stuff. You can replace it for me." An old man in his sixties, his face was full of anger and anxiety.

Radios are a luxury these days. Anyone who owns a radio is enviable. Now that it breaks down in half a month, the anger and anxiety of the old man are understandable.

"This radio was good in the beginning, and it was checked when you bought it. Who knows if you broke it and corrupted us." The salesperson said rudely.

"How did you say that, when I use something so precious, I use it carefully, how could I break it, there must be a problem at the beginning."

"This is all your own words, who knows if it is true or not , and once the goods of our supply and marketing cooperative are sold, they will not be returned or exchanged, which is stipulated by the state, do you want to violate the state's regulations." Today's supply and marketing cooperatives are all state-owned institutions, and the salesperson is very tough, and the old man will let the old man snap a hat. The mood weakened.

The old man's eyes were red with urgency, but he didn't dare to argue with the salesman again. He took the broken radio and left the supply and marketing agency with a dejected expression.

Xie Jing Xing thought for a while and stopped behind the old man.

"Uncle, I can repair the radio. If you want, show me the radio. Maybe I can fix it for you." The technology in the 22nd century has been very developed, and the radio is an antique thing in his time. No longer exists, but the principle is known. Xie Jingxing also participated in many science and technology competitions when he was studying, and won many awards. He had good hands-on skills. Repairing radios should not be a problem for him, but he would not talk too much.

The old man looked at Xie Jing Xing's young and immature face, his eyes were full of doubts, Xie Jing Xing calmly let him see, but he did not eagerly promote himself. He offered to repair the radio for the old man. First, he planned to earn some repair fees. On the other hand, he couldn't bear to see the old man's anxious red eyes, but if the old man didn't want to, he would not rush.

"Young man, do you really know how to repair this?"


Maybe it was Xie Jing Xing's determined appearance that gave the old man confidence in him, or maybe it was because the dead horse became a living horse doctor, the old man hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, then Let you fix it up."

Because Xie Jing Xing had no tools, the old man took him back to his house. Xie Jing Xing found that the conditions of the old man's house were very good. This was also what he expected. In this era, if the family had money to buy a radio, the conditions would not be bad. Where to go.

Xie Jing Xing didn't look around at the old man's house, he took the tools and started repairing, he quickly found out the problem, and soon the radio made a sound, the old man's originally tense expression softened after seeing this, With joy on his face.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to be so capable, you can fix this thing in such a short time, not bad." The old man patted Xie Jing Xing on the shoulder affectionately.

Xie Jing Xing smiled and said, "My name is Wang Zhiyuan, the old man can call me Xiao Wang." The

old man didn't show a complacent appearance when he saw that he was praised, he was very calm and liked him even more, so he talked to him. He also showed kindness: "My surname is Zhong, you can call me Uncle Zhong in the future. I feel like you are calling me old." There was a smile in his eyes when he said that.

"Okay, Uncle Zhong."

"Xiao Wang, look at how much your repair costs."

"It's the first time I've helped someone repair a radio. You can look at it, Uncle

Zhong ." He took out ten dollars and handed it to Xie Jing Xing. At this time, the workers in the city were only paid about thirty dollars a month, so the ten dollars that Uncle Zhong gave was definitely not low for repairs.

Xie Jing Xing also knew that ten yuan is not a small amount in this era, he thought for a while and said, "Master Zhong, just give me five yuan, I don't know if you have any extra soap and cloth tickets, if it is convenient, give me some. After listening, Mr.

Zhong said, "Xiao Wang is too polite, what's the inconvenience of this? My son is in the transport team, and these tickets can still be obtained." Then he took out a few tickets and put them together with ten dollars In Xie Jing Xing's hands: "You also take this money."

Uncle Zhong's son is in the transport team and usually doesn't have much time at home. In order to relieve his boredom, he specially bought a radio ticket outside and bought him a radio. During this period of time, with the radio, he did have a lot of fun in his life, but he didn't expect this thing to break in less than half a month.

His family was not short of money, but he couldn't waste it like that, so he angrily went to the supply and marketing agency to make a theory, but he didn't want them to be too arrogant. I didn't report much expectations, after all, few people have seen this thing, and Xie Jing Xing's patched clothes could tell from a glance that the conditions at home were not good, how could he touch it. However, seeing his determined expression and clear eyes, he tried with the idea of ​​a dead horse being a living horse doctor, but he didn't expect Xie Jing Xing to repair it, how could he be unhappy.

On the one hand, Mr. Zhong really liked Xie Jing Xing, on the other hand, he thought that Xie Jing Xing had this ability, and he would be very generous to him when he might beg someone else in the future. He would never be able to use up the tickets that his son got back. , might as well be a smooth human relationship.

Sure enough, Xie Jingxing said, "Master Zhong, I really need these tickets, so I won't refuse. If you need me to help you fix the radio in the future, you can come to me at any time."

Xie Jingxing's frank behavior made Master Zhong like it even more, and his face Shang's smile deepened, and he said yes again and again.

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