Chapter 42(Arc 3: The Second Son of the Cannon Fodder)

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When Xie Jing Xing regained consciousness again: he found himself standing on a path paved with warm goose and stone: beside him was a fifteen or sixteen girl dressed as an ancient maid: and his body was wearing a red brocade robe at this time: A jade belt is tied in between: This jade pendant is worn on it: The jade is transparent, and you can tell it is extraordinary at a glance.

Xie Jing Xing slowed down his pace and looked around without a trace: the lush green trees: the blossoms: the rockery and the strange rocks: the pavilions, the pavilions, the carved railings and the jade. He has an extraordinary vision, and at a glance, he can see that there are many rare treasures in the flowers and trees in this courtyard.

In ancient times, the rules were strict, and the slightest carelessness would lead to mistakes: Xie Jing Xing didn't know where this maid by his side was going to take him, whether it was an enemy or a friend, he simply stopped to accept the memory and plot of this body.

"The scenery here is very beautiful: I want to enjoy the scenery here for a while." He said that he was fascinated by the scenery here. From the dress of this body, he speculated that the identity of the original owner should be better than that of the maid next to him. A lot higher, at least a rich young master: It shouldn't be a big mistake to use this son to call himself.

When the maid heard this, a flash of anxiety flashed in her eyes: "Young Master Lu, your clothes are dirty and you must be uncomfortable. Why don't you change your clothes first, and then come back and enjoy the beautiful scenery."

Hearing this maid's address to him, she knew that this was not the maid of the original owner's family. Looking at her flickering eyes again, Xie Jing Xing was already quite sure that there was something wrong with this servant girl, and said coldly, "What is this young master going to do, how can you let a servant girl talk about it?" The

servant girl was frightened by his cold and stern aura, and hurriedly admitted her mistake, and did not dare to urge any more. .

Xie Jing Xing ignored the frightened maid and began to accept the memory and plot of this body.

This is a revenge story about the rebirth of a daughter-in-law. The female protagonist Jiang Yuwan is the daughter of the prime minister. In the last life, she was tricked by the concubine at the eldest princess's flower viewing banquet and married the second son of the dude in the Marquis of Zhenguo, and she Concubine Lu Yuyao was accepted as a concubine by Wang An. Later, the current emperor Jingxuan died of illness, King An ascended the throne, and Lu Yuyao was named a noble concubine. Lu Yuyao often called her into the palace on the grounds of contacting her sisters, but in fact it was to make things difficult and ridicule her.

Jing Chao pays attention to the concubines. Because Jiang Yuwan is a direct daughter, she has always been high at home, and has never looked down on Jiang Yuyao as a concubine. Now the status of the two is reversed, Jiang Yuyao has become a high-ranking concubine, and her husband does not seek to make progress, and relies on the blessing of her father and brother to eat and wait to die with peace of mind. Can't look up. The gap before and after made Jiang Yuwan unwilling, and she was sullen but helpless, and finally died in depression.

After Jiang Yuwan was reborn, she planned to make Jiang Yuyao marry her husband in her previous life, and later married King An as the concubine by virtue of her identity as the daughter of the prime minister, and became the queen after King An ascended the throne. After becoming the queen, she returned all the troubles and taunts that Jiang Yuyao had made to her in her previous life.

The title of the Marquis of Zhenguo was earned by military merit, and he held military power in his hands. Just as the emperor wanted to take back his military power, Jiang Yuyao offered the emperor a plan to design the Marquis of Zhenguo to cooperate with the enemy and treason, and finally beheaded the whole family.

In the second half, there were various palace fights. As the heroine, Jiang Yuwan naturally won all the concubines and concubines in the harem. In the end, her son became the queen mother, and she became the most honorable woman in the world.

The original owner was the second son of the dude who was innocently involved in the fight between the two sisters and ended up with a broken family, and the heroine's husband who did not seek to improve in her previous life.

The original owner was Lu Ziyan. In his previous life, when he participated in the flower viewing banquet of the eldest princess, the maid accidentally overturned the wine glass during the banquet. People, he had to jump down to save people, but he didn't want to save people, Jiang Yuyao brought the wife of the eldest princess' mansion over, and saw the scene of the two being soaked and hugging each other, even knowing that Lu Ziyan was trying to save them. People, Jiang Yuwan's famous festival is gone.

Afterwards, the prime minister's mansion, who was very responsible in the Marquis of Zhenguo, proposed marriage. The prime minister originally wanted to marry his daughter to Prince An as his concubine. It is no secret that the emperor's health is not good in the entire Dajing Dynasty. The emperor has no children yet. All tacitly agreed that if the emperor died of illness, one of the emperor's brothers would inherit the throne, and the prime minister was most optimistic about King An. Now that this kind of thing happened to the originally optimistic daughter, it was definitely impossible to marry King An, so he could only agree. Duke Zhen holds 100,000 military power, and it is not bad to marry with him. The only regret is that Lu Ziyan is only the second son and cannot hold the title.

The first daughter was not good enough, so the prime minister turned to train Jiang Yuyao. Jiang Yuyao was a concubine. Although she couldn't be the main concubine, the position of a side concubine was still possible. On King An's side, there was a plan to win over the Prime Minister, and the two hit it off. Jiang Yuyao soon entered the Prince An's mansion and became King An's concubine.

Jiang Yuyao calculated Jiang Yuwan just because she understood the interests in it. Of course, she hated Jiang Yuwan was the most important reason.

The original owner really did not seek to make progress. In his opinion, his father was the Marquis of Zhenguo, his eldest brother was the prince of the Houfu, and the future Marquis of Zhenguo. The two were direct brothers and had a very good relationship. , Even if he doesn't work hard, he will be rich and glorious all his life. Most people work hard all their lives just for these four words. He has it since he was born, so why should he work hard?

Marquis Zhenguo and his wife are cousins ​​of childhood sweethearts. After that, they got married smoothly. The husband and wife are in love with each other. The marquis of Zhenguo loves his wife deeply.

Affected by their parents' feelings, the original owner's eldest brother Lu Zihe and the original owner also kept themselves clean. Although the original owner liked to eat, drink, and have fun, he never got involved in gambling and women's lust. The Duke of Zhenguo saw that he was acting reasonably well, and he knew what he was thinking, so he didn't force him to move forward.

Jiang Yuwan's marriage to Zhenguohou's mansion was not bad. Mrs. Zhenguohou was a very gentle and reasonable person. She would not interfere in her son's room, nor would she treat her daughter-in-law harshly. I haven't done it before, but it can be said that she is a very good mother-in-law. The original owner also respected her very much, and there was no other woman until she died.

Jiang Yuwan was not satisfied. She was carefully nurtured by the Prime Minister since she was a child, and she had great ambitions. Coupled with Jiang Yuyao's comparison, how could she be reconciled, and finally made herself sullen and sullen.

If Xie Jing Xing did not come, the original owner would go into the water to save people like in the previous life, but this time he saved Jiang Yuyao who was thrown into the water by Jiang Yuwan.

Jiang Yuwan took revenge on Jiang Yuyao after she was reborn, Xie Jingxing could understand, but the original owner had a good intention to save people, but was involved in the battle between the two sisters, the original owner and the original owner's family never let Jiang Yuwan's separation in the previous life, but she could not change her face. Put them to death, how innocent the original owner's family is.

Xie Jing Xing's white jade slender fingers gently brushed the beautifully blooming peony in front of him, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his eyes were gentle, but if he looked closely, he would find that there was no warmth in the depths of his eyes.

Occupying the body of the original owner, Xie Jing Xing naturally wanted to avenge the original owner and the original owner's family. Jiang Yuwan was very ambitious and her goal after her rebirth was to be the most honorable woman in the Jing Dynasty. The best revenge for her would be to look at her clearly. Within reach, but never reach that position.

Xie Jing Xing did not intend to prevent Jiang Yuwan from marrying Prince An, in his opinion, Prince An was not a good thing either. He wanted to take back his military power, and as long as he proposed it, the Duke of Zhen would definitely do it, but he accepted Jiang Yuwan's advice, but it was just a grudge against Duke Zhen Guo's small stomach. Because when he was still a prince, Duke Zhenguo once refused to win him over, and he could unscrupulously frame a meritorious minister for his own selfishness. How could such a person be a Mingjun. An Wang and Jiang Yuwan are basically the same raccoon dog.

Jiang Yuwan had memories of her past life, and she must have thought that as long as she married King An, she would be able to become a queen or even a queen mother in the future. She was looking forward to it, waiting, but if that day came, she found that not only did the emperor not die, but her body was restored to health. How, Xie Jing Xing was looking forward to it.

Whether it is in the original plot or in the memory of the original owner, the current emperor Jingxuan is a good emperor. Although his body is weak, his methods are very iron-hearted. Otherwise, he would not have been able to hold the position of the prince with a sick and weak body during the prince's period.

It is said that when he ascended the throne, his three brothers tried to rebel and broke into the main hall with the forbidden army directly, forcing him to abdicate. After the incident, one was turned into a commoner and exiled to the border, and the other was assigned to guard the mausoleum of the late emperor.

It is said that the scene on that day was very bloody, the entire hall was stained red with blood, and Emperor Jingxuan sat on the dragon chair, motionless, and did not even frown during the whole process. awe.

The ministers who had experienced that day were all extra cautious as officials, lest they anger Emperor Jingxuan, but the decree issued by Emperor Jingxuan was implemented very smoothly.

Fortunately, although his methods are iron-blooded, he is very transparent in politics. He has been on the throne for five years, and a series of decrees issued by him have all benefited the people, making him extremely popular among the people.

If you insist that there is anything criticized about Emperor Jingxuan, it is that the harem has been vacant since he ascended the throne, and he has no heirs so far. It is not that there is no minister who persuaded him to choose the concubine. At this time, Emperor Jingxuan would look at the minister who persuaded him with a smile, and asked him if he was looking forward to his early death. After all, the imperial doctor had already diagnosed him as unfit for health. How can the ministers dare to persuade him again when he sees that the hat of a traitor is about to be taken off.

As long as Emperor Jingxuan is cured, Jiang Yuwan and Prince An's ambitions will always be delusional, but how to approach Emperor Jingxuan and convince him to let them heal is a big problem.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-05 00:00:00~2020-06-07 00:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep water: Peach Blossom Flowing Water, 1 tofu brain; thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 1 Zhenxiang, Leilei, Junjun; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Reimserricks. 3 bottles; Susu acridine 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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