Chapter 79

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After Meng Yuan and Luo Yu got married: Yan Feng went in and out of Zhou's house frequently: When he hunted prey, he sent it to Zhou's house: On weekdays, he always went to the field to help Zhou's father: As long as there was anything in Zhou's house: He run the fastest. After Xie Jing Xing's foot injury was healed: Even when he was outside, Yan Feng did not conceal Xie Jing Xing's diligence and anyone could see his intentions.

When asked: Yan Feng also admitted that he wanted to marry Zhou Jin: But because of what Meng Amo said before: Zhou A father never let go. There were not many people who believed what Meng Amei said: After the incident of Meng Yuan and Luo Yu was exposed, the villagers were even more skeptical about their authenticity. Now that Yan Feng is so frank, they completely believe in him and Zhou. Jin is innocent.

In the same village, Luo Yu naturally also heard about this, and a comparison was unconsciously raised in his heart. He doesn't like the environment in the countryside: He also looks down on the country people, and rarely goes out on weekdays, but at this time he has to take Meng Yuan, who is reading at home, to go out together: He wants to see, Zhou Jin, a brother who has divorced, is in the end. What kind of man is willing to marry him?

Since breaking off the marriage, Meng Yuan has never seen Zhou Jin once: Even if Zhou Jin was very free and easy when he broke off the marriage before, he still doesn't believe that Zhou Jin, who likes him so much, will put him down in a short time. Father Zhou said that Zhou Jin was recuperating at home, but Meng Yuan was more willing to believe that Zhou Jin was secretly sad at home because he was divorced. At this time, he also wanted to see how Zhou Jin was, so he did not reject Luo Yu's request.

The two came to the field, at this time Yan Feng was helping Father Zhou to finish his work, Xie Jing Xing handed him a sweat towel and water, their movements were obviously not very intimate, but for no reason gave the feeling that no one else could get involved.

Luo Yu put his eyes on Yan Feng for the first time. When he saw his face, he was shocked. Isn't this the fierce man he met in the jewelry shop last time? Thinking of the scene where the man was walking towards him wrapped in blood, Luo Yu still had some lingering fears, and at the same time he gloated over Zhou Jin's misfortune.

He said how could a good man fall in love with Zhou Jin, who was divorced, and it turned out to be this person. There is a scar on his face, and his temperament is like a gangster. He has killed people at a glance. How can such a person be a good person? Being so fierce, he might beat his husband, Luo Yu thought very maliciously. He was so immersed in his excitement that he didn't notice Meng Yuan's look at Zhou Jin.

Meng Yuan thought that he would see a haggard and sad Zhou Jin, but he did not expect to see a radiant Zhou Jin, with a more handsome appearance, elegant temperament with extravagance, Luo Yuhe standing beside him. At this time, Zhou Jin paled in comparison.

When Xie Jing Xing saw the two coming over, his eyes just swept across them lightly, there was no love or hatred in his eyes, indifference was like looking at an unimportant passerby.

This made Meng Yuan feel a little uncomfortable, and what made him even more uncomfortable was that Zhou Jin looked at Yan Feng with fiery love and trust, and the sweetness and happiness between his eyebrows. When Jin faced him, Zhou Jin never looked at him with such eyes even before the divorce.

He originally thought that even if Zhou Jin would eventually marry Yan Feng, it would be because he was heartbroken by him, and it was more about finding a shelter, but this scene seemed to mock how self-motivated his idea was. His eyes clearly showed that he really loved Yan Feng.

At the same time, Meng Yuan felt that Zhou Jin was more attractive and couldn't help but feel a little moved, looking at Xie Jing Xing's eyes with a scorching heat, Yan Feng quickly stood in front of his lover, isolating him. Meng Yuan's disgusting eyes.

Meng Yuan finally came back to his senses, when he saw Shang Yanfeng's icy gaze with hidden murderous intent, he felt cold all over his body, he quickly looked away and didn't dare to look again, but Xie Jing Xing's cold arrogance appeared over and over again in his mind. looks like.

People's mentality is so strange, if after breaking off the marriage, Zhou Jin will never forget him, be sad, or even pester him, he will definitely disdain Zhou Jin, but now Zhou Jin is empathetic and goodbye in a short period of time. Love, fell in love with others, and became better because of it, but he never forgot about Zhou Jin.

If Xie Jing Xing knew what Meng Yuan was thinking, he would definitely give him two words – rude!

Seeing Yan Feng, Luo Yu decided that Xie Jing Xing would not have a better life in the future, so he dragged Meng Yuan away with satisfaction, and before leaving, he gave Xie Jing Xing a gloating look, Xie Jing Xing looked at the two husbands and one of them gloated over him , One of them still wanted to talk to him, and looked at Yan Feng suspiciously. Are the two of them sick?

Seeing that his always shrewd lover rarely showed such an ignorant expression, Yan Feng couldn't help laughing softly. The sense of crisis that he had caused because of Meng Yuan has completely dissipated.

A month later, Yan Feng brought the matchmaker Zhou Zhou's family to propose marriage to Xie Jing Xing, and at the same time gave his own dowry, the land deed of 20 acres of fertile land and fifty taels of dowry.

The matchmaker was amazed by his generosity. In the countryside, the bride price is usually five taels, even two or three taels for the poorer, and no more than ten taels for the wealthier. Even before Meng Yuan married the elder brother of the county magistrate's family, he managed to collect 30 taels. When he sent it to the county magistrate's mansion, the county magistrate's face was so ugly. He can also understand that thirty taels of silver is indeed a lot in the countryside, but how could someone like the county magistrate see it in his eyes? This is the gap between the portals.

When the villagers knew about the betrothal gift given by Yan Feng, they were all envious of Xie Jing Xing, and some family members who were to be married were very regretful that they did not realize that Yan Feng was actually a golden tortoise son-in-law. They saw that Yan Feng didn't buy anything after returning to the village. Even the house was simply repaired. They could barely live in people. They wore very ordinary clothes on weekdays. They thought he had no money, but they didn't expect this person to be a Low-key and not rich.

Silver and fields are the two most important things in the eyes of the villagers, and it is also true for Zhou Ada. This dowry gift can be said to be delivered to his heart, although he is also surprised that Yan Feng is so rich. He used to worry that it was too dangerous and insecure for Yan Feng to be a hunter all the time. Now that he has 20 acres of fertile land, he doesn't worry anymore.

The people in the village, including Uncle Zhou, did not know that these dowry gifts were actually meant by Xie Jing Xing.

Yan Feng has been on the battlefield for many years, and he has obtained a lot of money and treasures. Most of these things are used by him to make a living for the disabled soldiers. , In addition, most of the livelihoods he arranged for the wounded soldiers were like Wang Hu and his restaurants. They had already entered the track and made a lot of money every year. They were grateful to Yan Feng, and they had to give Yan Feng a share of anything. There is no shortage of money at all.

Yan Feng originally planned to buy it for him according to the specifications of the betrothal gifts of the wealthy family in the capital, but Xie Jing Xing rejected it. They will still live in the village in the future, and if they are too high-profile, they will not be able to calm down in the future. He and his lover have been married in every world, and have had grand weddings several times, and he doesn't care about that at all. He suggested that according to the specifications of the villagers, it would be enough to give fifty or twenty taels, but Yan Feng felt that it was too shabby, wronged him, and refused to agree to anything. In the end, after some discussion, the two settled on 20 acres of fertile land and fifty taels of dowry. The fertile land is practical. Although fifty taels is a lot, it is not too much, and it will not be too eye-catching.

In private, Yan Feng gave all his bank notes to Xie Jing Xing, and also told him to buy whatever he wanted to spend, no need to save, and no need to envy others. Only then did Xie Jing Xing know that his lover was looking at Luo Yu's dowry so much, and he was worried that he would not feel well.

He was a little funny and a little moved. He had never been short of money for the first time to understand why some netizens in later generations would say that the three words "casually spend" are the sweetest love words in the world.

Father Zhou knew for a long time that his brother and Yan Feng were in love with each other. Now that Yan Feng came to propose marriage, he would naturally not object, but he was a little sad in his heart, and he would be the only one left in the family in the future.

Seeing this, Yan Feng hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhou, after my brother Jin and I get married, you will still live with us, and my brother-in-law will provide you with the old age."

Father Zhou raised his head in shock, and he has done countless things. The matchmakers were all very surprised. He had never seen a man take the initiative to support his father-in-law. Of course, those who entered the marriage were not counted.

The matchmaker couldn't help but say, "Brother Zhou, you are so lucky. You can't find such a brother-in-law even with a lantern, so don't hesitate." In the

past, there was only one brother in the Zhou family, and many people said that Zhou A Dad is an idiot. Sooner or later, my brother will get married. Without a son, what will I do when I get old? As a result, people now rely on this brother, not only to get a golden tortoise-in-law, but also to give him old age.

The matchmaker couldn't help but glance at Xie Jing Xing who was sitting on the side, with this appearance and temperament, even Luo Yu couldn't compare, no wonder Yan Feng was so rare.

"Okay, okay!" Father Zhou smiled and said, "I agreed to this marriage." He looked solemn: "In the future, you must be nice to my brother Jin, otherwise I won't let go of this old bone. Over you."

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry." He didn't want to be bad to his baby.

Father Zhou knew how Yan Feng treated Xie Jing Xing on weekdays, and naturally he was not worried.

The wedding date of the two was set for a month later, and Yan Feng took advantage of this time to push down the family house and re-cover it. In one month, the original shabby earth embryo house became a blue brick house.

As for the structure inside, Xie Jing Xing still let Yan Feng imitate the farmyard, without adding modern elements, it was common for people in the village to visit each other, but he did not forget that there was another person who traveled in the village.

As soon as you enter the house, there is a yard, where you can grow vegetables and raise poultry. In the middle is the main room. There are two rooms on each side of the main room. The two of them live on one side, and Father Zhou lives on one side. The other two rooms are the study room. , one is a storage room. The kitchen is on the east side and the toilet is on the west side.

When the villagers saw that he actually built a blue brick house, they came to visit one after another. Seeing that the structure inside was similar to their own, they felt a lot of balance, but they were still very envious. After all, only Lizheng's house in the village was a blue brick house.

If you ask the brothers in the village who they are most envious of now, it is not Luo Yu, but Zhou Jin. Although Luo Yu had a good life, the villagers knew that it was his own dowry. Zhou Jin was different. The three most important things—fields, money, and houses—had all been prepared for him by Yan Feng. In the past, people who were obviously rich and reluctant to enjoy them were now willing to do so for their husband. of. A rich life and a husband's love, this is what most brothers want most.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-09 00:00:00~2020-07-10 00:00:00~

Thank you for irrigating nutrient solution Little Angel: 50 bottles of blue enchantress; 3 bottles of fat moles; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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