Chapter 124

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As he got closer and closer: Meng Fanze tried his best to make his breathing even. He closed his eyes and felt a line of sight linger on his face: Then a hand touched his face, Meng Fanze thought subconsciously. Frowning: But he held it back.

"Damn, this looks too good-looking: the skin is so tender." The man sighed: Then he carried Meng Fanze on his shoulders, and kneaded his buttocks with his hands restlessly, almost making Meng Fanze sharp call out.

Meng Fanze was so disgusted that he remembered the man's voice in his heart: He made up his mind to make this man pay for his lewd behavior tomorrow.

Meng Fanze was carried by the man for more than ten minutes: until he was placed on a soft bed, he had a bad premonition that this man would not do what he wanted to him.

He looked at the space subconsciously: Put a dagger in a corner alone: ​​As long as this man dares to do anything to him, he will use this dagger to stab into the man's heart. However, after the man put him down, he didn't do anything. Hearing the sound of footsteps and the door closing, Meng Fanze breathed a sigh of relief, then closed his eyes and quietly listened to the surrounding movement for a while: He opened the door after confirming that no one came in. Eye. He is in a room of about 20 square meters: Cement place: Simple whitewashed walls, a bed, a wardrobe: A very ordinary farmhouse, the only unusual thing is the wall hanging directly opposite him Full of props and sex toys, its usefulness is self-evident. Why is he locked up here? Where are Xiao Xiangheng and the others being detained? How is he going to find them? What if someone finds out? Before he could think of an answer, footsteps sounded from far and near at the door, and he hurriedly lay down and closed his eyes. "Squeak", the door was pushed open and closed. The visitor came to his bed in three or two steps, still smelling of alcohol, Meng Fanze heard the sound of metal collision, followed by a ring-shaped object that felt cold to the touch buckled on his wrist.

Meng Fanze felt bad and didn't care about disguising, so he opened his mouth quickly, pulled back his entire body, and exclaimed, "What are you doing?" He glanced at the foreign body sensation in his hand, only to realize that it was a pair of handcuffs.

The person who came was "Uncle Li". He didn't expect that Meng Fanze was not dazed, so he was so easily freed by him without any precautions.

He was a little surprised when he saw Meng Fanze wake up, but he certainly didn't panic. Instead, the corner of his mouth evoked a smile of interest: "The little beauty didn't get dazed, that's fine, it's fun to play with a reaction." He approached as he spoke. Meng Fanze, watching Meng Fanze keep retreating, this feeling of cat-and-mouse made him full of interest, until Meng Fanze was cornered and there was no way to retreat.

Meng Fanze couldn't figure out how this man was clearly interested in Ye Mian before, but now the person here has become him. At this time, he panicked and feared: "Don't you like Ye Mian? He looks better than me, go Find him!"

"What is the little beauty talking about, I have always liked you, who is Ye Mian, how can you look good." The man touched his face with one hand, his eyes were full of explicit desire, and he pulled it with one hand. The handcuffs were fastened to the bedpost.

One hand was handcuffed and he lost his freedom. Seeing that the man was about to come over, Meng Fanze was really scared. He said eagerly: "Don't touch me, you go to Ye Mian, that's the type you like." He didn't know what was wrong, he clearly heard the man instructing his subordinates to bring Ye Mian to his room, why did he finally but became him.

The man laughed out loud when he heard this, and joked: "Little beauty, this is wrong, don't worry, my brother only likes you, and I will come to love you now." He ignored his struggle, and his fat lips pressed down.

"Hmm..." The man slammed into his mouth with the smell of alcohol. Meng Fanze felt sick to the point of vomiting. He wanted to say something, but was blocked by the man and could only make a whimpering sound. Instead, it sounded like pleasurable sex, which stimulated the man to kiss deeper and harder.

Meng Fanze kept shaking his head, trying to break free from the man's kiss, struggling with his hands and feet, but the man was burly and he was a supernatural being. Meng Fanze was an ordinary person with one hand still cuffed, how could he break free? .

Seeing that the man was getting more and more addicted, Meng Fanze knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Taking advantage of the man's confusion and love, a dagger appeared out of thin air on his uncuffed hand. stabbed in the back.

The sudden pain in the back caused the man to raise his head from his confusion, just to meet Meng Fanze's terrified eyes.

The man touched his back subconsciously, and felt a warm, viscous liquid in his hand, which was blood. The scarlet color made the man completely sober from his desire, and without thinking, he slapped Meng Fanze with a slap. The slap in his rage was completely useless, Meng Fanze's face immediately swelled up, and there was a bright sign on it. Five fingerprints.

The man turned over and got off Meng Fanze's body with a gloomy face, and he didn't deal with the wound on his back. He walked to the wall, took off a pair of handcuffs and a whip, and went back to the bed to lean Meng Fanze's other hand against the bedpost.

After doing all this, the man stood at the head of the bed and looked down at Meng Fanze, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's just a tool for lust, and shameless, since you like to play rough, then I will fulfill you. After speaking, he swung the whip towards Meng Fanze, and a whip mark appeared on Meng Fanze's fair body instantly.

"Ah!" Meng Fanze had never suffered this kind of pain in his life, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

Along with Meng Fanze's screams of pain, the man swung down the whips intensively, and Meng Fanze's fair body was soon covered with crisscrossed and mottled whip marks, giving a sense of abusive beauty.

The smell of blood in the room and the dying beauty on the bed once again stimulated the man's desire, and his interest was stirred up again, so he pressed it again, giving Meng Fanze no time to react.

Meng Fanze wanted to resist, but he just went through a flogging, he couldn't get any strength, he wanted to tell the man that he was a precious space power user, but what he said was intermittent speech, he could only be passive of bear.

Meng Fanze couldn't understand, everything went according to plan before, and the man really took a fancy to Ye Mian, why did he change his mind at the last moment, and what went wrong?

Meng Fanze finally couldn't bear it and passed out. Before he passed out, his hatred for Ye Mian reached its peak. After reflecting on what he has suffered now, he finally responded to that sentence - harming others will harming yourself.

The next day, when Meng Fanze woke up, he felt as if he had been run over by a car, reminding him to think about what happened the night before and the scene from last night. Fear, disgust, humiliation and other emotions flashed in his eyes. Turned into terrifying hatred.

He is already like this, how can Ye Mian still enjoy the favor of others cleanly, he must return everything he has suffered tenfold to Ye Mian. As if thinking of something interesting, Meng Fanze raised the corners of his mouth. Coupled with his miserable situation at this time, it was extremely strange. If someone met his eyes at this time, they would find that there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

With a "squeak", the door was pushed open. The sound almost became Meng Fanze's nightmare. His body trembled involuntarily, but thinking of what he was going to do next, he forced himself and the man to look at each other. He didn't even dare to see how he negotiated with the man, and sooner or later, this group of people would be wiped out by the "New Moon" mercenary group. Thinking about their ending, it didn't seem to be scary.

So when the man walked in, he met a pair of extremely calm eyes. The man raised his eyebrows with interest. He thought a lot about Meng Fanze's attitude towards himself after waking up, fear, hatred, and flattery, but he never thought that he would be so calm, as if even after last night, in his embarrassed situation However, they are still on an equal footing. This made him more interested in Meng Fanze, and even the pain in his back could not dampen his interest.

"I have something to tell you." Meng Fanze said straight to the point.

Seeing Meng Fanze's negotiating posture, the man said with great interest, "You say it."

Meng Fanze looked into the man's eyes and said, "I am a space power user. I can give you all the materials in my space, and I can use it for you in the future, but I have one condition."

"Space power user? Little beauty, can you? What a surprise. Whatever conditions, as long as you say it, I will do it for you." The man was really surprised this time, the space ability is a very practical ability, but the last sentence was just to coax Meng Fanze. He was naturally willing to do things that were simple, but if it was time-consuming, labor-intensive and dangerous, then forget it. Anyway, Meng Fanze couldn't escape from his grasp. Whether he wanted it or not, in the end he had a way to make him work for him.

"As long as you do to Ye Mian what you did to me last night, no, one time is not enough. You'd better call your subordinates and let each of them do it again." Meng Fanze's eyes were full of viciousness.

"Tsk, you are really cruel, and I don't know how Ye Mian offended you. But..." The man asked with doubts, "Who is Ye Mian?"

Meng Fanze looked at the man's puzzled face, wrinkled. He frowned, "Don't pretend, how could you not know who Ye Mian is?"

"He really doesn't know who Ye Mian is?" A voice that Meng Fanze hated and was extremely familiar with came from the door.

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