Chapter 145

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It has been half a month since Wei Xiuning successfully formed a pill: This is no longer news in Qingyunzong. Recently, everyone in Qingyunzong has paid attention to another matter: it is also related to Wei Xiuning.

Linyuan, who had been in seclusion for nearly a thousand years, finally came out. After he left, he went to Biyun Peak as soon as possible. He stopped at the gate of Wei Xiuning's cave for half a month. Wei Xiuning swears to never give up when he comes out. It stands to reason that with the cultivation of the real person Linyuan, as long as he uses his spiritual sense, he can easily know whether Wei Xiuning has come out: There is no need to wait so stupidly at the entrance of the cave, so the real person Linyuan 's behavior is truly astonishing. Why did the real person Lin Yuan go to Wei Xiuning and stare at people so urgently: He looks like he is afraid that people will run away, which has attracted a lot of speculation. Everyone's brains were wide open, and some people speculated that the real person Linyuan saw Wei Xiuning's talent and wanted to accept him as his apprentice. He stood at the door to show his sincerity. Some people speculate that Wei Xiuning is the son of an old friend of Linyuan: and this old friend is obviously very important to Linyuan: It is probably the white moonlight that Linyuan hides in his heart that makes him act so solemnly. I didn't guess that Wei Xiuning was Bai Yueguang himself: it was because the age of the two really didn't match: Wei Xiuning hadn't been born yet when Lin Yuan was practicing outside. There are also people who speculate that Wei Xiuning has offended the real person Linyuan for some reason: the real person Linyuan was waiting at the entrance of the cave to prepare him to come out and teach him a lesson, but such speculations are mostly from the mouths of those who are jealous of Wei Xiuning. One can think of it: If the real person Linyuan only needs to teach a junior, he doesn't have to feel wronged to stay at the entrance of the cave for half a month. With his strength, it is easy to break the ban on Wei Xiuning cave. The latter two guesses that the real person Yunhe sneered, it was simply nonsense. He is older than Fu Linyuan, so from entering the sect to becoming a Linyuan real person, he can say that he has watched Fu Linyuan grow up all the way, and he has some understanding of his character. Fu Linyuan is the most domineering person. If he likes something, let alone let people touch it, even if he looks at him, he can goug out the other person's eyes. If he really likes someone, he will never let go and watch his sweetheart and others have children. Missing silently, this is not Fu Linyuan's style at all. As for Wei Xiuning offending Fu Linyuan, this is even more impossible. His disciples are the most well-behaved and sensible.

His own apprentice is extremely talented, and it seems that it is not impossible for Fu Linyuan to rob his apprentice. The more real Yunhe thinks, the more certain that Fu Linyuan wants to rob his apprentice, so he is very anxious.

If this person were someone else, he wouldn't even lift his eyelids. After all, his apprentice was so well-behaved, caring and honest, he would never abandon him and turn to others as his teacher. But this person is Fu Linyuan. Even if he doesn't want to, he has to admit that Fu Linyuan is an unparalleled genius in the way of self-cultivation. If there is his teaching, Wei Xiuning's achievements will definitely be higher than his teaching. But it was also because Wei Xiuning was too sweet, caring and upright. He had no doubt that Wei Xiuning would definitely reject Fu Linyuan without hesitation. The sword couldn't even catch him, let alone Wei Xiuning, who was only at the Golden Core Stage. He had thought about giving up Wei Xiuning and asking him to turn to Fu Linyuan as his teacher for the sake of Wei Xiuning's future and safety, but what if Wei Xiuning misunderstood that he didn't want him anymore and was heartbroken, maybe because of this What should I do if I leave a shadow and think that I am a person who is not worthy of being cared for, and I no longer open my heart to others, and even breed demons? Immortal Yunhe was frightened by his own brainstorming, and finally felt that he should wait and see the changes first, but he should prepare first. He neatly found all kinds of magic weapons from the Qiankun bag, defending, attacking, and escaping. He has accumulated a lot over thousands of years. Putting these magic weapons into a Qiankun bag alone, Master Yunhe felt a little at ease. With these, he should be able to resist Fu Linyuan for a while. When Fu Linyuan vented his anger at being rejected, he should be able to sit down and discuss it. Master Yunhe is not sure. thought. Master Yunhe came to Xie Jingxing's cave door with this Qiankun bag in his arms, and he saw Fu Linyuan standing quietly at the entrance of the cave with a long body, his eyes were looking straight at the entrance of the cave, his eyes seemed to penetrate everything and locked it inside. people. For a moment, Master Yunhe felt that Fu Linyuan looked like Wangfu Shi, and he shook his head to get rid of this absurd thought in his mind.

Master Yunhe thought that Fu Linyuan would ignore him, but he didn't expect that Fu Linyuan politely gave him a junior salute: "Master Yunhe." Although he has been in seclusion for thousands of years, he is not completely ignorant of world affairs. Master Yunhe is Biyun He still knew about the peak master, but in Qingyun Sect, only master and apprentice or Dao Companion could live on the same peak, now since Xie Jing Xing lives in Jasper Peak, Dao Companion is impossible, then it must be the Master apprentice. Since it is the master of the lover, it is natural to be more respectful. Master Yunhe was taken aback by his solemnity, and he subconsciously returned a junior salute: "Master Linyuan" was even more vigilant. "Shen Linyuan, although that kid Xiuning is very talented, there are still many talented disciples in the sect, why don't you look at other people?" Fu Linyuan did not know the rumors in the sect, so naturally he could not understand the deep meaning of the words of Master Yunhe, but thought that the words of Master Yunhe were really testing his feelings for Xie Jingxing, suspecting that he liked Xie Jingxing because of his talent, after all, he Feelings seem too abrupt to outsiders. "In my heart, Xiuning is the best. No matter how talented other people are, I don't like it." Although his apprentice was praised, he was very proud, but isn't this person too arrogant to steal other people's apprentice? Immortal Yunhe couldn't help but feel a little anger in his heart, and what he said couldn't help but bring two points of anger: "What's the use of you, Xiuning will definitely not agree to you!" Fu Linyuan woke up after stepping into the gods. It was not the first time for him that all his memories had been made difficult by the old man. Master Yunhe was now Xie Jing Xing's master, and he was similar to the old man. Based on his experience, he must not back down at this time, otherwise it would be considered that his feelings for Xie Jing Xing were not firm enough, and he had to show his capital appropriately to make the old man feel reliable. Of course, sincerity was also indispensable. "Even if Xiuning rejects me, I will not give up. Master Yunhe can rest assured that I am now in the Mahayana period, and I will never let Xiuning be wronged." I will never let anyone bully him.

His conscious attitude is sincere, but it has another meaning in the ears of Renhe Yunhe: It is useless for Wei Xiuning to refuse, I am a Mahayana monk who is willing to accept him as a disciple, is he still wronged?

Although it is surprising that Fu Linyuan has reached the Mahayana stage, he deliberately said it at this time, making it clear that it was a threat, and this blatant bullying was unbearable or unbearable!

"Fu Linyuan! Don't go too far!"

Being roared by Master Yunhe, Fu Linyuan was a little stunned. He didn't understand what he said wrong, making Master Yunhe so angry.

When Xie Jing Xing woke up from his practice, he heard the roar of Master Yunhe, he hurriedly jumped out, the master is open-minded, it is probably not a trivial matter to make him so angry.

"Master, are you alright?" Xie Jing Xing came to Master Yunhe, looked him up and down, and found that he was safe and sound, and then he asked, "Master, what happened?"

Yunhe Before the real person could answer, a man's hoarse voice came from behind him: "Baby?" The man's voice was very light, as if he was afraid of scaring people away, with a careful test and a hint of grievance that was not easily detectable. .

Xie Jing Xing froze in place, there was only one person who would call him that, he turned his head in surprise and came to the man in three steps and two steps: "Is that you?"

Fu Linyuan looked at the familiar eyes in his memory, as if It was through him that he saw his beloved soul, he could no longer hold back the stirring emotions in his heart, he hugged Xie Jing Xing into his arms, buried his head in his neck and took a deep breath, "It's me."

Xie Jing Xing wanted to ask the man if he remembered everything, but when he saw the man raised his head and pinched him fiercely, he grinned, "It's not a dream!"

That silly look was obviously very funny, but Xie Jing Xing only felt distressed and did not know how long his lover had waited in this world to use such a clumsy way to distinguish between reality and dream, was it because he had dreamed about himself in his dreams countless times, and then faced it again after waking up The thing is I don't know if there is no end to the wait.

Xie Jing Xing didn't care about the master and watched from the side, he raised his head and took a bite on the man's lips, without too much force, but it made people feel pain, and then he stretched out his tongue and licked it soothingly. Only then did he let go of his lips and said, "I'm here."

"Not enough." After Fu Linyuan finished speaking, he clasped the back of Xie Jing Xing's head and kissed the soft lips he had missed for thousands of years.

The warm body temperature in his arms, the familiar breath on the tip of his nose, and the sweet softness between his lips, all of which were finally no longer a dream, and Fu Linyuan let out a satisfied sigh from the lips of the two.

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