Li Mingze

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A young man was walking in the streets with his headphones on as he slide down the pictures of a handsome man in his phone. The folder of the picture is known as Mu YiChen.  He licked the lollipop in his mouth and walked to cross the road but before he could cross it, a phone call interrupted his foot steps. "Hello auntie"

The crying voice gave him a bad premonition. "Sob* sob* Xiao Ze. Sob* Ah Chen met a car accident......sob* He is admitted in ICU now....Xiao Ze........Xiao.........Ze..."

The young man went blank on the spot as the phone slipped from his hand. That handsome man was still in the screen as the rain poured down on the young man and the phone. The drops of rain woke the young man and the young man started to cross the road hastily. Luckily He was near the hospital.

But his eyes were forced to close by a dazzling light of the upcoming car. He heard a car horn as his head felt a stinging pain. He opened his eyes weakly and saw his own bloody hands before he lost his consciousness. A little far from the scene, the phone was splashed with the blood of its owner before it got switched off.

Li Mingze remembered the years of graduation. How he fell in love with  his deskmate and bestfriend Mu YiChen. He is just an orphan who transferred here to complete his graduation. How can he be worthy of love. He loved his bestfriend silently for 7 years before dying in a car accident.

Why? Why didn't he dare to confess all these years? Maybe if he confessed then today would be different. If God gives him another chance, he will never do something that makes him regrets it again. But how's it possible.

*beep* *beep*

Li Mingze  frowned in annoyance when he heard the continously beeping sounds.

He forced himself to open his eyes he was currently sitting in a comfortable armchair as there is a black shadow Behind the screen in front of his chair.

The beeping sound stopped but he heard a mechanical sound.

Host : Li Mingze

Status : ???

Assistant : 04

Missions completed : 0 / ???

"Welcome Host, I am your assistant 04"

Li Mingze couldn't understand  what's happening here. He stared at the black silhouette.

04 : Host doesn't have any questions to ask so please be ready to transmigrate and complete missions otherwise host have to face punishments.


Li Mingze frowned. He didn't feel that he is dreaming because he almost never dreamed "I am not doing this."

But his words were interrupted and he again lost his consciousness.



I couldn't sit without posting the next book......okay let me know if anything wrong and also tell me about your thoughts.



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