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Li Mingze was wearing a white suit as he walked the aisle. Madam Arnoult wanted to dress him in a wedding dress designed by her but Li Mingze waved no to her but he also promised her that he would wear it in his bridal chamber.

He looked at his teammates who were their best man. Vincent whispered "jack is arrested just outside the venue. He really hates your family...huh?"

Li Mingze raised his eyebrow. Vincent frowned "you don't know? He is from Texan family. The family which was originally your partner but later for sone reason, Arnoult choose another company and Texan went bankrupt."

Onyx whispered "they were plotting to take over the whole company. "

Li Mingze nodded. It doesn't care about everything as long as he is with onyx. He looked at his mother and wished "how good it would be if she was really his mother"

Onyx patted his waist. "Let's go, you are very tired"

But they were stopped by Austin. "Even if you are married to my elder brother, I won't give up. If someday you hurt my brother then I'll take him away"

Onyx smiled "I won't give you this chance"

Madam Arnoult winked at Li Mingze who was leaving the  hall to take a rest. Li Mingze's ear reddened when he thought about his promise. But he nodded as Madam Arnoult smirked.

But when Li Mingze walked into his closet to change, he was stunned to see the dress. It was not the dress his mother had shown him early. This dress is long enough to cover his feet. The back was bare upto his waist. A few strings are used to tie them and the material was a little see through.

He looked himself at the mirror and blushed. "Mother is really.....caring of onyx"

A voice interrupted his thoughts "Ace......"

Li Mingze looked at the door of the closet "en.....can you come in please. I can't go out"

Onyx frowned and opened the door but his expression changed when he saw Li Mingze. "What are you......"

He walked in front of Li Mingze  and sighed "you don't have to....I love the way you are. You are a man and I love you"

Li Mingze shook his hand "no..no ....it's prepared by mum"

Onyx sighed and kissed his forhead  "let me help you. I love  every way you look so you yont have to make me happy. If you are uncomfortable then get changed okay"

Li Mingze nodded "can you help me untie this strings."

Onyx untied the strings patiently but his rapid breathing was showing that he was not relaxed.

Li Mingze was trembling under his hot plam. He was pulled in Onyx arms as soon as the dress fell into the ground.

Li Mingze whispered "not here"

Onyx took him out of the closet room.

But a few gasp and moans can be heard from the room.


Okay this arc is over....🥺I promise to write it in next arc. Please don't be mad with author.

Author is shy.....🥺🥴😳


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