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Li Mingze entered his courtyard and found Mu Chen sitting in the swing under the maple tree. His red robes were fluttering with wind along with the red Maple leaves.

A gentle tune tune was blowing from the jade flute. Li Mingze leaned on the tree behind him and closed his eyes silently but the tune stopped. He frowned and opened his eyes to meet Mu Chen's gaze. "When did wangye come back?"

(A/N : someone help me with tense. Come or came?)

Li Mingze sighed "just now"

Mu Chen nodded but he didn't say anything.

Li Mingze sat beside him in the swing. "Wangfei, is Mu family important to you?"

A hatred flashed in those gentle eyes. "I HATE MU FAMILY"

Li Mingze silently looked at him as Mu Chen looked down. A interval of silence passed as Mu Chen parted his lips and closed time and again. "Mu Family....I don't know how to start.
My mother was the legal wife that time when my oldest brother Mu QiXin was 6 years old and I was not born yet.... That man...Master Mu brought a woman and child back saying she is our benefactor. Her husband have gone missing so we are taking care of them for a while.

But Brother saw the lady calling our ....father...no....Master Mu father and that....child was calling him father. He choose to hide it from Mother because....she was pregnant and ....and"

His lips trembled when a pair of arms hugged him. Mu Chen hold the hands hugging him and continued "and this was his fault. My brother was killed by them.....those demons. He killed his own son just to hide his adultery. He promise our  grandfather that he will only marry my mother but he broke his promise. He didn't know....that this secret......my brother told his companion who became my companion later. My brother was drowned in the lake behind his courtyard in chilly winter. My mother couldn't withstand this and fell sick. But that lady.....even though she  doesnt deserve respect and was not ladylike. My mother didn't taught me to act like a shrew. She was not happy. She mocked my motjer and told her how she got pregnant  with child behind my mother's back.  How she convinced her husband to kill his eldest son because of his os called face. My mother was sp stunned  that she gave birth to me prematurely but karma also hit her
Her son died after a few months because of the chronic plague that time. She blamed my mother for everything. My mother was fortunately wise. She hide the fact that I am a boy not girl. The aunt was from my Mother's family. She helped my mother lie that I am a girl. I survived this way. Inwas taught a lady's grace with the sharpness a lord should have. But my mother took a promise from me that I would act like a lady until I am capable of protecting myself. She died when I was 7 years old. She was able to withstand it for 7 years. She was very strong. After that that lady became First wife and her second son became the 3rd young master but her first son is not evem known with me as unfavourable 2nd miss. Now.....I am here as your princess."

Mu Chen looked at Li Mingze who was listening to him carefully and pressed him in the swing "does wangye think I am pitiful? Is wangye going to sympathize with me....."

But a pair of lips blocked his own as  a pair of hands hooked his neck. The kiss was gentle and short.
Li Mingze looked directly in the eyes of Mu Chen "No, this prince is thinking how to take avenge our wangfei"

A tear  dropped in Li Mingze's cheeks from Mu Chen's eyes as their lips overlapped each other fiercely. 

But Mu Chen stopped and wanted to leave but Li Mingze held him from getting up. Mu Chen stroke his  own lips lightly with his thumb "not now....you are still recovering."

Li Mingze sighed and leaned on his chest. "En"

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