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Li Mingze opened the door of his apartment and sighed with relief. He let Jiang Shu and Jiang Yu stay in first floor and went to the master room in second floor followed by Ji Chen.

Ji Chen was silent but as soon as Li Mingze entered the room he felt his hands were hold by someone as he was pushed to the wall. His hand were held above his head by a unbelievable force as Ji Chen walked to him slowly.

Li Mingze  looked at him silently and licked his lips. He felt the force on his wrists tightened. "Ah Chen....it's hurts."

Ji Chen's experience became anxious. He took Li Mingze in his arms. "I am sorry"

Li Mingze hugged his neck "wh-when ......did you remembered everything?"

Ji Chen's eyes flashed sadness as he said indifferently "I don't know what are talking about Master?"

Li Mingze stroke his neck lightly but didn't say anything. Ji Chin still didn't let him go and put him in the bed. "You are tired, you should sleep."

Li Mingze wanted to say no but his eyes felt heavy. He grabbed Ji Chen's sleeves "Sleep with me"

Ji Chen sighed "okay"

Jiang Shu came out of her room and saw Ji Chen cooking in the kitchen "Butler Chen, what are you cooking today?"

Butler Chen told the name of the dishes that are Li Mingze's favorite. But Jiang Shu obviously doesn't know it. "Should I help you?"

Ji Chen shook his head "No, Young Miss. The dinner is almost ready. Can you help me to wake up Master?"

Jiang Shu nodded and went upstairs. She knocked at the door but no one answered it. Jiang Yu trotted to the door. "God mother, where is dad?"

Jiang Shu pointed at the door "sleeping"

Jiang Yu pushed the door open as Li Mingze frowned in his sleep. He felt that the weight under his hand disappeared without any warning. He patted the space beside him but there was nothing. He opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Yu who was trying to climb up in his bed "Dad~"

Li Mingze sighed and took Jiang Yu in his lap and tried to kiss the baby's cheek but something pulled him from behind. He  kissed the hair and patted Jiang Yu's head helplessly. "What time it is?"

Jiang Shu was leaning on the door and looking at them. "Almost 9"

Li Mingze brushed his hair back and let Jiang Yu sit next to him and went to the bathroom. "Sister, Wait for me at the dinning table"

A small voice of affirmation came as he heard the sound of closing door.

Li Mingze took a bath and came out wrapping the towel around his waist but he saw Ji Chen wanting for him in the room with his clothes. "Let me help you, master"

Li Mingze sat in front of him as Ji Chen blowed his hair dry.

Li Mingze felt the cold slender fingers wandering in his head "you serve every master like this?"

Ji Chen's finger paused and continued. His soft and hoarse voice came "only you"

Li Mingze looked back at him and pulled him collar "that should be otherwise...."

Ji Chen's eyes darkened "don't make trouble, master"

Li Mingze raised his eyebrow "trouble huh?"

He covered Ji Chen's eyes with his palm and pecked at the soft lips. "This lord can do whatever he wants"

Ji Chen held Li Mingze's shoulder and looked deeply at him "you should think it over....we are not suitable."

Li Mingze gritted his teeth "who is taking care of them?"

Ji Chen continued to blow his hair dry "someone is taking care of young miss and little master"

Li Mingze dressed up and went out wearing a pair of tshirt and trouser under Ji Chen's gaze.

Ji Chen looked at his fingers and kissed his finger tips lightly "even if we are not suitable, I am not letting you go."

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