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The traffic police made way for Li Mingze's car in the traffic and saluted the car as the car passed them. The car only stopped before a rich society. He opened the phone with his fingerprint and called the number in his favorite list "Come down I am here"

He leaned on the car and waited before the beautiful man came down wearing the glasses. His hair was tied in a small tail and the rest were loose. As soon as the man came near to him, Li Mingze was pulled into his arms. "Ah Ze"

Li Mingze patted his back "okay baby don't be like this"

The man chuckled "you are playing your role too seriously"

Li Mingze smiled "what can I do? My husband is a soft rice man in this world. I have to work hard to support this beauty."

Mu YiChen raised his eyebrow "and I am responsible for being beautiful?"

Li Mingze chuckled "mmhm"

Mu YiChen sighed and wanted to carry his little sweetheart upstairs but Li Mingze pulled him in the car "let's go, the apocalypse is going to hit. We have to go to a safe place to continue with the damn fever"

Mu YiChen looked at him a little confusedly "what apocalypse?"

Li Mingze helped him buckled his seat. Everyone acquainted with the original owner knew Mu YiChen who was a typical example of soft rice man.  He have wrapped Li Zeming  around his finger using his beauty. Even the apartment in this rich colony was given to this scumbag by Li Zeming. It's not that Li Zeming can't see this but he was willing to serve this beauty. Everyone has a weakness and his weakness is Mu YiChen.
"You didn't receive the whole plot as well?"

Mu YiChen shook his head "No.....I only know that I have to find two transmigrators and have to finish the evil one. "

Li Mingze shook his head and continued to drive "this world is a apocalypse setting. Tonight we will suffer from the fever determining our destiny."

Mu YiChen rubbed his temple. I should have packed my clothes. Li Mingze's lips curled up "okay brother will take you to shopping"

Mu YiChen leaned on the seat and looked at Li Mingze's handsome profile. "Sure~ I have to live up to my soft rice man name"

Li Mingze shook his head "dont forget that you are only 23 old this year"

Mu YiChen was speechless. He choose to stay silent. Okay let his baby be happy.

Li Mingze whistled and enjoyed the special treatment of being a general. He threw the keys to the  guard "park my car"
And opened the door for Mu Yichen. Mu Yichen smiled and came out of the car. He can feel the disdainful look of the guard.

The NM brand's shop was so happy that evening. They sold almost the whole store. The general would pay them on the last day of the month as always but this time the paycheck will be very large with their tips. Only the clothing store but various stores were happy. They looked at the uncrowded address and delivered the goods without caring but they were not so fortunate to have money.

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