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Above the busy current of the sea, a black shadow is cutting through the waves flapping its wings.

Zephyr patted on Li Mingze's shiny black crystal scales "Ah Ze, calm down"

Li Mingze roared in response but it's ferocious eyes were pinned towards its destination. He don't know why but he can feel where they are after seeing the last night's scene and he decided to leave right away.

But he still have to maintain a safe speed because Zephyr is sitting on him. He flew over the ocean as the island got near and near. Zephyr whispered "calm down otherwise they will hurt them okay."

Li Mingze  looked at the couple standing proudly on the tower of the castle and looking at him with similar excitement. His ear piercing roar thundered in the sky as he attacked  the couple.

Scyla smirked "a feisty little one"

But Jen shook his head and warned her "don't underestimate anyone. Don't forget that He is the inheritor of the golden heart."

Scyla rolled her eyes and turned into the blue dragon. She was powerful enough to meet a legendary black dragon head on but she soon realized that her knight was right. Li Mingze is really the bearer of the golden heart. She roared unwillingly and jumped into water. Being a blue dragon had its advantage of water.

Jen gritted his teeth and walked down thw stares and opened the door of the room. "You are quite proud Samuel..
No? You  chose Augustin when I begged you to choose me. My brother had so many amazing dragon to choose from while I had to beg. And....then I had to pair with that nosy arrogant brat. You had the power to choose that time samuel because of your golden heart. I dont know how the golden heart now belongs to your son but I will get it. By the way How do you feel being treated by your own baby sister."

Samuel looked at the crazy human and roared angrily. "You are the one who took opportunity of her adulthood. Don't make scyla guilty of your guilt in front of me."

Jen laughed "but that doesn't make her less guilty. You know what I was the one who made her lose her memory. Now she is fighting your beloved son. Let's go you should meet you son and his knight now....do you know who his knight is......Augustin's son.....yes the Augustin who didn't trust you when you said that his baby brother me kidnapped your little wife."

Samuel roared but Jen pointed his sword at the throat of sleeping woman. "I guess you don't want your wife get injured?"

Li Mingze was fighting with the invisible Scyla as he saw Jen holding his father hostage.

He forget about Scyla and flew to Jen. But Jen held the dagger closer to Samuel's throat. "Wait...there is no hurry. Let's sit down and chat a little. We have a few minutes to kid around."

Li Mingze landed on the castle garden and looked at Jen warily.

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