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Li Mingze looked away. He can't see it. It didn't matter if it was someone else. "Yiling don't look"

Jian Yiling looked up at sky. She felt that the one who died is her. "...yes"

Mu YiChen looked around and frowned "...nothing changed. Is the antidote fake?"

Jian Yiling shook her head "No. Maybe we should wait."

Mu YiChen and Li Mingze looked at the white peony who was crushing something with its vines. Mu Yichen whispered "it's the system. White peony is sucking its energy"

Li Mingze sighed with relief "okay let's go back. We have to come again for the supplies"

Noone dared to go against Li Mingze's words. They looked at Mu Yichen with fear. The rumors of soft rice man can't be believed.


"Sir, Marshal Wu is here to meet Master Mu.."

Li Mingze closed the file and nodded at the guard. The world have regained its normal balance and is runnung on its pace now. But the humans now live with the mutant plants, animals and humans. But now noone gwts infected with the virus and the infected people are going through the treatment to walk and live normally again. He  opened the door of the gym. Mu Yichen looked back from the treadmill "what happened?"

Li Mingze leaned on the door and looked at the sweats streaming down from the neck to the chest. The original slim and tender body have grown into abs now. He gulped and looked away. "Father is here again. Lets go down otherwise those two old man will fight again"

Mu Yichen smiled and took him in his arms "Yes Marshal Li.."

Li Mingze shook his head helplessly and came downstairs.

......sure enough. These old men are fighting childlishly again.

Old Marshal Lin gritted his teeth "its your son who will  marry into my family. Otherwise I dont allow the wedding"

Old Marshal Wu snorted and looked away. "We will see"

Old Marshal Lin pointed his finger at Old Marhsal Wu. "You...you.."

"Me...I am not childish....ahh....ah Ze. You are here" Old Marshal Wu smiled.

Li Mingze helped his teacher to sit down "okay dont be angry. Noone is marrting in and out okay. We will just get married. It will be same okay"

Old Marshal Lin humphed.

When Marshal Wu left they both had a fight again with only words.

Mu Yichen hugged Li Mingze as the moonlight fell into their bed. "I am happy"

Li Mingze kissed his chin "me too"

But their peaceful time was interrupted. His phone rang. Mu yichen frowned. Li Mingze coaxed him helplessly "its Yiling.....hello?"

"Daddy.....I am pregnant....you are gonna be a grandpa...."

'Okay...okay dont be so sxcited' a male voice comforted her in the background'

Li Mingze looked at Mu Yichen helplessly "....congratulations..."

Mu Yichen took the phone "brat. Dont disturb us..." and hung up the phone.

Yiling looked at the phone and shrugged. She threw herself on her husband's arm. "I WANT ICECREAM"

Mu Yichen threw away the phone. "Okay noone will disturb us"

On the window, the pink peony stretched its vine at the white peony shyly. The white peony was showered with the moonlight. It smacked the vine annoyedly but intertwined its vines together.


. .

Beep* beep*

The girl lying on the hospital bed opened her eyes. As the tear drops streamed down on her cheeks. But a gentle voice surprised her " Ah Ling"

'Jian Yiling' looked at her brother in surprise. She is still alive and with.....her brother.

Jian Ze wiped his tears "why are you crying? Its okay. The house was going to be renovated anyway. You are okay and its the important matter"

'Jian Yiling' whispered "brother...."

The door of the room opened and the handsome man entered "Ah Ze...the doctor said that Yiling is alright. We can take her away when she wakes up....oh you are awake....doctor...."

'Jian Yiling' smiled "brother in law...."

The man was stunned. He smiled nervously "...en"

She closed her eyes and didnt felt the system.  She felt relaxed after a long time. 'Everything is okay.'  "...Let's go home...okay?"

"Okay" they looked at each other and nodded.



Hehe I am thinking about some cubs in the next arc...

How are you guys btw.

Take care of yourself...xoxo.. ❤


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