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Alex hung up the call he received from his boyfriend. When the lawyer came out from the office, he patted on Alex's shoulder in a complex mood and  left.

When he entered, he saw Li Mingze leaning on his chair with his eyes closed. "Alex?"

Alex answered back "yes sir"

Li Mingze opened his eyes and stood up. He took the suit from the chair "I am taking a few days off, don't disturb me if it's nothing important"

Li Mingze made a bet with himself now he is going to try his luck.

He entered the room, the servants greeted him.  "Is Master  Zephyr is back?"

The servant shook his head confusedly.

"OK go to your work"

Days went by one by one. It's the day of marriage of the original owner and also the day of his death. He smiled mockingly at himself and started to get ready.

03 : .....Host. are you sure?

Li Mingze smiled and walked outside without answering back.

03 was silent. He shook his head in the original world. These two are really.......I can't believe that one is my biological brother and other is my friend.  He played a little trick and smiled.

Zephyr was sitting beside the window with his eyes closed. He have taken control of the body. The other personality is fighting with him crazily to go and stop the wedding when his switched off phone lit up. He frowned and wondered if he had forgotten to switch it off. But the content in the message made his narrowed eyes anxious. He threw the jacket on his shoulder and ran downstairs. His Disciple was stunned "what happened Master?"

Zephyr stopped. He looked at his Disciple "Andre, call your boyfriend and ask where is Aizel"

Andre was surprised. He called Alex as his face flushed. He didn't thought that his master knows about it. "Alex, where is master Ai....?"

Before he could complete, his phone was taken away from him by Zephyr "where is Aizel?"

Alex frowned but answered truthfully "he is getting ready."

Zephyr sighed with relief. "Okay, do me a favor and stop him for 10 ....no 5 mins. Just stop him from getting near of that or any car. Just remember his life is in risk and he knows it"

Zephyr rushed out and drove the car away.

Andre looked at his phone as the voice of Alex was still coming from it "Hello hubby"

Alex was very anxious "where is your Master?"

Andre looked outside. The car is not visible anymore "he have already rushed out. Believe me at least and stop your boss"

Alex looked at Li Mingze who have came out in the white suit and hung up the call. "Boss"

Li Mingze looked at him. "You don't have to come with me, I'll drive today. "

Alex frowned. He started to believe that his boss really knows. "But boss"

Li Mingze didn't give him any chance "no but. I have to go somewhere before going to the church. Give me the car keys"

Alex clenched the keys in his pocket and licked his dry lips. "I don't have the keys Boss. Maybe the driver have it"

Li Mingze nodded and went outside. The driver was not in the car. Alex sighed with relief. He just messaged the driver to go out in hurry.

Li Mingze's eyebrow twitched. He went to his room and took out the keys of his sports car. The original owner never let anyone drive his favorite car.

He went downstairs and the garage opened. He sat on the car and drove out but a black car rushed out to stop him.

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