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The dragons chuckled. They sighed in their heart that their leader is not here to see the lovely cubs and Shadow is not experienced enough to be the next leader.

Li Mingze rubbed his temple helplessly "I am your big brother....."

Ilene jumped into his arms. Li Mingze caught the silver male cub and glared a little angrily "you guys are still little, don't jump here and there"

Achlys also stared at his silly brother as Ciana bit down the egg shell. "Papa....Ciana is hungry."

Li Mingze sighed. 'Let it be....until father doesn't come back'

But before Li Mingze could react he again felt the burning pain in the body. His heart was beating too fast. ".....ughhhh"

Crystal and his mate supported Li Mingze "shadow...your knight seems to be in danger"

Li Mingze nodded. His huge black wings came out as he flapped his wings to the sky. "Take care of the cubs for me. I'll be back soon"

Achlys frowned but he grabbed the little siblings as the big brother.

Li Mingze flew over the mountain his human body changed into a majestic dragon. His body was burning with pain. He closed his eyes and turned towards the city. His black eyes turned red with anger and pain.

Soon a huge city came into his view but the roads are too empty for such a large city. Only a few soldiers were walking around alertly.

They screamed at the moment they saw the huge dragon. But Li Mingze was not interested in their yelling. He stretched his claw and sat on the beautiful garden of the palace. His eyes widened as he saw blood everywhere. His majestic dragon form shrunk into a human.

Inside the palace, the Emperor was looking at his prime Minister with a complex emotion  "why? We were best friend..."

The Minister laughed "yes we were best friends but now we are just enemy and I am the new Emperor of this Empire. Augustin, I was never a fan of your elegant and arrogant attitude but now you have to how under my feet. It was me who poisoned you all these days. Do you know why your most adored son is in coma now....?"

Augustin looked at his only son who was sleeping in the bed as his childhood sweetheart is aiming for his neck. His eyelashes trembled "Lisa.....Zephyr has always spoilt you but...."

Lisa smiled sweetly. "Your majesty....you are right. His Highness have always spoilt me but he couldn't give me what I want. I wanted the throne but your son never intended to marry me. But now....my father will win the throne for me"

Augustin looked at the prime Minister "Kyle.... Let my son go.."

Kyle laughed "at first I wanted to kill your son but now I want you to die first."

The tip of the sword stabbed into the flesh as the blood splashed out. Augustin never felt so helpless in his life. He could feel the sword approaching him with his death. But the palace trembled with a angry roar. All of them looked around and saw a young man. Kyle frowned "Who is it now?"

Augustin saw a hope in his eyes "Samuel?" But his heart knew its a illusion. How could Samuel be here. But he didn't notice that the young man trembled when he heard the name.

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