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"So what's going on?" Ming ze asked Chen who is now caressing the snow fox in his lap with a obsessive look.

Chen brought out a  golden scroll  "it's a golden decree given by the Sovereign to take you back"

Ming ze asked "who is Sovereign"

Chen sighed 'it's going to be hard '

He opened his system panel and gave him his data.

"This a beast continent ruled by the Sovereign. The Sovereign is said to have miracle powers that could save a dying person. The temple was established by the Sovereign a few decades ago. Before that there was no Sovereign, every Tribe was ruled by their leader. They traded with the friendly tribes and hunted pheasants. But after Sovereign came and taught them to save their life. He taught certain beasts his talents who were taken to the temple and then given to the Tribe according to their level. The level system eas also given by the Sovereign which was decided by their physical power and treasures.

Chen was also taken in by the Sovereign. He taught Chen martial arts and made him the captain of his own holy guards. After he found Ming ze, Ming ze was taught medical skills which was even superior than his own. All the three holy princes were selected by him. It was rumored that the Sovereign wanted to make the sub beast Ming ze the next Sovereign. "

Ming Ze frowned "That's all?"

Chen nodded "Yes. This plot was written by me. But something have gone amiss. There isn't suppose to be any Sovereign but the love story of the fox princess and the leader of the strongest winged lion Tribe."

Ming ze frowned "I am a fox princess?"
Chen chuckled "not anymore, the whole snow fox tribe is missing. No one seems to know about this tribe. I was investigating about this when the Sovereign send me to find you. I heard that the Sovereign send you to find some rare herbs."

Ming ze nodded. "Something is wrong. I don't even know my mission. I don't know the background of the plot or the background of the character. Maybe we should go to the temple as soon as possible."

Chen nodded.

In the temple, tbe Sovereign was sitting in the throne room with a evil smile "Go to the second holy prince, and ask him to meet me"

The guard bowed and left, the Sovereign laughed evilly in the room "Ming Ze....oh my darling. I will let you die in the hands of your loved one. No one would have thought that I would be here. I killed you mother. That bitch took that was supposed to mine. I was supposed to be the legal Mrs Li. Now in revenge I will take the life of her little prince. Haha she never thought that the little prince grew up as a orphaned in a poor orphanage. The little prince had a father, brother and sister to love him but I took everything. Now my daughter will be the queen of Li empire. "

"Sovereign, the second prince is here" the guard announced.

Sovereign smiled as she sat in the throne. 'Mu Yichen, I will make you forget that bastard. You can only marry my daughter '

"Yimu, you are here?"

The black shadow came in and bowed lightly "Sovereign"

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