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Li Mingze looked at his eyes as Mu YiChen wrapped his vines around Li Mingze. "Ah Ze~"

Li Mingze's eyes were in daze as Mu YiChen took this chance to kiss him. But Li Mingze slapped himself and came out of the illusion to see the normal black eyes of Mu YiChen and the hands  around his waist instead of the vines. He gritted his teeth "Mu YiChen"
Mu YiChen smiled and pecked him in the lips "I am here"

Li Mingze sighed and pushed Mu YiChen away. He stood up "Don't trick me in the illusion next time"

Mu YiChen pulled him near himself and buried his face on Li Mingze's chest. "It's didn't work on you anyway"

Li Mingze still didn't know about his power. He caressed Mu Yichen's hair and asked "what is your power?"

Mu YiChen looked at Li Mingze as his eyes turned dark green and his hands turned into vines with small purple beautiful flowers on it. Li Mingze wanted to touch the petals but Mu YiChen held his hand with the vine "dont touch those. It's poisonous"

Li Mingze looked away reluctantly. Mu Yichen pinched his chin "don't stare at them, they can't attract you to 5ouch them and then poison you to death. Just look at me okay"

Li Mingze nodded but peeked at the flower which disappeared after a while. He opened the balcony door and looked at the pink peony plant. It's leaves trembled under Li Mingze's gaze and it stretched the vines to Mu YiChen and rubbed his hand fkatteringly. Mu Yichen chuckled "it's saying sorry and I am very beautiful"

Li Mingze narrowed his eyes and the soft vine stiffened. It retracted the vine hesitantly and went back to the pot. Li Mingze rubbed the place the vine have touched. "Don't touch him. You find your partner to touch. He is mine"

Mu YiChen looked at Li Mingze who was eating vinegar of the peony as the peony tilted his head and its vine touched the white peony flower and another vine pushed the soft vine away annoyedly.

Li Mingze raised his eyebrow "so there is more than one mutant plant"

The soft vines froze and realized that they are recognized. The vine of the white peony smacked the pink peony and waved its vine to Li Mingze.

Mu YiChen hugged Li Mingze from behind "The hybrid white and red rose behind them is also a mutant. The pink hibiscus is also a mutant. Oh and that yellow dahlia"

Li Mingze rubbed his temple "deal with them we have to go back to the base now."

Mu YiChen looked at the flowers who were looking at him pitifully. He can feel their panic and kissed Li Mingze's neck. "Let them come with us...okay?"

Li Mingze looked up and met the green eyes "how?"

Mu YiChen kissed his lips and snapped his finger as the plants disappeared. "Okay we are ready to go?"

Li Mingze looked at him "take the supplies with you too " and went to open the maingate

Mu YiChen looked at the bags of clothes, foods and other things. ".......okay"

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