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Li Mingze saw the condition of the cave and sighed. He was really in a bad situation.

The Priest blinked "child....go to....sleep.... you....need...rest"

Li Mingze hummed lightly but he couldn't sleep. He doesn't know where Mu Yichen is.

This time, in some other place the high priest was giving secret orders to the knights of the temple. "Chen Yi. You have to find the little sovereign as soon as possible. Otherwise...sigh*"

Chen Yi nodded and transformed into a Lion with fluffy mane and fur with two magnificent wings. His huge golden wings fluttered as he roared singalling his team to follow.

'I'll find you. Just wait for me a little'


Li Mingze woke up with the sound of chirping sound around him. His eyelashes trembled as he held his head in pain. He heard the familiar sound of the priest but he only saw a sloth blinking slowly "Hmm....woke....up....."

Li Mingze knew that it's a world of beast men  but he is still shocked to see a real sloth in front of him. His eyes shone. He likes this world very much. He doesn't know what Mu YiChen is?

Li Mingze looked at himself but couldn't transform.

The sloth said again  "dont....hurry......you are...still....inj..ured"

Li Mingze nodded. He have to understand the world before he can understand his hidden missions.

He took some days before he got well. When he got out of the cave for the first time, his eyes were uncomfortable at first but he felt peace seeing the green nature but also felt the insecurities and risk of the forest especially in winter.

Fero and Gino took care of Li Mingze this days. The other sub beast  were a little disgusted with the foreigner in the Tribe but seeing Li Mingze. Their heart eased a lot. They have never seen such a beautiful beast. Maybe its a subbeast. But they are not sure because this beast doesn't look weak and soft like other sub beast. Even Luna the most beautiful sub beast is nothing in front of the foreigner.  Who doesn't like good looking face.

The leader Kira nodded as he looked at Li Mingze "welcome to Lingxin Tribe."

Li Mingze accept Kira's kindness but he felt a hatred coming from  a girl. Fero followed his eyesight and whispered to Li Mingze  "Ming Ze. She is Luna, her beast is a red fox and also the only fox in the Tribe. She is chasing after the leader and want to give birth to cubs for the leader but the leader doesn't like her. Now that the leader welcomed you into the Tribe. She is jealous"

Li Mingze nodded and Fero said shyly "I am a swan not adult yet. But they say that an adult swan is really pretty"

Gino shook her head helplessly and whispered "Ming ze is a sub beast"

Fero looked at Gino in Suprise as Gino nodded helplessly "the priest have told me."

Fero pouted and murmured "who told the sub beast can't stay together?"

Gino smiled at her silly friend but didn't say anything because she thought the same time but she isn't dillusional like Fero.

Li Mingze knew nothing of his little admirer as he looked at the bad condition of the Tribe.

At this time, the hunting team of the tribe got back with a little gloomyness.

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