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As Li Mingze thought, the little Eunuch responsible for Qi Zixia came to him for permission "let her in then...we also want to see what she wants"

The Eunuch sighed and went back to the guest courtyard. "Princess Qi can meet his Highness Consort Ze.."

Qi Zixia snorted  "lead the way for me"

The maids rolled their eyes. This princess is too disrespectful. The maid whispered "do you know, someone asked his majesty to marry this snobbish princess. His Majesty was very angry.  The Minister have to work for free for three years now"

Qi Zixia was obviously didn't care to litsen their gossip. She wanted to see the worst situation of her beautiful brother. But she was surprised when she saw the head eunuch. The little Eunuch bowed "Gonggong, Princess Qi have come to meet his Highness."

Gonggong looked at her and then went in. He came out after a while "Princess can go in but his majesty will be back soon so it would be good if Princess leaves early. His Majesty doesn't like anyone's scent in his room"

Qi Zixia gritted her teeth. Why everything is different from her imagination. She saw Li Mingze leaning on the soft couch as Ah Xiao was serving him fruits. "Ninth brother~"

But Li Mingze didn't move. He continued to doze off as Ah Xiao whispered "Master, Princess Qi is here to meet you."

Li Mingze opened his eyes slowly "oh. She is calling for me?  I thought the prince of Qi is also here"

Qi Zixia remembered the words Emperor Yan told her and changed her greeting unwillingly "Your Highness Consort Ze"

Li Mingze looked at her without any interest "Why is Princess Qi looking for us?"

Qi Zixia looked around and said softly "it would be great if we talk alone....it concern yourbifth father..."

Li Mingze raised his eyebrow and sat up from his leaning position. "Oh...."

With a single wave, the servants went out except Ah Xiao. Qi ZiXia looked at Ah Xiao with unsatisfied expression. Ah Xiao rolled her eyes without hiding.

Li Mingze smiled "Princess Qi can speak. Just think Ah Xiao as a flower"

Qi Zixia sneered "a flower? Does royal Consort treat their guests like this? You haven't even invited me to sit"

Li Mingze asked with interest "who is the guest....you? I dont think that I have invited you to come here. You came here without any invitation"

Qi Zixia sat on the soft chair and sneered "Mo Zexin, dont act like you are superior than me. Yojr birth father is still waiting for his death. One word from me and he will die"

Li Mingze shook his head sadly "Qi Zixia, you shouldnt threat me with father. I know that he died when I left for Yan Empire"

Qi Zixia was stunned. She laughed "so what?  Aren't you here acting as a spy for me? You are just a chess piece acting according my words"

Li Mingze's eyes were cold. He just took a chance to see if his birth father is still alive but the answer was the bitter truth he already knew. "We are not your puppet, Qi Zixia. Its Yan Empire and here my words can decide your fate"

Qi Zixia looked at him wuth undisguished hatred.


*host is in danger. Calling for emergency*

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