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Li Mingze hung up the call with his father and called another number "have you guys returned"

The voice in the phone was angry "you ditched us in downtown and asking us this..."

But the phone got snatched away as a deep voice asked "are you okay? Where are you now?"

Li Mingze licked his dry lips "can you guys come to Blueberry Hall?"

(A/N : I was just passing time with my Google assistant she gave me nickname blueberry and frosty... so I used it here haha)

There was a silence as the phone hung up with an "en"

He received a phone call after 10 mins "where are you?"

Li Mingze looked at the waiter who was still kneeling "look at them for a while"

When Li Mingze came back with the four of them. Vincent rubbed his temple "what's going on here? It's like a human trafficking seen."

Li Mingze looked at the big boxes as every box contain two children or an teenager in sitting position. They are still asleep maybe because of the drug effects. He didn't touch them except taking someone's pulse.

Elias took out his phone. "Let me inform my father. He should be ready for this children"

Onyx looked deeply at the fourth men who were beaten badly in side and them looked at the clotted blood in Li Mingze's hand. "What's going on here?"

Li Mingze explained everything that happened. Ian patted his shoulder. "Let's take them to Elias's family hospital first. Then we will talk about the aftermath"

Li Mingze shook his head "No, you guys take them away. I have unfinished business here."

Onyx glared at him "you are going with us or we are staying with you. Choose one"

Li Mingze smiled "is there any third option? I have to deal with insects crawling inside otherwise it will be too late"

Onyx looked at the remaining three "you three take them to the doctors and I will be here with Ace"

They nodded and carried the children out of the boxes. There are total of 4 children and 7 teenagers.

Li Mingze waved at the waiter as he led them to the elevator. He was standing way farther than two of them.

The elevator opened in the top floor as the Manager who maybe  is in his  late 30s looked at them angrily. There was a girl sitting on his lips crying pitifully.
"What are you doing here without performing your tasks and who are these kids?"

The girl covered herself and hid behind them as Li Mingze kicked the manager in his chest. The manager fell down from the chair and looked at them "who are you? Do you who is behind me?"

Li Mingze held his collar and dragged him to the table as he sat on the chair. "Who is behind you? My Arnoult family or that bastard Jack?"

The manager started to tremble "Young lord....Young lord. Spare my life please. This servant have served the Arnoults his whole life. Please spare me. I just fell in illusion for a moment."

Li Mingze slapped him in the face as many footsteps entered the room. "My property is used for your brothel. Bastard, wait for the punishment according the rules of Arnoult family."

One of the man bowed respectfully as he offered the tissue to Li Mingze. Li Mingze wiped his hand that is smeared with blood of this pig. He looked at the girl and sighed. "Go to your home"

He walked out telling the people send by his father "Lock him up in the basement. This lord will come back after taking care of the kids"

The head incharge  bowed "yes, Young lord."

Onyx followed him out but didn't ask him anything "To the hospital?"

Li Mingze nodded as he opened the car door but Onyx stopped him "I will drive"


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