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Li Mingze looked at the screaming fans and looked at onyx helplessly who was smiling  gently at everyone.

He is regretting agreeing to litsen to Fred.

Fred tapped his finger at table "this is a big scandal this time. But we can turn this around. It can be used in our favor. So get ready and move to the shooting area."

Elias fixed his glasses "a restaurant? What are we going to de there"

Fred glared him "you will be doing what you would be asked to do. No more questions. Especially you Ace. Don't make me yell at you. It's your negligence that that bastard took the step against you. Charm is pretty much fighting against us so don't make me worry"

Li Mingze nodded.

Now Li mingze looked himself wearing the cute dress and serving the guests.

"Oh my......its Ace in dress."

"He looks so beautiful. I am so embrassed as a girl."

"Of course, he is such a perfection"

But a rude voice made them frown

"Calm down guys, he is not so great. Just wearing a little dress showing those pale skin....looking like a sissy"

Onyx snapped the chopssticks in his hand. He smiled apologetically "sorry, I'll get you another one miss"

The girl hold her friend's hand "it's okay.. it's okay"

The girls were not really impressed with his rude behavior. The boy signalled Li Mingze "hey you come here..... do your work perfectly if you are doing it"

Li Mingze looked at him as the girls were trying to stop him

"What are you doing. You are embrassing us."

"For godsake's sit down, Harry.  It's embrassing"

Onyx stopped Li Mingze from going ahead "okay sweetheart, let me take care of it. You serve those sweet girls over there"

Li Mingze looked at him and give him a bright smile as the girls took a deep breath from his beauty "okay honey"

"My ship is sailing....oh my God......oh my God"

"This cp is real. Right?"

Onyx asked indifferently "may I take your order please?"

Harry stood up "Man, I asked for that sissy not you. Why are you even here?"

Onyx put down the notebook. "Sorry to say but I have to invite you out"

Harry reached out to grab his collar "who the fuck are you to throw me out. Do you know who I am. Oh yeah...are you fucking that pervert. Well well"

Onyx hold his hand as a loud Crack echoed in the hall. "I don't know who you are but I am going to ban you......and ofcourse I can. This restaurant is my property so I have the last say. No matter if it's Ace or someone else, you don't any right to insult my employees. "

The guard held him "sorry sir. No hard feelings"

Onyx smiled at the girls "okay ladies, what do you like to have"

Li Mingze smiled but this happiness was not for long.

Another scandal broke through that night. The photos hopped photos of Ace sleeping around with different men as per the plot.

Vincent was furious. "Charm has gone too far"

Li Mingze patted his back "it's not charm this time"

Elias frowned "then?"

Li Mingze sneered "the culprit behind the child trafficking case. Don't worry I have enough evidence now. Just wait these matter to blow up"

Onyx hugged him from behind and put his chin on Li Mingze's shoulder "coming out of closet?"

Li Mingze patted the hands circling his waist "en"

Ian yelled miserably "this guys are at this again. I don't want to eat dog food. Going to write songs"

Vincent followed him helplessly.

Okay little fairies, author is angry....author us hurt. Noone wants to play with me guessing the arcs. I am hurt. Wuwuwu🥺

But author loves to spoil you so letting it go.

BTW happy pride month, I was trying to wish you from 2nd June but forgot it somehow while writing...good night sweeties.

Take care of yourself...xoxo...❤


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