Arc 8 : 8.1 : Just for your love

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Li Mingze's face flushed when he opened his eyes. His eyes were full of expectations. "03. Give me the plot."

03 : Yes Host.

Prince Mo ZeXin, the original owner was sent by the Qi Kingdom to Empire Yan as a  spy under the cover of Concubine of the Emperor Yan MuChen. But Emperor Yan was not a fool. He can see the truth easily. But even though he took in original owner and let him stay in the harem. That time the harem was empty and the Ministers were very unhappy with this. The first Concubine of the Emperor was a foreigner. The Empire was quite open minded about the same  sex because there was a rare sex between the males - gers. They are extremely beautiful males who can give birth. The gers were treasured because of their rarity but a small group of people sees them as monsters or weirdo.

Prince Mo Zexin was a ger. But obviously Noone knew about it except his guards and mother. His mother was not favored by the Emperor Qi and he was totally an accident. He didn't have the surname Qi but Mo given by his mother or birth father. They were mocked, tortured by the other Concubines and their child but they persisted in hope. But the hope was gone with their death.

There was an dark red mole on the waist of the little prince. The Concubine knew that if the words went out then his dear son will also be used as a pawn like him. Because of his beauty, he was given to the Emperor by his father and he doesn't want to let his child suffer like him. He became cruel to eat his son suffer as he tattooed a beautiful dark red flower on his waist hiding the small mole.

Even though, Mo Zexin was sent as a pawn after his death. His birth father was killed because he wanted to protect him. Fortunately the dark guards trained by his birth father were their to protect him.

The dark Guards disguised themselves as servants and came to Empire Yan with him. They offered to help him run away but the original owner refused. He acted as a spy because he didn't know that his father was already dead. He wanted to save his birth father.

But he was caught by the royal guards of the Empire and was tied in the dungeon. His dark guards died while protecting him but At this time the most favorable princess of the Empire Qi came here and caught him. She was also beautiful but less than her unfavored brother. She took joy in his pain and added salt ion his wound informing that his father is already dead.

Mo Zexin went crazy that moment. He confessed everything to Emperor Yan and wanted to  bring the Qi Kingdom to the ground. He will let the whole royal family die for his birth father. He wanted to see their death with his own eyes. But that didn't happen. Qi ZiXia, the princess of Empire Qi have already poisoned Emperor Yan. In two days Qi Kingdom attacked and took over the Empire in absence of a ruler.

Difficulty level : ☆☆☆

1. Bring the Qi royal family to death.
2. Save Empire Yan.

Li Mingze touched the mask on his face and sneered. The carriage stopped as his dark guard Ah Qin whispered "Master, we are in the palace of Empire Yan. We still can run away"

Li Mingze removed the curtains of the carriage lightly  "No"

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