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The huge Lion with wing came towards Ming Ze. Kira was surprised. He saw this famous lion in his childhood in the temple. Today's small Tribe was not small for ever. It was a big famous Tribe in past but after his father is killed when they were betrayed by the Moon Tribe, they escaped and made a new lingxin tribe. It was the personal holy guard of the Sovereign. The beast can live a long life of hundreds of year. 

But now this majestic lion is so soft and cuddly in front of a sub beast letting the sub beast groom its fluffy mane. Ming Ze was also very surprised to see a large lion but feeling its soft mane. He can't  control but touch the fluffy beast.

The other holy guards were also very surprised. They never knew that the third holy prince was so close with their captain. At first they thought their captain was here reluctantly following Sovereign's order just to find a lucky sub beast who happened to be favored by the Sovereign. But now they have to scale Mingze's position in the temple again.

"What's your name in this world" Ming Ze asked


"You got memories?"

"Yeah, I have my own mission."

"What is it?"

"To bring the holy prince back safely to the temple"

"Oh who is it? And what is the tenple?" Ming Ze asked curiously

Chen was speechless "it's you. Who else I am here to bring back and what is the temple and who are you? We should talk it about separately. Not now."

Ming ze looked at other group of holy guards who are now petrified after seeing Chen.
"Okay but what should I with them"

Chen passed a evil light in his eyes. For everyone else it's just a game. But for him it's the only way to stimulate Ming Ze's brain cells enough to wake him up in the real world but if he dies here then it will be very hard to wake him up. How can he let them go so easily "Kill them or what?"

"What? Kill them? Do you even know they are? How dare a wild man smitten by this bitch kill the holy guards of holy prince Jack."

Luna screamed seeing her last hope vanishing away from her eyes.

Jion's eyes widened with dread. Is this little fox taking revenge of last night and delivering him to death's door. Chen is the personal guard of Sovereign. He will not think twice before beheading him. He still had a chance to beg for his life but now he can see death standing I  front of him.

"Are you insane? If you want to die then die. Why are you taking me wit you" jion looked at Luna with hatred.

Chen chuckled. " Oh. I dare to kill him and I also dare to kill his holy prince Jack."

Luna was desperate as she stood in front of Jion. It was her last hope as she saw Chen attacking her but a strong light took Jion and Luna away.

Chen frowned but nodded. At least it's a captain of a holy prince. They were given some life saving talisman to save their life in risky moments.

At this time a black panther opened his eyes in a magnificent room and roared "who dared to kill his personal guard."

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