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Yimu, come sit here. I have something to tell you"
Sovereign signalled him to sit. "Ah Ze is coming back, I have send Chen to bring him back. After he comes back, I want you two to marry and take the throne. I am tired now, you can go back "

Yimu's face was indifferent as he looked down and said "As Master wishes"
But there is a gleam of joy in his eyes. But he hid it and left the room. He looked back at the Sovereign with a doubt but left.

On the other side, Ming ze was leaving the LingXin tribe. Chen was glaring at Gino and Fero who have surrounded his mate and Fero was even acting pitiful with Ming Ze.
"Do you really have to go?"

Ming Ze sighed "yes, I have to go back and get what was originally mine"

Chen roared a little indicating it's time to leave. The lingxin tribe is somewhat far away from the temple. Only the big tribe are permitted to settle outside the temple. Ming Ze climbed up on his back and patted. He looked at the tribe "Thank  you for saving  me and letting me stay"

Kira shook his head "it's us who is lucky to have you otherwise my brother would have been died."

Ming Ze smiled. "It's nothing, once I go back I would send someone to teach the medical skills to some of you"

The priest looked at him excitedly. But then he slowly asked "But its the exclusive skill  of the Sovereign....I know that the lord is his Highness holy prince but would the Sovereign allow us to learn it."

Ming ze frowned "Medical skills are something that should be taught in every Tribe otherwise every one will die with evil spirits. If a tribe is attacked and injured then wouldn't the whole Tribe die with the excuse od evil spirits"

Kira looked down "Like my mother died. She was also a snow fox. She was the sister of the leader of snow fox tribe that time. Then both our Tribe were betrayed and they died with evil spirits. Only some of us who were still out of the Tribe are alive and then we build the LingXin tribe here away from the temple."

Ming Ze looked down. He didn't want to recognize relatives when he is leaving but after knowing that Kira might be his cousin in this world. He felt some responsibility towards the LingXin tribe." I should leave now. But I will be back soon."

Chen roared in agreement and flew away with his mighty wings. The guards who came with him are also some special winged beast or birds. Ming Ze held Chen's fluffy mane and realized that the tribe may have his mission. But there is something that is attracting him to go back to the temple.

After a few hours, they were at the temple. The speed of the winged lion beast is said to be fastest among the beast in the continent.

Chen transformed into the human form and walked in with Mingze but a shadow leaped towards them. Chen wanted to stop it but both him and Ming Ze were stunned.

Ming Ze looked at him then he looked at the newcomer. He was almost shocked to death "what's going on?"

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