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Li Mingze didn't receive any answer from 04. He gritted his teeth and looked at the knife. 'I will literally stab that knife in my heart if you don't give a answer. I also want to know how many times you can save me'

04 sighed 'Mu YiChen is your best friend from your world. As for why is he here, I can't tell you that. Don't  be excited so soon. He doesn't remember you, he literally takes himself as the Mu YiChen of this world. Other than this you are not eligible to know anything before you complete a certain numbers of missions.'

Li Mingze closed his eyes in pain and hope 'Can I still go back?'

04 was silent for a while before saying 'Depends upon you'

Li Mingze opened his eyes and looked at Mu YiChen who was leaning back on the sofa comfortably but exhaustion is reflecting in his face. 'What is the mission?'

04 was speechless. He took a deep breath to calm himself down 'you can check your status bar.'

The voice in his head went silent. Li Mingze was still staring at Mu YiChen and decided that he will not let this opportunity go.

At this time Mu YiChen opened his eyes "good looking?"

Li Mingze smiled "very handsome"

Mu YiChen chuckled "then will you go to commit suicide again?"

Li Mingze shook his head "why would I want to die if you are here?"

Mu YiChen stared at him for a while "what can I do? My wife always wants to commit suicide....without me"

Li Mingze smiled and climbed the stairs. He closed the door behind him as his smiled disappeared. The status bar opened in front of him as he read all the plot and the missions.

But what surprised him is that he have already completed 10% of his mission without doing anything. Maybe it's easy because of the world is rated one star.

Li Mingze opened up weibo and saw that the fans were cursing in the comment box. He simply typed a few words.

Li Mingze (V) : let's meet again today at 8 pm.

His post went on the top search with many curse and some support but he didn't care. What he carer about was to finish off Lin Yinuo. A evil smile appeared in his lips. Who is he? Noone knows. For everyone he is just a normal white collar but he is......

Someone knocked at the door that disturbed his thoughts. He switched off the status bar and opened the door to see Mu YiChen. He was quite surprised at first "what are you doing here?"

Mu YiChen smiled gently like he would always smile at Li Mingze back then. "I came to help you move in my room"

Li Mingze felt a huge arrow went through his heart "mo-move with you?"

Mu YiChen leaned on him and whispered in his ear "what can I do? I only have this one wife who always wants to commit suicide. I can't take such risk. My wife should be treasured."

Li Mingze felt his cheeks heating as he looked away "I'll pack up"

But his waist was grabbed by Mu YiChen "everything is available there. You just need to pack yourself"

Li Mingze buried his face in Mu Yichen's neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. Mu YiChen patted his back and carried him to his room.

At this time, somewhere else. A couple was looking at two young man tearfully. The woman was crying "I shouldn't have called him in such hurry"

The man was patting her back "it's okay. They are alright. I just hope that they will be back soon"

The woman looked at the children who grew up to be handsome young man "Xiao Ze, Ah Chen"

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