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Li Mingze brushed back his half length silver hair that revealed his clear green gems eyes. The pale skin can merge with his silver hair but it was beautiful. He took a shower and brush his hair into a little ponytail ahead of his back neck. He opened his wardrobe and frowned. There are few set of rough clothes looking worn out. He checked his phone and sighed with relief  that the original owner have at least received his salary few days ago. He slipped into a pair of white tshirt and light blue jeans. It's Saturday today and the original owner was only getting a little close with the manager without his knowledge. He opened the online shopping site and ordered a few sets of clothes he could wore. But he underestimated the phobia of Huai Mingze. He felt an anxiety and embarrassment building up in his heart as the door bell rang. His hand trembled as he opened the door and peeked out to see a delivery boy who smiled at him and froze after seeing him "Hello...uhhh.....hii....here...here's your delivery s-sir"

A whispering gentle voice came out of his mouth "Thank you"
The door closed as Li Mingze leaned on the door holding the delivery box. The accident touch while receiving the delivery seemed like he was scalded. He have to order a pair of gloves first before going out. Thankfully it was also fast delivery and he didn't take the risk "please leave it by the door"

Li Mingze opened the door after a while and pulled in the little packet. He wore the white gloves which made him feel a little safe. He walked out of the apartment as the old couple greeted him with a smile. Li Mingze smiled at them  difficultly and slipped out. He doesn't received any information about the distant cousin of the queen or contact information of the royal family as he have already lost the expensive phone. He had wore a simple white T shirt with blue jeans and jeans jacket making him look young and refreshed.

He roamed around the neighborhood and familiarized the environment but he didn't know that a pair of eyes were watching him from the top floor in the building. The eyes watched him until he disappeared from his vision. A sighing voice came from the owner of the eyes.

Li Mingze spend some time to change his life and apartment. Of course he wants to move out from this place but he doesn't have enough money for now especially for the tickets to Rosilla and he still needs to wait for the permits.

When Li Mingze came to the office on Monday, he heard gasping sound here and there. He was naturally a timid white lotus but his new temperament and clothes made him a ice beauty. A girl came out of the manager's office. Her eyes were a little teary and avoiding as she murmured "Huai Mingze, Manager Ji is looking for you"

Li Mingze looked up at her and she looked away "oh"

He smiled and went toward the office 'good good. Your big brother was also waiting to meet you'

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