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Li Mingze walked out of the Villa without anyone's knowledge. He just followed his memory and reached the bridge a little distance from the community buildings.

He looked down as he remembered that he used to go on run in morning and rest in the bridge with Mu YiChen. He climbed over the railing and was ready to jump down but the system was prepared this time.


Host is in danger

Calling for emergency

Li Mingze felt his body went stiff. He couldn't force himself to jump down when a hand grabbed him and pulled him back. "We just got married and you are running to commit suicide again and again"

Li Mingze could feel his heart beating crazily. Even if the voice is not same, the feeling is same. But how....how could it be possible? He looked around hastily and saw a handsome face but it's Mu YiChen of this world not his.....best friend.

He looked down in disappointment and wanted to break away from the wild man but he got carried up.

The man carried him to the car and ordered "drive back to the manor"

Li Mingze continued to struggle but he couldn't break away from his so called husband. On the other hand, Mu YiChen was looking at him with a smile on his face. His smile disappeared quickly as it was never there. He dragged Li Mingze to the manor and saw Aunt Yu frowning "Call all the servants here. Noone should be absent."

Aunt Yu bowed with respect and in 5 mins, every servant in the manor followed Aunt Yu out.

Mu YiChen was sitting beside Li Mingze. His eyes swept over the room that made the servants looked down. "This person here is my legal husband. He has same right as me in this manor. But in my absence, you dared to disrespect the owner of the house."

Even Aunt Yu didn't dare to look at the Master of the house. She trembled under Mu Yichen's gaze "Aunt Yu"

Aunt Yu looked at Mu YiChen "Master"

Mu YiChen crossed his legs and leaned back on the sofa. "Come to my study after a while and take your salary. You don't have to come to work from tomorrow"

Aunt Yu knelt down with a thump "Master, I watched you grow up"

Mu YiChen sighed "That's why I still called you aunt. You should retire and let your son look after you"

Aunt Yu realized that she could mver change his decision. She stood up with dignity "Master, I have served you since you are a baby. But I never thought a outsider would succeed in firing me"

Mu Yichen's eyes that were a little gentle turned completely cold "I gave you face because you have served my mother but you don't want any face."

Mu Yichen looked at the remaining servants "you will also received salary tomorrow by the new butler. After that you dont have to come at work.'

The rest of the servants were a little umwilling but they still had to do it.

But Li Mingze was staring at Mu Yichen. '04.....tell me the truth, who is he?'


I am in bad mood since yesterday's morning. I got hurt by something and after that I got my period.

I am really bad tempered and stubborn. Maybe that's why I easily gets emotional and hurt.

I didn't update yesterday because of my mood and this fucking period cramps. My waist and muscle is still in pain due to the period. T.T

I will update once my mood gets better....take care of yourself...xoxo...


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