11. 10

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Jion knelt in front of the black panther in fear "your highness, mercy"

The black panther became a young man with black hair, tanned skin and golden eyes. His body was adorned with black clothes with black gem ornaments. "What happened?"

Jion was both afraid and ashamed "Master. I failed to complete your order. Please forgive me."

"Forgiveness...it's a wonderful word. Sovereign says that the person who can forgive others are great but I never forgives who can't fulfill their expectations. Did you forget how did u became the captain of my holy guards." Jack's golden eyes were indifferent. They had no feelings among them.

But soon a obsessive look came into his eyes "Ming ze...... this little fox is really something. I asked him to be my mate but he refused me without hesitation. Why? If he agreed then he would be the holy queen of the future Sovereign. We could have joined our forces, I would have given him everything he wnated. I loved him so much. If he wanted to be Sovereign I would give up my position.

No...no ...what if after becoming the Sovereign he doesn't need me anymore. This time I would capture him personally. No matter who comes between us I will destroy him Even if Sovereign comes I would kill him.
Hmm okay I don't need you anymore. It's time to change a new captain who can prove his capabilities"

Jion screamed "no master, no. I
...I have a news. I have something to tell you"

Jack raised his eyebrow "okay?"

"Master. Lord Chen have gone to bring back the third holy prince. Here this sub beast can prove it. They were acting quite intimate
Jion pointed at Luna who was petrified.

Jion looked at Luna with a little disgust "another fox? But it's little nothing to Ming Ze."

Luna looked at him with anger "don't compare me with that bitch seducing every beast he....ahhhhhhhhh"

She felt her heart burning as she can't breath. She reached out to grab something desperately when he heard Jack "who do you think Ming ze is? He is a sub beast you can only look up to and you dare to say nonsense about him. I would never allow some lowlife sub beast to insult a holy prince.  He will always  remain the rarest pure snow fox sitting above you"

Luna couldn't believe she died just because she insulted Ming Ze. Even Jion was shocked.

"Mas...Master . If he is so holy in your heart then why would you let me kill him."

"What? I never ordered you to kill him. What I said was to kill his holy guards and capture him back to me. You actually tried to kill him." Jack's indifferent eyes were filled with rage. His golden eyes became crimson red as jion was just burned to ashes before he can even struggle.

The black panther took its animal shape and started to tear apart the magnificent room.

But a little bird shook its head and flew over to the next castle and flew into another magnificent room. It became a giant eagle with sharp eyes. "My brother is going to suffer under this maniac this time. What actually happened?"

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