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After treating Fion, Ming ze was exhausted. "He may have a fever soon, the priest can treat it. The leader don't have to worry anymore. Let him rest for a few weeks and he will be alright"

Kira was very grateful to this sub beast who is new to his Tribe. He can't wait to worship as a God if he is not afraid of wrath of the gods. "Thank you"

Ming Ze don't know where to rest but fortunately Gino and Fero was there to lead him to his new clean cave.

Fero's eyes were full of worship. But he was disappointed when Ming ze asked them to leave "let me sleep. I can't sleep with someone here."

Gino dragged away Fero who was unwilling but can't stay without Ming Ze's permission.

Ming Ze's cave was very clean. He slept on the soft fur bed but there is a tear drop in the corner of his eyes.

According to Ming Ze, Fion developed a fever at night but the priest took care of him as he observed the stitches with a complex emotions. He was a low level priest in the temple of Sovereign. He never saw the Sovereign who can do miracles and save beasts from evil spirits. There are some holy princes learning directly from the Sovereign who are protected by their own team of mighty knights. It was said that the Sovereign would choose one of the holy prince as the next Sovereign.

Then he was sent to this low Tribe who requested for a priest from the Sovereign.

When Ming ze was sleeping peacefully, Luna was desperate to take revenge. She slipped out of the Tribe and became a red fox. She started to dash toward the nearest Tribe which is called Moon Tribe whose queen is her mother.

But before she can enter, she was caught by the patrolling guards. There was a surprise in their eyes, there are many charming red fox in the Tribe but this red fox has a different charm.  One of them licked his lips "you are not a fox of my tribe. Who are you?"

Luna took human form "I want to meet my mother"

The guards looked at each other. They are more surprised by her human form. " Who is your mother?"

Luna was proud of her identity as she said " My mother is your queen. How dare you guards look at me?"

The guards snickered while looking each other. "Follow us"

Luna smiled proudly and followed behind them arrogantly but she never thought that from this moment she will live miserably just because she wanted to have revenge.

Luna was led to a big cave  which was clean and bright. You can see little white and red flowers blooming under the cave. Luna originally hated his father very much but now she hated him even more. This cave could have been her but she lived in a dirty stinking cave all her life.

"Mother, your daughter is here too meet you"

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