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The light was switched off without any warning as Jiang Shu sat down on the couch with her leg crossed on each other.  She sipped the juice calmly and started to throw down the things near her hand.

When the hooligans contacted by He Yingying broke down the door. The room was in complete chaos. Jiang Shu was calmly sipping her wine as she looked at them with calm eyes but her eyes went cold when she saw this familiar faces. She let the glass of wine fell in the ground. The wine spilled out on the carpet. A smile was playing on her lips when the leader of the hooligans had a bad feeling.

One of them slapped Jiang shu as he clenched her hair tightly "bitch. What happened here"

Jiang Shu have already suffered more torment than this. She don't even know how many days she was tortured in that basement, maybe months or years. A blood stream flew out of her mouth as the man threw her in the shattered glasses.

But She looked at clock and fainted on the glass. She was grateful to Li Mingze. If it was her then she would have ran away because in her previous life, Jiang Ze have gone to class union and She was alone with Jiang Ye in the manor. She and her child was kidnapped and it was not long before she heared that Jiang Ye was killed.

She planned to hide today without any connection but Li Mingze asked her if she could withstand some pain. She doesn't know how her brother came to know about the plan. If her brother is reborn too but she believed him. She said Yes.

When Jiang Shu opened her eyes , her gaze fell on Li Mingze who was talking with doctor. "Ah Ze"

Li Mingze looked at Jiang Shu in distress. He didnt tell her to get hurt to this extent. He looked at the doctor as the doctor went out. He said lightly "Sister, you didnt have to get hurt so....much"

Jiang Shu smiled "dont worry, this pain is nothing. Are they arrested?"

Li Mingze nodded "yes, dont worry. She will also be arrested soon"

He came out and wanted to lighta cigrette but its a hospital. She supressed the itch in his heart.

Li Mingze leaned on the wall and looked down dijectedly as he felt something surrounding him. A whisper sounded in her ear "its not your fault"

Li Mingze nodded. "I know. You take care of Ah Yu."

The feeling of being embrassed was gone. He wanted to go out to smoke but his gaze fell on the gorgeous figure entering hastily. A interest flashed in his eyes. He followed his so called biological mother.

He YingYing was yelling at the doctor. "Are you sure its a girl? Not a boy?"

The doctor was displeased "Madam, I have told you already that its a girl."

He YingYing held her head and bit her lips angrily "I wnat abortion..now....right now"


He YingYing froze. He looked at Li Mingze stiffly "Xiao Ze?"

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