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Everyone looked at the bed. Li Mingze wiped the blood in his lips as he smiled evily at the fourth prince who was clenching his bleeding hand. Mu Chen and the secret guards pushed away everyone from the way and went towards Li Mingze. Li Mingze hugged Mu Chen "okay....This prince have wronged wangfei"

Mu Chen shook his head "its my duty to assist your highness"

Emperor and Empress were stunned to see them talking lovingly. Empress pointed her finger at Mu Chen "Ah ze, don't believe her. She tried to poison you."

Li Mingze laughed out "No. She didn't."

Emperor frowned as Li Mingze sipped the water poured by Mu Chen and spitted out a lot of red liquid.
Li Mingze whistled as another group surrounded Imperial physician Shi, Concubine Shi, Third prince, fourth prince and their men. "Well, fourth brother, it's not possible that this prince will see as you dares to touch our wangfei. Well this prince will come back to you later"

He looked at the Emperor. "Forgive this unfilial son, Imperial father. This son made father Emperor worried."

Emperor held him from kneeling "what's going on here? Zhen can't understand anything"

Li Mingze let the royal couple sit. "Let this son start from the beginning. I was never poisoned with bone erosion poison by Concubine Yu. Because Concubine Yu was pregnant that time. Concubine Shi framed her with Imperial physician Shi and only poisoned me with a rare poison that would not kill me but weakened my body little by little. She put the bone erosion poison in Royal Concubine's room and Imperial physician Shi  told everyone this son was poisoned with bone erosion as no other physician could see what happened to us. You ordered to put her in death. She died without a chance to tell you that she is innocent just like wangfei was going to be executed a few moments ago if I didn't wake up..."

Li Mingze looked at Imperial physician Shi "Imperial physician Shi would poison me every time he came to gave me the medicine to stop the poison from flaring up. That's why this son was so weak. But they decided to take the last step when wangfei was married to this son as they were afraid of any heir. They poisoned me with a medicine of.....impotence. but they didn't stop here... they poisoned this son with the thousands purple flower poison in the name of antidote but never in their dream they thought this son knows everything and waiting for them. "

His majesty frowned "but Imperial physician Shi is the discipline of former head Imperial physician. Why would he agree to help them"

Li Mingze chuckled "because Imperial physician Shi and Concubine Shi are siblings. Father Emperor must remember that shi family had an illegitimate son hidden"

His majesty ordered "Lock them in dungeon separately."

Li Mingze shook his head "wait I am not finished. There is more into it. There is two more people involved in it"

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