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Li Mingze walked down as he saw the gorgeous figure flirting with the middle aged man. His eyes revealed a disgust emotion but he covered it up. "Father, mum"

Jiang Qi looked at his only son with smile "sit here"

Li Mingze sat on his seat but didn't started to eat like them. His so called mother He Yingying asked "why aren't you eating honey m?"

Li Mingze smiled as he saw the little figure trotting to him followed by Jiang Shu. "Just waiting for my baby"

He helped Jiang Yu to sit in the chair and arranged the napkin in his lap. "Let me feed you. Okay?"

Jiang Yu nodded cutely. But He Yingying slammed her spoon on the table "honey. It's your home. You don't have to take care of that bastard"

Li Mingze's eyes were cold. He adjusted his glasses and looked at He Yingying "He is my son....right father?"

Jiang Qi was a little uncomfortable as he nodded "...yes"

He looked at Jiang Shu to change the topic "you should be grateful that your brother took care of the mess you made"

Jiang Shu didn't look up. She was sitting far away from Jiang Qi but closest to Li Mingze. Li Mingze can see the hate and anger in her eyes. His lips curved up with smile as he looked at Ji Chen "Butler Chen, serve me food"

Ji Chen stepped forward "yes young master"

Li Mingze looked at him serving and said "Father, I'll go back to my apartment today. Let me take away Butler Chen. I happened to like him very much"

He Yingying's eyes twitched "but......you should stay here with us..."

Li Mingze shook his head "No, I shouldn't interrupt your lovey Dovey times'

Jiang Qi patted He YingYing "Don't be upset, our son is sensible"

He YingYing nodded. She said sadly "then take some maid with the butler."

Li Mingze could understand her worries. She wanted him to have his own son rather than raising her stepdaughter blood so she could have the heir of Jiang family of her own blood.
"No. Butler Chen is enough"

He Yingying clenched her first under the table but her face still maintained the sweet smile.

Jiang Qi looked at Ji Chen "You are the new Butler hired few days ago. I don't know about your work values but you are going to work for Ah ze from now...."

Li Mingze interrupted him "yes, butler chen you are going to work for me. So you should call me master as ill be paying your salary."

Ji Chen smiled "yes Master"

He looked at Jiang Qi "I'll be keeping this in my mind, Old master"

Li Mingze answered back to Jiang Shu "pack up, you are going with Me"

He Yingying took a glance at Jiang Shu with hateful eyes "you should take care of my little baby otherwise ....."

Jiang Shu looked up and stared at He Yingying.

He Yingying felt a sense of eerie. She stopped talking and continued to eat ignoring the rest of them.

But when she looked at them leaving the manor from her room through the window. She threw the vase beside her hand to the ground "Jiang Ze, you better be obedient otherwise ill not hesitate to change you even if you are my son."

She looked at the papers on the table and patted her flat belly "baby, you are now mother's hope. If big brother is not obedient then you have to complete your mother's hope."

Her eyes were full of schemes but she became a sweet wife again when Jiang Qi entered the room.

On the other hand, Li Mingze was staring at Ji Chen who was driving the car. He didn't tease him as Jiang Shu and Jiang Yu are in the car but he just wanted to look at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen took a deep breath and continued to drive before he looses control.

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