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Li Mingze was walking along a very familiar yet unfamiliar road. He looked at the phone then to the truck coming towards him. But the flashing light opened a door towards him. "AH CHEN....."

when he opened his eyes, he was  lying on Zephyr's arms who hugged him more tightly and kept whispering to him. "I am here....I am here."

Li Mingze looked at his messy appearance and felt guilty. "Ah Chen."

Zephyr opened his eyes and was shocked to see him open his eyes. "I am not dreaming right?"

Li Mingze looked at him confusedly when a cough made him look around as he saw his mother Anna.

Anna smiled "you have been asleep for a month after accepting the inheritance. Your  body need a good rest now and your mate also needs to sleep. He.....sigh*. I don't know what to say about him."

Samuel hugged her shoulder "dont worry. You are all right."

Li Mingze sat up holding his dizzy head as Zephyr continued to support him. "Yeah....now I know what happened"

Samuel sighed "it's all my fault. I couldn't make him believe me."

Li Mingze shook his head. "No....Jen was his brother. It's not  surprising that Augustin believed him."

Samuel smiled bitterly. "Jen wanted to use my....no now its your..... he wanted to use the golden heart to summon the dragon ancestor and break the spritual contract made to protect both the human and the dragon. I don't know why and this secret went to grave with him. At least you are okay"

Anna added "and it's very fortunate that scyla....she digged out the heart in instead of demanding you to offer it. Otherwise you would have turned to ash that time. It's very Fortunate."

Samuel looked at Zephyr "your father is waiting outside for you. You have to take over the throne now. "

Zephyr shook his head "I can't leave Ah z....Shadow here. He is still very weak."

Samuel smiled "He is going with you. Do you know that our ancestor's mate was also a human. They made the contract to save the world from destruction. Now you both have to carry it from now."

Li Mingze nodded. Now he know it all after accepting the inheritance and even know that the ancestor and his mate were supposed to be Shadow and Zephyr's previous life.

"Okay then..." Zephyr nodded reluctantly.

Mission completed.

I confessed to my crush.....

He said that I am his best friend and not to think about it but.....I miss him too much and my love for him is blooming as days are passing. He is so cuteeeeeee (>~<)

But I know that I can't force him to love me. So I don't know if I should leave or wait. I wanted to leave but I couldn't.

And....I kissed him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He doesn't know why we kissed and he said that he doesn't regret it but we should stay as friend.


but I am not losing hope yet. I am still chasing him. Wish me luck angels.


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