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The little Eunuch frowned. Does this princess not know any etiquette. "Princess Qi would be resting here. This servant will seek permission from her ladyship and his Highness before informing you. Excuse his servant."

Qi Zixia gritted her teeth as she saw them leaving her with her attendants. "Impudent.......such impudence. I'll kill every one once I takes over the throne"

Her favorite attendant coaxed "your highness, don't be angry. He is brainless......."



Li Mingze was sitting beside the Great Empress. Great Empress looked at him with more love. She told her maids to bring his favorite snacks in and let him eat it patiently and chat with her.

The little Eunuch whispered to him and  stood behind him. The great Empress didn't mind "what happened, Ah Ze?"

Li Mingze smiled "A fly is roaming in the  back palace wanting to meet us"

The Great Empress signalled him to continue and then waves her head maid to pour warm water to Li Mingze. It's much colder than before.

Li Mingze looked at the little Eunuch who bowed to the Great Empress  and told her everything "Presumptuous. Who does she thinks she is?"

The Great Empress looked at Li Mingze and her tone softened a little "Ah Ze, I am letting her go for you. Teach her some manners otherwise next time wouldn't be so merciful"

"Mother....we are not close. It doesn't matter if you punish her" Li Mingze hugged the warm fur coat.

Great Empress laughed and pinched his soft cheeks which is now more chubby than before because of his pregnancy.  "It because Aijia is giving you face not because you are close with her otherwise other would say that Aijia doesn't like you."

Li Mingze chuckled showing a cute dimple on his chubby cheeks "We know....Mother loves Ah Ze most"

Great Empress smiled eye to eye.  "Naughty child. Going to be a father but still acts like a child"

When Li Mingze came out from Great Empress's side palace, he saw Yan MuChen waiting for him "husband~"

Yan MuChen  stroke away the disobedient hairs from Li Mingze's forhead and flicked it softly "okay, husband is here to take you home"

Li Mingze hugged his arm and walked side by side. His belly was not flat anymore but wearing more clothes because of  cold weather makes his belly look normal. Yan MuChen lead him back to the main palace slowly. The path which would take 15 minutes at most took 25 minutes to reach their room.

"Ah Ze, I don't want to see that girl in the palace. Her attendant actually proposed a marriage to me. You kick her out. I don't care how you are going to do it"
Yan Muchen said seriously.

But Li Mingze laughed crazily. "Haha....seems Your majesty is acting childish with me...haha"

Yan MuChen rubbed his waist helplessly. "Baby, don't be like this."

Li Mingze wiped the tear drops from the corner of his eyes because of laughing too much "okay don't worry, I will take care of her tomorrow. You just don't give her a chance tomorrow to speak. Okay?"

Yan MuChen nodded and patted his back "okay"

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